Title Reforme mirovinskog sustava u Poljskoj
Title (english) Pension system reforms in Poland
Author Marko Jančikić
Mentor Bojana Olgić Draženović (mentor)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-09-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Mirovinski sustavi okarakterizirani su s nekoliko značenja. U ekonomskom smislu predstavljaju enormne izdatke koji utječu na javne financije pa se javlja konstantna problematika u njihovu financiranju. Sa socijalnog aspekta promatraju se kao egzistencija svakog čovjeka, a u političkom smislu umirovljenici čine neizostavni dio glasačkog tijela kada je riječ o parlamentarnim izborima. Međutim, kako je riječ i o neformalnom zbrinjavanju starijih i nemoćnih, mirovinski je sustav moguće promatrati i sa moralnog te demokratskog aspekta. Sva se ta značenja interpretiraju kao izazovi pri funkcionalnom održavanju mirovinskog sustava. S istim izazovima suočava se i Poljska koja je nakon radikalnih reformi 1999. godine mirovinski sustav „zamijenila“ kapitaliziranim mirovinama, odnosno individualnim mirovinskim štednjama koje se financiraju doprinosima osiguranika kapitaliziranim u privatnim mirovinskim fondovima Godine 2008. dogodila se globalna financijska kriza koja je poremetila financijska tržišta i stope prinosa na investicije iz mirovinskih fondova koje su dramatično pale. To je u Poljskoj pokrenulo raspravu o reformi reforme iz 1999. godine i rezultiralo smanjenjem stope doprinosa financiranom stupu sa 7,3% na 2,3% početkom svibnja 2011. godine. Uz jednu od najznačajnijih reformi mirovinskih sustava u Poljskoj, postoji mnoštvo čimbenika koji su utjecali na stvaranje trenutnog sustava, ali i na reforme koje tek slijede.
Obzirom da su u današnjici aktualne mirovinske reforme koje se manifestiraju u raznim kombinacijama, postoje sustavi s nekoliko mirovinskih stupova koji funkcioniraju prema različitim režimima prikupljanja i raspodjele sredstava. Sukladno navedenom, i vodeći se fundamentalnom tematikom rada, kroz rad će eksplicirati mirovinski sustav Poljske s naglaskom na reforme mirovinskog sustava nakon financijske krize 2008./2009. godine.
Abstract (english) Pension systems are characterized by several meanings. In economic terms, they represent enormous expenditures that affect public finances and raise ongoing problems in their financing. From a social point of view, they are viewed as the existence of every human being, and in political sense, retirees are an indispensable part of the voting body when it comes to parliamentary elections. However, as it is also about informal care for the elderly and infirm, the peace system can be viewed with both moral and democratic aspects. All meanings are interpreted as challenges to the functional maintenance of the peace system. It faces the same challenges in Poland, which, after radical reforms in 1999, replaced the capitalist pension program after the radical reforms of 1999, that is, the individual pension savings that financed the contributions of secured capital in a private pension fund. In 2008, and the global financial crisis distorted financial markets and rates of return on investments from peace funds that were dramatically fading. To launch in Poland the spread of the 1999 reform reforms and result in a reduction in the contribution rate to the financial pillar from 7.3% to 2.3% in early May 2011. In addition to one of the most significant reforms of the peace system in Poland, there are many factors that have influenced the “current” system as well as the reforms that are still to come.
You see that the current peace reforms, manifested in various combinations, are the current systems with several peace pillars operating in relation to the regime of fundraising and allocation regimes. Suitable visitors, and the leading core thematic work through the work, will explicate Poland's peace system with a focus on reforming the peace system after the 2008/2009 financial crisis.
mirovinski sustav
mirovinske reforme
mirovinski fondovi
financijska i ekonomska kriza
Keywords (english)
pension system
pension reforms
pension funds
financial and economic crisis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:502698
Study programme Title: Business economics; specializations in: Finance and Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Management, Finance and Banking, Marketing, International Business, IT Business Course: International Business Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2021-02-09 14:34:26