Author Ivan Voloder
Mentor Danica Bakotić (mentor) MBZ: 274302
Granter University of Split Faculty of economics Split Split
Defense date and country 2016-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Završni rad „Regrutiranje i selekcija u poduzeću Raĉunala TINA d.o.o. Omiš“ ima za cilj teorijski analizirati procese regrutiranja i selekcije, iste procese analizirati s praktiĉnog aspekta te na kraju usporediti praktiĉnu sa teorijskom analizom. U ovom radu predstavljeni su procesi regrutiranja i selekcije kao veoma vaţne aktivnosti koje poduzeću mogu pomoći da razvije svoje konkurentske prednosti i prilagodi se suvremenom trţištu. Problem istraţivanja je utvrditi je li praksa poduzeća „Raĉunala TINA d.o.o.“ Omiš po pitanju regrutiranja i selekcije zaposlenika u skladu s temeljnim spoznajama. Rad je podijeljen na 5 dijelova: Uvod, teorijski dio, praktiĉni dio (podaci o poduzeću i konkretna analiza regrutiranja i selekcije u poduzeću) te zakljuĉak.
U teorijskom dijelu rad se bazira na definiranju, prouĉavanju i objašnjenju pojmova regrutiranja i selekcije kadrova. Teorijski dio podijeljen je na 5 dijelova; pojam i vaţnost regrutiranja, planiranje regrutiranja, izvori regrutiranja, selekcija kadrova, odluka o izboru kandidata. Predstavljeni su pojmovi regrutiranja i selekcije, objašnjeno je zašto je vaţno kvalitetno isplanirati sami proces regrutiranja, odabrati pravilne izvore regrutiranja te zašto je metoda intervjua najzastupljenija metoda pri selekciji novih zaposlenika u poduzeću.
Prvi dio praktiĉnog dijela rada govori općenito o poduzeću „Raĉunala TINA d.o.o.“ iz Omiša. Prikazan je kratak povijesni razvoj poduzeća i njegovi osnovni podaci. Detaljno su objašnjene i sve djelatnosti kojima se navedeno poduzeće bavi na suvremenom trţištu (raĉunala, antenski sistemi, klima ureĊaji, TimeReader), kao i vlasniĉka struktura poduzeća, naĉin poslovanja poduzeća te na kraju organizacija ljudskih resursa u poduzeću. U drugom dijelu praktiĉnog dijela rada analiziran je sami proces regrutiranja i selekcije u poduzeću na primjeru zapošljavanja djelatnika na oglašeno radno mjesto referenta prodaje. Objašnjeno je na koje probleme nailaze mala poduzeća kod zapošljavanja novih djelatnika te koji su nedostaci malih poduzeća u odnosu na velika kod procesa regrutiranja i selekcije.
U zakljuĉku je dano mišljenje o kvaliteti procesa regrutiranja i selekcije u promatranom poduzeću. UsporeĊuje se praksa poduzeća u odnosu na teorijske aspekte. Navode se nedostaci malih poduzeća kod zapošljavanja u odnosu na velika, a naglašena je i vaţnost ispravnog odabira djelatnika koji u konaĉnici moţe biti prijeloman za uspjeh poduzeća i razvoj konkurentnosti na trţištu. Kljuĉne rijeĉi rada su: regrutiranje, selekcija i zapošljavanje.
Abstract (english) Project "Recruitment and selection of the company TINA Computers Ltd. Omiš " aims to analyze the theoretical processes of recruitment and selection, the same processes analyzed with practical aspect and finally compare the practical with the theoretical analysis. This project presents the processes of recruitment and selection as a very important activities for the company which can develop their competitive advantage and adapt to the modern market. Research requirements is to determine whether the practice of the "Computers TINA Ltd." Omiš in terms of recruitment and selection of employees in accordance with the fundamental knowledge. The work is divided into 5 parts: introduction, theoretical part, practical part (company informations and analysis of recruitment and selection) and a conclusion.
Theoretical part is based on the definition, study and explanation of the terms of recruitment and selection of human resources. This part is divided into five parts; The concept and importance of recruitment, recruitment planning, sources of recruitment, selection of personnel, decision on the selection of candidates. Presented terms of recruitment and selection, explained why recruitment planning is important process, select the correct recruitment sources and why the interview method is the most common method during selection of new employees in the company.
The first part of the practical work speaks about the company and shows historical development of the company and basic informations. All activities which company works with in the modern market are explained (computers, antenna systems, air conditioners, TimeReader), ownership structure, operation method of the company and organization of human resources in the company. Second part of practical work analyzes process of recruitment and selection of employees in the company in the case of employment additional resources in the sales department. Project explaines the problems encountered by small businesses in the recruitment of new employees and the disadvantages of small businesses compared to large businesses in the process of recruitment and selection.
Conclusion gives an opinion on the quality of the recruitment process and selection in the company. It also compares the practice of the company in relation to the theoretical aspects. Cited disadvantages small businesses employment in relation to the large businesses, and importance of proper selection of employees who may ultimately be the milestone for the success of the company. Keywords are: recruitment, selection and employment.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:124:879109
Study programme Title: Small Enterprise Management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-11-02 11:34:21