Abstract | Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi stavove potrošača o platformama ekonomije dijeljenja i razlozima njihovog korištenja. Nagli razvoj ekonomije dijeljenja pridonio je sve većem broju platformi koje olakšavaju potrošačeve živote svakodnevno. U provedenom istraživanju korišten je uzorak od 106 ispitanika od kojih većinu čine žene u dobi između 26 i 30 godina. Najveći broj ispitanika dolazi iz Grada Zagreba, sa završenim magisterijem ili doktoratom te su u stalnom radnom odnosu, a mjesečno raspolažu s iznosom većim od 7000 kuna. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja pokazali da potrošači koriste platforme ekonomije dijeljenja kao što su Uber, Bolt, BlaBlaCar i Airbnb, zato što smatraju da su cijene usluga prijevoza i smještaja povoljnije nego kod tradicionalnih pružatelja istih usluga, poput Ekotaksija i Westin hotela. Iz anketnog istraživanja zaključuje se da ispitanici najčešće koriste Uber, Bolt ili druge platforme za usluge prijevoza te Njuškalo. Iako većina ispitanika čita recenzije prije naručivanja usluge ili proizvoda, pokazali su da ih negativne recenzije ne odbijaju od kupovine. U radu su se testirale četiri hipoteze od kojih su se dvije, koje pretpostavljaju da pozitivne recenzije te ujednačen omjer cijene i kvalitete usluge potiču potrošače na korištenje Ubera, odbacile. Prihvaćene su dvije hipoteze koje pretpostavljaju da potrošači koriste Uber radi povoljnih i jasno deklariranih cijena te radi jednostavnog korištenja aplikacije. Konačno, u radu su navedena ograničenja i smjernice za buduća istraživanja. |
Abstract (english) | This paper had the goal of establishing consumer attitudes towards the platforms of the sharing economy, as well as the consumer motivation for and the rationale behind using them. The swift development of the sharing economy has led to an ever-growing number of platforms whose aim is to improve aspects of their consumers’ lives. The study features a sample of 106 participants, and the research was carried out in the form of questionnaires. Most of the particitpants were women
between the ages of 26 and 30. The majority of them were from the Grad Zagreb county, had a university degree or even a PhD, and had a monthly budget of 7000 Croatian kuna, if not more. The results of the study indicate that the consumers use the sharing economy platforms such as Uber, Bolt, BlaBlaCar and Airbnb because they find the pricing for the respective services (transportation, accommodation) to be cheaper than the traditional service providers in the given sectors (Ekotaxi, Westin hotel). The most popular of the sharing economy platforms among the examinees were Uber and Bolt (along other transportation services platforms), as well as Njuškalo. Although the majority 60 of the examinees read the reviews before ordering a service or product, they revealed that negative reviews do not deter them from purchasing a product or a service. The study tested four hypotheses two of these, the presumptions that positive reviews on the one hand, coupled with a balance between price and quality of service on the other, are the deciding factors for Uber users, were rejected. The other two hypotheses, the assumptions that consumers use Uber due to the affordable and explicitly stated prices, as well as due to the user-friendly and straightforward app design, were accepted. The paper rounds off with the limitations of the study and propositions for further research. |