Title Upravljanje kvalitetom na primjeru tvrtke Frozen food international d.o.o.
Title (english) Quality management on the example of Frozen food international d.o.o.
Author Andrea Ćutić
Mentor Lara Jelenc (mentor)
Committee member Lara Jelenc (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nenad Vretenar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Luka Samaržija (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-07-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Implementacija sustava kvalitete i sigurnosti hrane osigurava pozitivne promjene u procesima proizvodnje, pakiranja, skladištenja, nabave sirovina/repromaterijala, te prodaje gotovog proizvoda. Takve promjene, također osiguravaju bolju kvalitetu sirovine/repromaterijala koje se koriste pri izradi gotovog proizvoda, na način da se vrši kontrola i ocjenjivanje dobavljača s kojim tvrtka surađuje. Time se eliminiraju nepouzdani, loši dobavljači. Samim time, postiže se vrhunska kvaliteta gotovog proizvoda. Eliminiranjem nepotrebnih procesa unutar tvrtke, smanjuju se troškovi poslovanja.
Sve većom svijesti proizvođača o čistoći i higijeni prilikom izrade prehrambenih proizvoda, povećana je proizvodnja zdravstveno ispravnih proizvoda, uvođenjem standarda o kvaliteti i sigurnosti hrane. Važnost kvalitete je također porasla zbog velike konkurencije, te zakonske regulative koja točno regulira maksimalno dopuštene količine određenih bakterija, raznih kontaminanata, pesticida i teških metala u proizvodu. Ukoliko proizvođač želi biti konkurentan na nacionalnom i globalnom tržištu, mora ostvariti vjernost, te udovoljiti sve većim željama i potrebama kupaca.
Procesne i proizvodne inovacije poboljšavaju postojeće proizvode ili procese i utječu na razvoj novih. Kontinuiranim radom na kvaliteti proizvoda i procesa, tvrtka je bliža dugoročnom uspjehu. Tvrtka Frozen food international d.o.o., svojim kupcima osigurava, prije svega, siguran i kvalitetan proizvod. To se postiglo uvođenjem standarda za kvalitetu i sigurnost hrane (HACCP sustav, IFS - food standard, te Halal sustav). U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati službenog IFS food audita, prema verziji 7, održanog 2022. i 2023. godine. Predstavljene su unutarnje mjere, čiji se podaci bitno mijenjaju kroz 2021., 2022. i 2023. godinu, nakon uvođenja IFS standarda za hranu i provođenja radikalnih procesnih inovacija i inkrementalnih inovacija poslovnog modela. Prikazan je utjecaj inovacija na uspješnost poslovanja odnosno na konkurentsku prednost tvrtke.
Abstract (english) The establishment of a quality and food safety system ensures positive changes in the processes of production, packaging, storage, procurement of raw materials/packing materials, and sale of the finished product. Such changes also ensure a better quality of raw materials/packing materials used in the production of the finished product, in such a way as to control and evaluate the suppliers with whom the company cooperates. This eliminates unreliable, bad suppliers. By doing so, the top quality of the finished product is achieved. By eliminating unnecessary processes within the company, business costs are reduced.
The growing awareness of producers about cleanliness and hygiene during the production of food products has increased the production of healthy products, with the introduction of standards on food quality and safety. The importance of quality has also increased due to high competition, and legislation that precisely regulates the maximum allowed amounts of certain bacteria, various contaminants, pesticides and heavy metals in the product. If the manufacturer wants to be competitive on the national and global market, he must achieve loyalty and satisfy the ever-increasing wishes and needs of customers.
Process and product innovations improve existing products or processes and influence the development of new ones. By continuously working on product and process quality, the company is closer to long-term success. The company Frozen food international d.o.o., by introducing quality and food safety systems such as the basic HACCP system, the IFS food standard, and the Halal system, ensures its customers, above all, a safe product, and thus top quality. This paper presents the results of the official IFS food audit, according to version 7, held in 2022 and 2023. Internal measures are presented, the data of which will change significantly through the years 2021, 2022 and 2023, after the introduction of IFS standards for food and the implementation of radical process innovations and incremental innovations of the business model. The impact of innovations on business performance, ie on the company's competitive advantage, is presented.
sustav kvalitete i sigurnosti hrane
IFS standard za hranu
radikalne i inkrementalne inovacije
Keywords (english)
quality and food safety system
IFS standard for food
radical and incremental innovations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:035093
Study programme Title: Business economics; specializations in: Finance, Entrepreneurship, Management, Finance and Accounting, Marketing, International Business, IT Business Course: Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ekonomije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ekonomije)
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Created on 2024-07-15 13:03:30