Title Upravljanje projektom Air Berlin
Title (english) Air Berlin project management
Author Mirela Perković
Mentor Luka Samaržija (mentor)
Committee member Luka Samaržija (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zdravko Zekić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Čičak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Projekt je organizacijski model realizacije inovativnih poduzetničkih pothvata, a
njegove temeljne značajke su: vremenska ograničenost, cilj mora biti jedinstven,
inovativnost organizacije, ograničenost resursa, rizik, strateški pomak, sveobuhvatnost
transformacije. Poduzeće se osniva, razvija i nestaje pomoću projekta.
Pojam projektnog menadžmenta počeo se koristiti u zadnjih desetak godina sve više.
Projektni menadžment osigurava sva potrebna sredstva da bi se uspješno realizirao.
Pojam vođenja je pridobivanje ljudi za izvršenje radnih zadataka u poduzeću. Kako bi
se oblikovala projektna organizacijska struktura u poduzeću potrebno je donijeti
sljedeće odluke, prva je kako povezati projekt sa postojećom organizacijskom
strukturom, a druga kakva će biti organizacijska struktura projekta. Voditelji projekta i
svi članovi projektnog tima imaju zadatak donošenja odluke i kontroliranje izvršenja tih
odluka. Otvaranjem novog poslovanja i ulaskom u svijet poduzetnika donosi određene
rizike, a pokretanje vlastitog biznisa sa sobom nosi i neke nedostatke poput:
nesigurnosti stvaranja profita, rizik gubitka uloženog kapitala, naporan rad,
nemogućnost definiranja radnog, stres i slično.
Poduzeće Rokoko bavi se proizvodnjom visoko modernih kolekcija, kako na domaćem
tako i na inozemnom tržištu. U diplomskom radu govori se o projektu u kojem se
proizvode visoko kvalitetna odijela za pilote kompanije Air Berlin. Prikazana je
struktura ulaganja, prihodi i rashodi poslovanja te osnovni pokazatelji isplativosti
projekta te kako uvođenje novih proizvoda i tehnologija može utjecati na proširenje
poslovanja u budućnosti.
Abstract (english) The project is an organizational model for the implementation of innovative
entrepreneurial ventures and its basic features are time constraints, the goal must be
unique, organizational innovation, limited resources, risk, strategic shift,
comprehensiveness of transformation. The company is founded by a ravi and disappears
through a project.
The term project management has become more widely used in the last ten years.
Project management provides all the necessary resources to be successfully
implemented. The concept of leadership is getting people to perform work tasks in the
company. In order to shape the project organizational structure in the company, it is
necessary to make the following decisions, the first is how to connect the project with
the existing organizational structure, and the second what will be the organizational
structure of the project. Project managers and all members of the project team have the
task of making decisions and controlling the execution of those decisions. By opening a
new business and entering the world of entrepreneurs, it brings certain risks. Starting
your own business brings with it some disadvantages such as the uncertainty of making
a profit, the risk of losing invested capital, hard work, the inability to define work, stress
and the like.
The Rokoko company is engaged in the production of high-modern collections, both on
the domestic and foreign markets. This paper will discuss a project in which highquality
suits for Air Berlin pilots are produced. The structure of investments, operating
revenues and expenditures and basic indicators of project profitability will be presented.
As well as how the introduction of new products and technologies can affect the
expansion of business in the future.
projektni menadžment
isplativost projekta
novi proizvodi i tehnologije
Keywords (english)
project management
project profitability
new products and technologies
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:954103
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Finance and Banking, Entrepreneurship, Management, Finance and Accounting, Marketing, International Business, IT Business, International Business IT Business Course: Entrepreneurship Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-11-12 12:54:51