Title Pilot investicije u energetsku učinkovitost realizirane u Hrvatskoj kroz projekte sufinancirane programom transnacionalne suradnje Središnja Europa
Title (english) Pilot investments in the field of energy efficiency implemented in Croatia through projects co-financed by the Interreg Central Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme
Author Matija Vajdić
Mentor Ljubomir Majdandžić (mentor)
Committee member Saša Žiković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljubomir Majdandžić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nela Vlahinić Lenz (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Europska teritorijalna suradnja, poznatija kao Interreg, jedna je od dva cilja kohezijske politike za razdoblje od 2014. do 2020. godine. Osnovna je ideja da se na odgovarajućoj administrativno-teritorijalnoj razini smanji negativan utjecaj granica te da se promovira društveno-gospodarska kohezija. Republika Hrvatska u periodu od 2014. do 2020. godine prvi puta može punopravno sudjelovati u sva tri dijela europske teritorijalne suradnje. Projekti analiziran u ovom seminarskom radu financirani su programom transnacionalne suradnje Središnja Europa u kojem Republika Hrvatska od 2014. godine prvi puta sudjeluje.
Završnim radom na temu pilot investicija u energetsku učinkovitost sufinanciranih programom transnacionalne suradnje Središnja Europa napravljena je analiza dijela projekata provedenih u razdoblju od 2014. do 2020. godine u Republici Hrvatskoj. Četiri pilot investicije provedene su u Čakovcu, Karlovcu, Splitu i Zagrebu te predstavljaju tipske primjere pilot investicija koje se mogu financirati transnacionalnim programima. Tematski su investicije podijeljene u dvije skupine gdje se prva odnosi na pilot investiciju u sustave daljinskog očitanja potrošnje energije i vode (projekti TOGETHER i ENERGY@SCHOOL), a druga skupina se odnosi na pilot investicije u sustav suvremene LED rasvjete (projekti CitiEnGov i Dynamic Light).
Kroz projekt TOGETHER, osam partnera iz sedam zemalja intenzivno je radilo sa javnim sektorom u odabranim regijama središnje Europe kako bi javni službenici bolje upravljali potrošnjom energije i vode u zgradama javnog sektora. Projektom su izvedene i pilot investicije kroz koje su partneri projekta implementirali sustave daljinskog očitanja potrošnje energije i vode u sedamdeset zgrada javnog sektora. Dio pilot investicija je i ugradnja takvih sustava u jedanaest zgrada škola i vrtića u vlasništvu grada Zagreba.
Cilj projekta ENERGY@SCHOOL bio je jačanje kapaciteta javnog sektora u sustavu školstva gdje je dvanaest partnera središnje Europe integralnim pristupom educiralo osoblje škole kao i same učenike kako sustavno gospodariti energijom. Tijekom projekta izvedeno je i osam pilot investicija u sustav praćenja potrošnje energije i vode te je tom investicijom obuhvaćeno i pet škola u gradu Karlovcu.
Investicija u modernizaciju javne rasvjete na području Bačvica u gradu Splitu u sklopu projekta CitiEnGov izvedena je 2018. godine. Modernizacijom sustava rasvjete obuhvaćeno je osamdeset rasvjetnih stupova sa osamdeset i dvije svjetiljke kojima je moguće pojedinačno
upravljati. Centralnim sustavom daljinski se može upravljati svim svjetiljkama, a istim se prikupljaju i podaci o trenutnoj potrošnji energije.
U sklopu projekta Dynamic Light provedena je investicija u obnovu sustava javne rasvjete uz prometnice koje okružuju najuži gradski centar u Čakovcu. Sustav obuhvaća zamjenu sto šezdeset postojećih rasvjetnih tijela sa sto pedeset novih LED svjetiljki te dva seta senzora koji prate atmosferske prilike (zamagljenost, kišu i sl.), a kojim se uz centralni informacijski sustav može regulirati rasvijetljenost samih prometnica.
Završnim se radom želi naglasiti važnost učinka poluge jer većina pilot investicija provedenih kroz transnacionalne programe na regionalnoj razini potiče značajne investicije u energetsku učinkovitost što je prikazano u nastavku završnog rada.
Abstract (english) European Territorial Cooperation (ETC), known as Interreg, is one of the two goals of cohesion policy for the period from 2014 to 2020. The main goal is to tackle common challenges identified jointly in the border regions and exploit the untapped growth potential in border areas while enhancing the cooperation process for the purposes of the overall harmonious development of the Union. For the first time the Republic of Croatia can fully participate in all three parts of the ETC. The projects analysed in this seminar paper are co-funded by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE, in which the Republic of Croatia has been participating since 2014.
The final thesis presents the analysis of pilot-investments co-financed by the Interreg Central Europe Programme in the period 2014-2020 in Croatia. Four analysed pilot investments, representing the typical examples of pilot investments co-financed by ETC Programmes, were implemented in Čakovec, Karlovac, Split and Zagreb. Thematically, the investments are divided into two groups; the first group refers to pilot investments in automatic energy and water meter reading devices (projects TOGETHER and ENERGY@SCHOOL) and the second group refers to pilot investments in a modern LED lighting system (projects CitiEnGov and Dynamic Light).
During the TOGETHER project implementation eight partners from seven countries worked intensively with the public sector in the selected Central European regions to help civil servants manage energy and water consumption in public sector buildings better. The project also carried out pilot investments through which the project partners implemented automatic energy and water meter reading devices in seventy public sector buildings. Part of the pilot investment was the installation of such systems in eleven school and kindergarten buildings owned by the City of Zagreb.
The goal of the ENERGY@SCHOOL project was to strengthen the capacities of the public sector in the education system, where twelve Central European partners educated school staff as well as students themselves how to manage energy and water systematically. During the project, eight pilot investments were made in the energy and water consumption monitoring system, and this investment also included five schools in the city of Karlovac.
The pilot investment in the modernization of public lighting system in the Bačvice area of the city of Split was finalized in 2018 as part of the CitiEnGov project. The modernization of the
lighting system includes eighty lighting poles with eighty-two LED lamps that can be operated individually. The central monitoring system is being used to remotely control each individual luminaire, and it also gathers various technical data as for example energy consumption.
As part of the Dynamic Light project, a pilot investment was made in the renovation of the public lighting system along the roads surrounding the city centre of Čakovec. The system includes the replacement of one hundred and sixty existing lighting fixtures with one hundred and fifty new LED lamps and two sets of sensors that monitor atmospheric conditions (fog, rain, etc.), which with the central monitoring system can regulate the illumination of roads.
The final thesis aims to emphasize the importance of the pilot investments aiming to leverage green energy spending. Most pilot investments carried out through ETC programs encourage significant investments in energy efficiency at the regional level, which is shown in the continuation of this thesis.
kohezijska politika Europske unije
europska teritorijalna suradnja
ekonomija s niskom razinom emisije ugljika
energetska učinkovitost
pilot investicije
Keywords (english)
Cohesion policy of the European Union
European Territorial Cooperation
Low-carbon Economy
Energy efficiency
Pilot investments
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:929869
Study programme Title: Energy Economics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomije energetskog sektora (sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomije energetskog sektora)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-03-11 17:42:31