Abstract | Iako je nerijetko u mikro i malim poduzećima zanemaruje uloga menadžmenta, već jer vlasnik poduzeća ujedno i menadžer te obnaša druge funkcije, menadžment je ključan za efikasno poslovanje. Pritom se menadžersko planiranje kao jedna od ključnih menadžerskih funkcija ističe iz razloga jer se kroz proces planiranja definiraju ciljevi poduzeća, počevši od vizije i misije pa sve do kratkoročnih ciljeva na nižim razinama upravljanja u poduzeću. Kada je riječ o manjim poduzećima poput primjerice malog restorana, menadžment je najčešće znatno manje kompleksan nego u većim poduzećima. Odnosno, u velik poduzećima najčešće postoji više razina menadžmenta, što se odražava na menadžersko planiranje, rezultat čega je kreiranje različitih tipova planova na više razina menadžmenta. Menadžeri u poduzećima moraju biti svjesni kako poduzeća posluju u vrlo promjenjivoj okolini, posljedica čega je rast rizika poslovanja. Stoga, kako bi menadžment efikasno djelovao u poduzeću, nužno je kontinuirano prilagođavanje menadžerskog planiranja novonastalim situacijama. U empirijskom dijelu ovog rada prikazuje se osnivanje novog poduzeća na primjeru restorana. Iako se inicijalno pretpostavlja kako je riječ o tržištu koje je zasićeno, to ujedno ne znači kako će poslovni pothvat biti neuspješan. Odnosno, potrebno je novoosnovani restoran diferencirati u odnosu na konkurenciju, kako bi se osigurale konkurentske prednosti. Jedan od instrumenata koji omogućava efikasno diferenciranje u odnosu na konkurente je i menadžersko planiranje, koje pritom može koristiti SWOT ili druge tipove analiza. Pritom su ključni segmenti SWOT analize koji ističu rizike i potencijale poslovanja, što je temelj za usmjeravanje budućeg poslovanja poduzeća. Restoran koji se osniva će se u odnosu na izravne konkurente diferencirati temeljem ponude, ali i kroz poboljšanje usluga koje su identificirane kao nezadovoljavajuće ili nedostajuće u slučaju drugih restorana, a kako bi se kupcima pružila usluga na najvišoj razini. |
Abstract (english) | Although the role of management is often neglected in micro and small companies, because the owner of the company is also a manager and performs other functions, management is key to efficient business operations. At the same time, managerial planning stands out as one of the key managerial functions for the reason that the company's goals are defined through the planning process, starting with the vision and mission and ending with short-term goals at lower management levels in the company. When it comes to smaller companies, such as a small restaurant, management is usually significantly less complex than in larger companies. That is, in large companies there are usually several levels of management, which is reflected in managerial planning, the result of which is the creation of different types of plans at several levels of management. Managers in companies must be aware that companies operate in a highly volatile environment, which results in the growth of business risks. Therefore, in order for management to operate efficiently in the company, it is necessary to continuously adapt managerial planning to new situations. In the empirical part of this paper, the establishment of a new company is presented on the example of a restaurant. Although it is initially assumed that the market is saturated, this does not mean that the business venture will be unsuccessful. In other words, it is necessary to differentiate the newly established restaurant in relation to the competition, in order to ensure competitive advantages. One of the instruments that enables effective differentiation in relation to competitors is managerial planning, which can use SWOT or other types of analysis. At the same time, the key segments of the SWOT analysis are those that highlight the risks and potentials of the business, which is the basis for directing the future business of the company. The restaurant that is being established will differentiate itself from its direct competitors based on its offer, but also through the improvement of services that have been identified as unsatisfactory or lacking in the case of other restaurants, in order to provide customers with the highest level of service. |