Title Utjecaj instrumenata javne nabave na financijsku vrijednost i sudjelovanje poduzetnika u postupcima javne nabave
Title (english) The impact of public procurement instruments on the financial value and participation of entrepreneurs in public procurement processes
Author Gordana Brcković
Mentor Davor Vašiček (mentor)
Mentor Josip Čičak (komentor)
Committee member Saša Drezgić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Buterin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dora Smolčić Jurdana (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-11-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 330 - Economics. Economic science
Abstract Zaokupljenost pitanjem javne nabave proizlazi iz same činjenice da se u tom procesu nabavljaju
i kupuju robe, usluge i radovi proračunskim i drugim javnim sredstvima. Pri tome se ne radi o
beznačajnom iznosu javnih sredstava, već o značajnom dijelu proračunskih sredstava koji na
globalnoj razini dosežu i do 12 % BDP-a i 29 % proračunskih sredstava. Zbog toga se od javnih
tijela očekuje učinkovita provedba javne nabave primjenom načela 'najbolje vrijednosti za
novac' i uz visoke standarde etičkog i moralnog ponašanja. Ciljevi istraživanja odnose se na
analiziranje primijenjenih instrumenata javne nabave i učinaka reformskih promjena u sustavu
javne nabave, utvrđivanje relevantnih čimbenika utjecaja na financijsku vrijednost nabave te
utvrđivanje relacijskih odnosa utjecajnih čimbenika na učinkovitost javne nabave.
Istraživanjem se primjenom regresijskog modela procjenjivao učinak relevantnih čimbenika na
financijsku vrijednost javne nabave u Gradu Zagrebu kao reprezentativnoj podlozi istraživanja
i dokazivanja postavljenih hipoteza. Odabir varijabli modela temelji se na teorijskoj analizi
postojeće literature o neriješenim pitanjima i uočenim nedostacima u specifično postavljenim
modelima, kako bi se ispitale postavljene hipoteze. U istraživački model uvrštene su varijable:
financijska vrijednost nabave kao zavisna varijabla te procijenjena vrijednost nabave za ugovor
o javnoj nabavi, broj ponuda, relevantni zakonski okvir – Zakon o javnoj nabavi, determinante
zelene nabave, vrsta ugovora, metoda odabira i vrsta postupka kao nezavisne varijable.
Rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su da instrumenti unaprjeđenja javne nabave doprinose
smanjenju financijske vrijednosti nabave na pet varijabli, a dvije varijable (Zakon o javnoj
nabavi i zelena nabava) nisu pokazale statističku značajnost utjecaja na financijsku vrijednost
nabave. Primjena regresijskog modela potvrdila je negativan i statistički značajan utjecaj
primjene kriterija „ekonomski najpovoljnije ponude“ na financijsku vrijednost nabave, čime je
dokazano da primjena kriterija „ekonomski najpovoljnije ponude“ omogućava ostvarivanje
koncepta „najbolje vrijednosti za novac“.
Abstract (english) Preoccupation with the issue of public procurement comes up from the very fact that in this process
procure and buy goods, services and works with budgetary and other public funds. This is not an
insignificant amount of public funds, but a significant part of budget funds, which on a global level
reaches up to 12% of GDP and 29% of budget funds. For this reason, public bodies are expected to
effectively implement public procurement by applying the principle of 'best value for money' and with
high standards of ethical and moral behavior. The targets of the research refer to the analysis of the
applied public procurement instruments and the effects of reform changes in the public procurement
system, the determination of relevant factors influencing the financial value of procurement and the
determination of the relational relationships of influential factors on the effectiveness of public
procurement. Through the application of the regression model, the research assessed the effect of
relevant factors on the financial value of public procurement in the City of Zagreb as a representative
basis for research and proof of the hypotheses. The selection of model variables is based on a
theoretical analysis of the existing literature on unsolved issues and observed shortcomings in
specifically set models, in order to test the set hypotheses. The variables included in the research
model are: the financial value of procurement as a dependent variable and the estimated procurement
value for a public procurement contract, the number of offers, the relevant legal framework - the Law
on Public Procurement, determinants of green procurement, type of contract, selection method and
type of procedure as independent variables. The results of the research confirmed that the instruments
for the improvement of public procurement instruments contribute to the reduction of the financial
value of procurement on five variables, and two variables (Law on Public Procurement and Green
Procurement) did not show statistical significance of impact on the financial value of procurement.
The application of the regression model confirmed the negative and statistically significant impact of
the application of the “economically most favorable offer” criterion on the financial value of the
procurement, thus proving that the application of the “economically most favorable offer” criterion
enables the realization of the “best value for money” concept. However, further testing determined
their significance in the research model. The regression model confirmed the negative and statistically
significant influence of the “economically most favourable offer” on the financial value of the
procurement, thus proving that the application of the “economically most favorable offer” criterion
enables the realization of the “best value for money” concept.
financijska vrijednost nabave
instrumenti javne nabave
javna nabava
tržišno natjecanje
zelena javna nabava
Keywords (english)
financial value of procurement
instruments of public procurement
public procurement
market competition
green public procurement
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:480962
Promotion 2023
Study programme Title: Economics and Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
Extent 213 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-12-19 18:10:15