Abstract | U ovom radu bavim se pregledom i analizom provedbe i financiranja projekata energetske obnove zgrada javne namjene kroz sustav EU fondova uz osvrt na potencijalne i stvarne probleme te korake koje je potrebno napraviti za uspješnu provedbu navedenih projekata.
Od 2016. godine obnova javnih zgrada financira se iz fondova Europske unije u sklopu operativnog programa Konkurentnost i kohezija, te je kroz više Poziva na dostavu ponuda dodijeljeno oko 1,5 milijardi kuna za energetsku obnovu 871 zgrade. Predstavljene su i ostale mogućnosti financiranja projekata energetske obnove, strategija Renovacijski val za EU koja uključuje ozelenjivanje zgrada, njen doprinos energetskoj tranziciji i dekarbonizaciji, ali i poboljšanje života stanovnika i korisnika zgrada te otvaranje radnih mjesta i doprinos gospodarskom razvoju EU. Na kraju rada predstavljen je i novi višegodišnji financijski okvir (proračun EU za razdoblje 2021. – 2027.) kojem je glavni cilj uspostaviti mehanizme za sveobuhvatan oporavak prostora Europske unije nakon krize uzrokovane globalnom pandemijom.
Cilj rada bio je na razumljiv i pristupačan način prikazati sustav upravljanja i kontrole nad sredstvima Europske Unije namijenjenim za poticanje integralne obnove zgrada javne namjene, utvrditi učinkovitost sustava i analizirati uspješnost provedenih natječaja.
Nakon provedene analize utvrđeno je da je sustav nedovoljno fleksibilan u dinamičnim projektima koji uključuju više ili manje složeno izvođenje radova na energetskoj obnovi: kroz rad je predstavljeno i obrazloženo nekoliko problema s kojima se susreću s jedne strane institucije koje provode i upravljaju obnovom (posrednička tijela), a s druge strane korisnici bespovratnih sredstava i potencijalni prijavitelji (investitori). Unatoč problemima i preprekama, iz provedene analize je vidljivo da je u svakom novom natječaju sve veći udio uspješnih prijavitelja i, što je još važnije, konstantno vrlo visok udio uspješno provedenih i završenih projekta.
Zaključak je da sustav u pravilu funkcionira i s vremenom postaje sve učinkovitiji. Usprkos tome, jasno je da će se potencijalni projekti energetske obnove zgrada javne namjene u sljedećem financijskom razdoblju susretati uglavnom s istim preprekama kao i dosad (npr. nedostatak vlastitih financijskih sredstava, nedostatak radne snage u građevinskom sektoru, stihijsko objavljivanje javnih poziva na obnovu s dugim stankama između što uzrokuje nestabilnost na tržištu) i koje će dodatno biti potencirane zbog krize izazvane pandemijim, a u
slučaju Hrvatske još i posljedicama potresa. Bit će potrebno ojačati provedbene kapacitete i svakako podići učinkovitost sustava (prije svega posredničkih tijela), a s druge strane na nacionalnoj i lokalnoj razini razraditi prihvatljive modele financiranja vlastitog udjela u troškovima energetske obnove jer bez zatvorene financijske konstrukcije projekata neće biti moguće iskoristiti ni dostupna sredstava Europske unije. |
Abstract (english) | In this paper I deal with the review and analysis of the implementation and financing of energy renovation projects of public buildings through the system of EU funds with reference to potential and actual problems and steps that need to be taken for the successful implementation of these projects.
Since 2016, the renovation of public buildings has been financed from EU funds under the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion, and through several Calls for Proposals, around HRK 1.491 billion has been allocated for the energy renovation of 871 buildings. Other possibilities for financing energy renovation projects were presented, as well as the EU Renovation Wave strategy, which includes greening buildings, their contribution to energy transition and decarbonisation, but also improving the lives of residents and building users and creating jobs and contributing to EU economic development. At the end of the paper, a new multiannual financial framework (EU budget for the period 2021-2027) was presented, the main goal of which is to establish mechanisms for a comprehensive recovery of the European Union after the crisis caused by the global pandemic.
The aim of the paper was to present in a comprehensible and accessible way the system of management and control of European Union funds intended to encourage the integral renovation of public buildings, to determine the effectiveness of the system and to analyze the success of tenders.
After the analysis, it was found that the system is insufficiently flexible in dynamic projects that involve more or less complex execution of energy renovation works: the paper presents and explains several problems encountered on the one hand by institutions implementing and managing reconstruction (intermediate bodies) and, on the other hand, grant beneficiaries and potential applicants (investors). Despite the problems and obstacles, the analysis shows that in each new tender there is an increasing share of successful applicants and, more importantly, a constantly very high share of successfully implemented and completed projects.
The conclusion is that the system usually works and becomes more efficient in time. Nevertheless, it is clear that potential energy renovation projects for public buildings in the next financial period will face mostly the same obstacles as before (eg lack of own financial resources, lack of labor in the construction sector, spontaneous announcement of public calls for renovation with long breaks between which causes market instability), which will be further
exacerbated by the pandemic crisis and, in the case of Croatia, the aftermath of the earthquake. It will be necessary to strengthen the implementation capacities and certainly increase the efficiency of the system (intermediary bodies), and on the other hand at the national and local level to develop acceptable models of financing their share in energy renovation costs because without closed financial construction of projects it will not be possible to use available EU funds. |