Title Stavovi potrošača o privatnosti i korištenju besplatnih usluga
Title (english) Consumer attitudes about privacy and the use of free services
Author Sara Kozina
Mentor Goran Dedić (mentor)
Granter University of Split Faculty of economics Split Split
Defense date and country 2023-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Svakodnevnim korištenjem besplatnih internet usluga i povećanjem opsega podataka koji se prikupljaju o
korisnicima, dovodi se u pitanje zabrinutost pojedinaca o privatnosti. Paradoksalno ponašanje pojedinaca
po pitanju zaštite svojih osobnih podataka vodi do nedoumica vezanih uz percepciju potrošača o
privatnosti na internetu. Postaje relevantno zapitati se do koje su mjere ljudi spremni plaćati za usluge
svojom privatnošću i jesu li se spremni odreći besplatnih usluga i određenih pogodnosti u ime privatnosti.
Teorijski dio rada objašnjava detaljnije temu privatnosti, točnije zabrinutosti za privatnost i njenu zaštitu,
kao i načine prikupljanja podataka o korisnicima i zakonsku regulativu postavljenu kako bi se zaštitili
potrošači od neetičnog korištenja njihovih osobnih podataka od strane poduzeća koja tim podacima
rukuju. Drugi dio rada odnosi se na empirijsko istraživanje, čiji rezultati pokazuju da ljudi vjeruju kako je
gubitak privatnosti neizbježan. Na temelju toga možemo pretpostaviti kako, na nesvjesnoj razini, upravo
rezigniranost korisnika vezano uz gubitak privatnosti vodi do spremnosti na plaćanje usluga svojom
privatnošću. Uzorak nad kojim je provedeno anketno istraživanje većinom se sastoji od visoko-obrazovanih
studenata, u dobi manjoj od 30 godina. Njihova dob, tj. digitalno doba u kojem su odrasli, kao i razina
obrazovanja, pridonose upoznatosti s načinom funkcioniranja interneta i praksom prikupljanja podataka
od strane poduzeća. Temeljem toga, nije iznenađujuće što rezultati istraživanja pokazuju adekvatnu
upoznatost s podacima koji se prikupljaju prilikom korištenja besplatnih usluga. U posljednjem dijelu
istraživanja, koristeći se faktorskom i klaster analizom, podijelili smo potrošače u tri segmenta – digitalni
skeptici, digitalno ravnodušni i transakcijski realisti, međutim njihova spremnost na dijeljenje podataka s
poduzećima nije se značajno razlikovala. Mogući razlog zbog čega je (ne)spremnost na dijeljenje slična
svim segmentima potrošača je to što su ispitanici, neovisno o tome kojem segmentu pripadaju, naučili na
korištenje besplatnih usluga, ne razmišljajući zapravo na čemu se ta besplatnost temelj
Abstract (english) With the daily use of free Internet services and the increase in the amount of data collected about users,
the privacy concerns of individuals are being questioned. The paradoxical behavior of individuals regarding
the protection of their personal data leads to doubts regarding the consumer's perception of privacy on
the Internet. It becomes relevant to ask to what extent people are willing to pay for services with their
privacy and whether they are willing to give up free services and certain benefits in the name of privacy.
The theoretical part of the paper explains in more detail the topic of privacy, more specifically concerns
about privacy and its protection, as well as the ways of collecting user data and the legal regulation set to
protect consumers from unethical use of their personal data by companies. The second part of the paper
refers to empirical research, the results of which show that people believe that the loss of privacy is
inevitable. Based on this, we can assume that, on an unconscious level, it is precisely the user's resignation
regarding the loss of privacy that leads to the willingness to pay for services with their privacy. The sample
on which the survey research was conducted mostly consists of highly educated students, under the age
of 30. Their age, i.e. the digital age in which they grew up, as well as their level of education, contribute to
their familiarity with the way the Internet works and the practice of data collection by companies. Based
on this, it is not surprising that the research results show adequate familiarity with the data collected when
using free services. In the last part of the research, using factor and cluster analysis, we divided consumers
into three segments - digital skeptics, digitally indifferent and transactional realists, however their
willingness to share data with companies did not differ significantly. A possible reason why the
(un)willingness to share is similar for all consumer segments is that the respondents, regardless of which
segment they belong to, have learned to use free services without really thinking about what the free
service is based on.
prikupljanje podataka
odricanje privatnost
Keywords (english)
data collection
privacy waiver
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:124:523691
Study programme Title: Business Studies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-30 19:58:18