Title Ekonomska evaluacija planskih ulaganja operatora distribucijskog sustava
Title (english) Economic evaluation of planned investments of distribution system operators
Author Martina Biondić
Mentor Vitomir Komen (mentor)
Committee member Nela Vlahinić Lenz (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vitomir Komen (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Saša Žiković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-05-31, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Distribucija električne energije – temeljna djelatnost operatora distribucijskog sustava je tradicionalno djelatnost planiranja, izgradnje i vođenja pogona mreže bazirane na dugoročnim i kratkoročnim planovima. Financijska ulaganja u tim planovima su proizašla prvenstveno iz tehničkih kriterija planiranja, no promjene na tržištu, okolišni zahtjevi, kao i niz tehnoloških promjena (intenzivna izgradnja distribuiranih izvora, uvođenje koncepta naprednih mreža, rast broja električnih vozila i razvoj prateće infrastrukture) značajno utječu na pristup planiranju.
Kako bi operator distribucijskog sustava osigurao razvoj i izgradnju distribucijske mreže koja će zadovoljiti sve tražene zahtjeve, nužno je postojeće tehničke kriterije planiranja bitno proširiti, a sva planirana financijska ulaganja podvrći ekonomskim evaluacijama primjenom adekvatnih metoda.
Rad predlaže model sustava upravljanja imovinom distribucijskog sustava koji je usmjeren ka postizanju zadanih strateških poslovnih ciljeva operatora distribucijskog sustava. Na temelju osnovnih podataka od kojih su ulazni podaci opći i javno dostupni, te procijenjeni, dok su izlazni podaci izračunati, izrađena je ekonomska evaluacija ukupnih financijskih ulaganja operatora distribucijskog sustava i pojedinačnih investicijskih objekata. Temeljni izazov rada je pretvaranje ostvarene koristi u novac, te su detaljno prikazani mogući načini izračunavanja naknada ostvarene koristi radi povećanja potrošnje, koristi radi poboljšanja kvalitete električne energije i koristi radi smanjenja gubitaka elemenata mreže. Investiranje i održavanje je promatrano kao trošak dok je navedena korist zbrajana. Temeljem tih podataka izvršena je ekonomska evaluacija operatora distribucijskog sustava, jednog reprezentativnog distribucijskog područja te pojedinačnog investicijskog projekta.
Radom je omogućeno uvođenje ekonomskih metoda za ocjenu ulaganja u svakodnevni rad operatora distribucijskog sustava čime se značajno može povećati ukupna učinkovitost operatora distribucijskog sustava, te opravdati planska ulaganja pred regulatornom agencijom.
Abstract (english) Electricity distribution - the basic activity of the distribution system operator is traditionally the activity of planning, construction and operation of network operation based on long-term and short-term plans. Financial investments in these plans came primarily from technical planning criteria, but market changes, environmental requirements, as well as a number of technological changes (intensive construction of distributed sources, introduction of advanced networks, growth of electric vehicles market and development of supporting infrastructure) significantly affects access to planning.
In order for the distribution system operator to ensure the development and construction of a distribution network that will meet all required requirements, it is necessary to significantly expand the existing technical planning criteria and subject all planned financial investments to economic evaluations using appropriate methods.
The paper proposes a model of the asset management system of the distribution system aimed at achieving the set strategic business goals of the distribution system operator. Based on the basic data, from which the input data is general and publicly available, and estimated data, which is calculated, an economic evaluation of the total financial investments of distribution system operators and individual investment facilities were made. The basic challenge of the thesis is to monetize the realized value, and the possible ways of calculating the compensation of the realized value in order to increase consumption, in order to improve the quality of electricity and in order to reduce losses of network elements. Investment and maintenance were viewed as an expense while the stated value was added together. Based on data this thesis performed an economic evaluation of the distribution system operator, one representative distribution area, and an individual investment project.
This paper enables the introduction of economic methods for assessing investments in the daily work of distribution system operators, which can significantly increase the overall efficiency of distribution system operators and justify planned investments before the regulatory agency.
Operator distribucijskog sustava
elektroenergetski sustav
distribucija električne energije
upravljanje imovinom
ekonomska evaluacija
metoda koristi i troškova
Keywords (english)
Distribution system operator
power system
electricity distribution
asset management
economic evaluation
costs and benefit method
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:280908
Study programme Title: Energy Economics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomije energetskog sektora (sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomije energetskog sektora)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-12-16 17:18:40