Title Utjecaj zelene tranzicije na potražnju transformatorskih koltova
Title (english) Green Transition Impact On The Demand Of Transformer Tanks
Author Goran Grgić
Mentor Nela Vlahinić (mentor)
Committee member Saša Žiković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nela Vlahinić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mira Dimitrić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-10-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Europska komisija zacrtala je smjer postizanja klimatske neutralnosti do 2050. godine i
poduzima niz strateških koraka kako bi se taj cilj ostvario. Zelena tranzicija ulazi kao pojam u
procese strateškog planiranja svih članica Europske unije. Prelazak na čistu energiju, poticanje
zelenih i plavih ulaganja, dekarbonizacija, učinkovito korištenje resursa i sl. samo su neki od
elemenata zelene tranzicije. Postizanje održivog razvoja i gospodarskog rasta temeljeno na
niskougljičnoj strategiji snažno utječe na sve razine gospodarstva, počevši od energetskog
Neosporan rezultat zelene tranzicije je nikad veća potražnja za električnom energijom. Studije
pokazuju da bi globalna potražnja za energijom mogla porasti do 25% do 2040. godine uz
istovremeni porast emisije stakleničkih plinova. Posljedično, proizvođači opreme i rješenja u
elektroenergetskom sustavu suočavaju se sa slijedećim izazovima:
1. Osigurati širenje mreže za pouzdan prijenos i distribuciju rastuće potražnje za
električnom energijom.
2. smanjiti ugljični otisak društveno odgovornim i održivim poslovanjem
3. stabilizirati fluktuaciju u mreži koja proizlazi iz sve većeg unosa obnovljivih izvora
Jednu od najvažnijih komponenti u energetskom vrijednosnom lancu prema uspješnoj
energetskoj tranziciji predstavljaju energetski transformatori. Neizostavni su dio
elektroenergetskog sustava i nužni za prijenos i distribuciju energije na veće razdaljine.
Transformatorski kotao predstavlja pasivni dio transformatora koji ne sudjeluje direktno u
prijenosu energije, no svojim djelovanjem poboljšavaju energetsku učinkovitost i olakšavaju
uporabu samog transformatora.
Fokus ovog specijalističkog rada je prikazati utjecaj zelene tranzicije na rast potražnje
energetskih transformatora, a time i proizvodnju transformatorskih kotlova (metalni dijelovi
Time su uvelike promijenjene okolnosti u dijelu metalo prerađivačke industrije koja je
proizvodnju usmjerila u energetski sektor. Stvara se okruženje u kojem su proizvođači
transformatorskih kotlova nakon niza kriznih godina postali poželjan i važan čimbenik u
elektroenergetskom lancu. Stvaraju se prilike za investiranje, zapošljavanje, uvođenje novih
tehnologija i stvaranje održivog poslovanja metaloprerađivačke industrije.
Snažan rast potražnje transformatora uslijed zelene tranzicije prihvatila je i iskoristila tvrtka
Končar – Metalne konstrukcije d.o.o.. Transformacija poslovanja postignuta je kroz inovacije
u proizvodnim procesima, optimizaciju resursa i prilagodbu tržišnim trendovima, što je
omogućilo tvrtki da uspješno savlada prethodne izazove, osvoji nove tržišne prilike i postavi
čvrste temelje za održiv rast i dugoročni uspjeh. Proširivanje proizvodnih kapaciteta kroz novu
suradnju sa tvrtkom Siemens Energy (JV – Joint Venture) dokazuje kako je zelena tranzicija
prilika za sve metaloprerađivačke tvrtke za održivo poslovanje i rast na tržištu
transformatorskih kotlova.
Abstract (english) The European Commission has outlined the direction of achieving climate neutrality by 2050.
and is taking a series of strategic steps to achieve this goal. Green transition is included as a
term in the strategic planning processes of all European Union members. Switching to clean
energy, encouraging green and blue investments, decarbonization, efficient use of resources,
etc. are just some of the elements of the green transition. Achieving sustainable development
and economic growth based on a low-carbon strategy strongly affects all levels of the economy,
starting with the energy sector.
The indisputable result of the green transition is an even higher demand for electricity. Studies
show that global energy demand could increase by up to 25% by 2040 with a concomitant
increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Consequently, manufacturers of equipment and solutions
in the power system face the following challenges:
1. ensure the expansion of the network for reliable transmission and distribution of the
growing demand for electricity.
2. reduce the carbon footprint by providing environmentally friendly products
3. to stabilize the fluctuation in the network resulting from the increasing intake of
renewable energy sources
Energy transformers are one of the most important components in the energy value chain
towards a successful energy transition. They are an indispensable part of the power system and
necessary for the transmission and distribution of energy over longer distances. The transformer
tank is a passive part of the transformer that does not participate directly in energy transmission,
but with its action it improves energy efficiency and facilitates the use of the transformer itself.
The focus of this thesis is to show the impact of the green transition on the growth of demand
for energy transformers, and thus the production of transformer tanks (metal parts of
This greatly changed the circumstances in the part of the metal processing industry, which
focused its production on the energy sector. An environment is being created in which, after a
series of crisis years, manufacturers of transformer tanks have become a desirable and important
factor in the power chain. Opportunities are created for investment, employment, the
introduction of new technologies and the creation of sustainable business in the metalworking
The strong growth in demand for transformers due to the green transition was accepted and
used by the company Končar - Metal Structures Ltd.. The transformation of the business was achieved through innovations in production processes, optimization of resources and adaptation
to market trends, which enabled the Company to successfully overcome previous challenges
and win new market opportunities and lay a solid foundation for sustainable growth and longterm success. The expansion of production capacities through the new cooperation with
Siemens Energy (JV – Joint Venture) proves that the green transition is an opportunity for all
metal processing companies for sustainable business and growth in the transformer tank market.
zelena tranzicija
energetski sektor
energetski transformator
transformatorski kotao
održivo poslovanje
Keywords (english)
green transition
energy sector
energy transformer
transformer tank
sustainable business
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:575382
Study programme Title: Energy Economics – MBA Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: specijalist/specijalistica ekonomije energetskog sektora (specijalist/specijalistica ekonomije energetskog sektora)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2024-11-20 11:04:45