Title Plasiranje lijeka na tržište
Title (english) Placing new medicament on the market
Author Sara Nađ
Mentor Dejan Miljenović (mentor)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Demografski faktori i stanje stanovništva pokazatelj su koji utječu i oblikuju
farmaceutsko tržište. Starenje stanovništva, porast kroničnih bolesti, zdravstvena svijest
te globalne zdravstvene krize sigurno su poticaj za farmaceutska poduzeća u plasiranju
najkvalitetnijih i najučinkovitijih lijekova. Plasiranje novog lijeka na tržište je složen,
dugotrajan i izazovan proces. Ovaj rad istražuje specifičnosti farmaceutskog tržišta i
ključne izazove s kojima se farmaceutska industrija suočava globalno te analizira tržište
u Republici Hrvatskoj. Farmaceutsko tržište uključuje istraživanje, razvoj, proizvodnju i
distribuciju lijekova. Na globalnoj razini tržište je visoko regulirano i konkurentno, dok
se u Republici Hrvatskoj farmaceutska industrija prilagođava standardima Europske unije
te se suočava s izazovima kao što je manja veličina tržišta i kompleksnost regulatornih
zahtjeva. U današnje vrijeme ključni izazovi su regulatorni zahtjevi, financijski rizici i
sve veća učestalost generičkih lijekova po isteku patenta za originalne lijekove. U
Republici Hrvatskoj generički lijekovi čine značajan dio tržišta čime se povećava
dostupnost potrebnih lijekova. Farmaceutski sektor se promatra kao ishodište inovacija
čemu pridonosi razvoj personalizirane medicine, biotehnologije, digitalne medicine i
nanotehnologije. Marketinške strategije su ključne za uspjeh novih lijekova za što je
nužna edukacija i informiranje zdravstvenih radnika i pacijenata. Kako bi postigle
konkurentnost na tržištu farmaceutska poduzeća trebaju implementirati strategije
cjenovnog pozicioniranja. Poduzeća mogu identificirati ciljane segmente tržišta i
prilagoditi svoje marketinške strategije kako bi odgovarale potrebama raznih potrošača.
Abstract (english) Demographic factors and the state of the population are indicators that influence and
shape the pharmaceutical market. The aging of the population, the increase in chronic
diseases, health awareness and global health crises are certainly an incentive for
pharmaceutical companies to market the highest quality and most effective drugs. Placing
a new drug on the market is a complex, time-consuming and challenging process. This
paper explores the specifics of the pharmaceutical market and the key challenges the
pharmaceutical market is facing globally and analyzes the market in the Republic of
Croatia. The pharmaceutical market includes research, development, production and
distribution of medicines. At the global level, the market is highly regulated and
competitive, while in the Republic of Croatia the pharmaceutical industry adapts to the
standards of the European Union and faces challenges such as smaller market size and
the complexity of regulatory requirements. Nowadays, the key challenges are the
aforementioned regulatory requirements, financial risks and the increasing frequency of
generic drugs after the expiration of the patent for original drugs. In the Republic of
Croatia, generic drugs make up a significant part of the market, which increases the
availability of the necessary drugs. The pharmaceutical sector is considered to be the
origin of innovation due to the development of personalized medicine, biotechnology,
digital medicine and nanotechnology. Marketing strategies are key to the success of new
drugs, which requires education and information for health workers and patients. In order
to achieve competitiveness on the market, pharmaceutical companies need to implement
price positioning strategies. Companies can identify targeted market segments and adapt
their marketing strategies to suit the needs of various consumers.
plasiranje lijeka
farmaceutsko tržište
generički lijekovi
cjenovno pozicioniranje
personalizirana medicina
regulatorni zahtjevi
Keywords (english)
drug marketing
pharmaceutical market
generic drugs
price positioning
personalized drugs
regulatory requirements
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:984636
Study programme Title: Business economics; specializations in: Finances, Entrepreneurship, Management, Finance and Banking, Marketing, International Business, IT Business Course: Entrepreneurship Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-10-24 16:47:29