Title Analiza financiranja srednjoškolskog obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj i njegova usporedba s EU
Title (english) Analysis of the funding of secondary education in Croatia and its comparison with the EU
Author Ana Jurić
Mentor Maja Mihaljević Kosor (mentor)
Granter University of Split Faculty of economics Split Split
Defense date and country 2023, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Business Mathematics and Statistics
Abstract Obrazovni sustav Republike Hrvatske čine četiri razine: rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje, osnovnoškolsko, srednjoškolsko i visokoškolsko obrazovanje. Hrvatski sustav obrazovanja nadzire Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta (MZOS), ali i druga državna tijela odgovorna za razvoj odgojno obrazovnog sustava. Djelatnost srednje razine obrazovanja realizira se u skladu sa Zakonom o odgoju i obrazovanju u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi. S obzirom na to da obrazovanje stvara ljudski kapital koji ima veliki utjecaj na cjelokupno gospodarstvo, vrlo je važno primjereno ulaganje u sustav obrazovanja. Srednjoškolsko obrazovanje u Hrvatskoj financira se ponajprije iz državnog proračuna, županijskih proračuna te proračuna Grada Zagreba. Pri tom je primarna dužnost županijskih proračuna otvaranje i održavanje školskih ustanova dok je dužnost državnih proračuna financiranje plaća, kapitalnih uloga te osiguravanje sredstava gradovima i županijama za financiranje rashoda.
U ostalim zemljama članicama EU način financiranja obrazovnog sustava sličan je kao i u Hrvatskoj. Srednje školstvo uglavnom financira i kontrolira regionalna vlast. U zemljama Europske unije izdaci za obrazovanje predstavljaju četvrtu najvažniju komponentu javih rashoda, uz zdravstvo, socijalnu zaštitu i opće javne usluge. Oni imaju udio od 10,2% u ukupnim rashodima opće države te 4,6% u BDP-u. Za razliku od zemalja EU, u Hrvatskoj udio izdataka za srednjoškolsko obrazovanje u ukupnim rashodima opće države iznosi oko 20%, a udio u BDP-u iznosi tek 1%. Razlike između Hrvatske i drugih zemalja očituju se i u tome što su u većini tih zemalja izražene socijalne politike koje imaju važnu ulogu za osiguranje sredstava za učenike, što se najviše ističe u sustavu stipendiranja, financiranja bonovima i kreditiranja. Upravo ti načini financiranja mogu imati brojne pozitivne učinke na cjelokupni sustav obrazovanja, što se dalje prelijeva i na gospodarstvo zemlje. Iako se izvori financiranja u EU razlikuju od države do države, uglavnom se u svim tim zemljama radi o porezima, te se ovisno o vrsti škole i gospodarskoj moći mogu pojaviti i drugi izvori financiranja poput subvencija, dotacija od roditelja i gospodarskih organizacija.
Iako se posljednjih godina situacija u Hrvatskoj znatno poboljšala, i dalje postoji značajan broj empirijskih istraživanja kojima je dokazano da je financiranje obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj na svim razinama neučinkovito. Rezultati raznih istraživanja pokazali su da hrvatski učenici imaju relativno slabe rezultate na standardiziranim testovima, što ukazuje i na neučinkovitost obrazovnog sustava. Hrvatska nalazi na vrhu ljestvice EU zemalja prema pokazatelju nezaposlenosti mladih i obrazovanih.
Abstract (english) The education system of the Republic of Croatia comprises four levels: early childhood education and care, primary, secondary and higher education. The Croatian education system is supervised by the Ministry of Science, Education and sports (MSES), as well as other national bodies responsible for the development of the education system. The activity of secondary education is carried out in accordance with the Act on Education in primary and secondary school. Given that education generates human capital which has a major impact on the entire economy, adequate investment in the education system is very important. Secondary education in Croatia is financed primarily from the state budget, county budgets and the budget of the City of Zagreb. In doing so, the primary duty of county budgets is to open and maintain school institutions while the duty of state budgets is to finance salaries, capital stakes and to provide facilities for cities and counties to finance breaks.
In other EU member States, the way in which the education system is financed is similar to that in Croatia. Secondary education is mainly financed and controlled by the regional government. In the EU countries, expenditure on education is the fourth most important component of public expenditure, in addition to health, social protection and general public services. They account for 10.2% of total general government expenditure and 4.6% of GDP. Unlike EU countries, in Croatia the share of expenditures for secondary education in total general government expenditures is about 20%, while the share of GDP is only 1%. Differences between Croatia and other countries are also reflected in the fact that most of these countries express social policies that play an important role in providing funding for students, as highlighted most in the system of scholarships, voucher financing and lending. It is precisely these ways of financing that can have many positive effects on the entire education system, which continues to spill over to the country's economy. Although the sources of funding in the EU vary from country to country, they are mainly tax-related in all these countries, and other sources of funding such as subsidies, grants from parents and economic organisations may also emerge depending on the type of school and economic. Although the situation in Croatia has improved significantly in recent years, there is still a significant number of empirical research that has shown that funding education in Croatia at all levels is inefficient. The results of various studies have shown that Croatian students have relatively poor results on standardized tests, which also indicates inefficiency of the educational system. Croatia tops the EU rankings according to the indicator of youth unemployment and education.
srednje školstvo
obrazovni sustav
Keywords (english)
secondary education
education system
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:124:072246
Study programme Title: Business Studies Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2024-03-19
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-19 14:16:51