Abstract | Život bez interneta je danas relativno teško zamisliti. Ljudi su na globalnoj razini međusobno povezani i umreženi u svim aktivnostima, kako osobnim tako i poslovnim. Zahvaljujući internetu, tradicionalni marketing prelazi u novi oblik internet marketinga kakvog poznajemo danas. Sukladno tome, dolazi do promjene i u ponašanju potrošača. Dolazi do izučavanja i stvaranja novih teorijskih okvira ponašanja potrošača na internetu. Društvene mreže imaju posebno veliki utjecaj na potrošače te njihovo kupovno ponašanje, stvarajući želje i potrebe potrošača koje rezultiraju donošenjem odluke o kupnji. Isto tako, omogućavaju potrošačima cjenovno uspoređivanje supstituta, bolju informiranost o proizvodima te lakše pronalaženje željenog proizvoda/usluge uz smanjenje potrebnog vremena koje bi utrošili bez interneta. Internet trgovine postaju ključnim alatom poslovanja brojnih globalnih poduzeća, postepeno smanjujući udio kupovine u fizičkim trgovinama, posebice u vrijeme pandemije COVID-19. Stoga dolazi do pojave novog oblika marketinga, influencer marketinga koji ostvaruje veliki rast posljednjih godina. Zahvaljujući influencer marketingu, marketinška komunikacija prestaje biti monolog te se polako transformira u dijalog između potrošača i marke poduzeća, gdje influencer služi kao posrednik u promoviranju i oblikovanju potrošačkih stavova prema određenoj marki poduzeća koristeći društvene mreže. Mnoga poduzeća su prepoznala važnost influencer marketinga te se sve više novčanih sredstava usmjerava u ovaj oblik marketinga. Ovaj rad nastoji istražiti koji influenceri generiraju najveće povrate poduzeću te odgovoriti na pitanje zašto poduzeća trebaju koristiti influencere u svom poslovanju. U ovom radu je teorijskim i istraživačkim dijelom pobliže prikazan utjecaj influencera na stavove i ponašanje potrošača koje u većini slučajeva rezultira donošenjem odluke o kupnji. Dobiveni rezultati anketnog upitnika, na uzorku od 368 ispitanika, upućuju na pozitivan doprinos influencera kod poslovanja poduzeća, ali na još uvijek negativnu percepciju kod potrošača. |
Abstract (english) | It is relatively difficult to imagine life without the Internet nowadays. People are globally interconnected and networked in all personal and business activities. Due to the Internet, traditional marketing is transitioning into a new form of internet marketing as we know it today.
Accordingly, there is a change in consumer behaviour. There is a study and creation of new theoretical frameworks of consumer behaviour on the Internet. Social networks have a particularly large influence on consumers and their purchasing behaviour, creating consumer desires and needs that result in making a purchase decision. Likewise, they enable consumers to compare prices of substitutes, be better informed about products, and find the desired product/service more easily while reducing the time they would have spent without the Internet. Internet stores are becoming a key business tool for many global companies, gradually reducing the share of shopping in physical stores, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, a new form of marketing is emerging, influencer marketing, which has achieved significant growth in recent years. Thanks to influencer marketing, marketing communication ceases to be a monologue and slowly transforms into a dialogue between the consumer and the company brand, where the influencer serves as an intermediary in promoting and shaping consumer attitudes towards a certain brand using social networks. Many companies have recognized the importance of influencer marketing, and more and more funds are being directed to this form of marketing.
This paper seeks to investigate which influencers generate the greatest returns to the company and to answer the question of why companies should use influencers in their business. In this paper, the influence of influencers on the attitudes and behavior of consumers, which in most cases results in making a purchase decision, is presented in more detail in the theoretical and research part. The obtained results of the questionnaire, based on a sample of 368 respondents, point to a positive contribution of influencers to the company's operations, but to a still negative perception among consumers. In this paper, the influence of influencers on the attitudes and behaviour of consumers, which in most cases results in making a purchase decision, is presented in more detail in the theoretical and research parts. |