Title Javna nabava, političke veze i korupcija: bibliometrijska analiza ekonomske literature
Title (english) Public procurement, corruption, and political connections: a bibliometric analysis of economics literature
Author Grgur Prižmić
Mentor Stjepan Srhoj (mentor)
Granter University of Split Faculty of economics Split Split
Defense date and country 2024-07-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics General Economy
Abstract Korupcija u javnoj nabavi predstavlja zlouporabu povjerenih ovlasti za osobnu korist tijekom procesa nabave dobara i usluga od strane različitih državnih institucija i poduzeća. Politički povezano poduzeće je ono u kojem su vlasnici, direktori, poslovni prijatelji ili obitelj – politički aktivni. Cilj ovog rada je pružiti pregled ekonomskih empirijskih istraživanja na temu javne nabave, korupcije i političkih veza, a koja su objavljena u časopisima indeksiranim u bazi Web of Science. Navedena istraživanja korištena su u bibliometrijskoj analizi, čiji je rezultat pet različitih mreža: citiranosti kroz vrijeme, kocitiranosti, bibliometrijskog sparivanja, koautorstva među državama i pojavljivanja ključnih riječi. Napravljene su i dvije tablice: identificiranih prethodnih sustavnih pregleda literature i deset najcitiranijih istraživanja. Autori utvrđuju i mjere postojanje i opseg korupcije, javne nabave i političkih veza različitim pristupima i metodama. Korupcija se može mjeriti anketom koja ispituje percepciju o korupciji ili se može promatrati izvršenje projekata preko financijskih podataka, izvješća o napretku, slika i drugih relevantnih informacija o javnim radovima. Javnu nabavu praktično je mjeriti veličinom tj. iznosom ugovora o javnoj nabavi ili utvrđivanjem je li poduzeće dobilo ugovor o javnoj nabavi ili ne. Mjerenje političkih veza zahtjeva utvrđivanje političke pripadnosti čelnih ljudi poduzeća. Smatra se da je poduzeće politički povezano kada je netko od velikih dioničara ili čelnih ljudi poduzeća član parlamenta, premijer, predsjednik ili pak u bliskom rodbinskom odnosu s nekim od utjecajnih političara. Rezultati istraživanja u Hrvatskoj pokazuju da politički povezana poduzeća imaju 35 % veće prihode od javne nabave u usporedbi s onim poduzećima koja nisu politički povezana. U natječajima javne nabave u građevinskom sektoru u RH gotovo 65 % vrijednosti svih ugovora o javnoj nabavi ide politički povezanim poduzećima. Brojne su mjere donesene za sprječavanje korupcije i poboljšanje procesa javne nabave. Kombiniranje utjecaja nadzora različitih udruženja građana s elektronskom nabavom i okvirnim sporazumima moglo bi biti efektivna mjera za poboljšanje procesa javne nabave.
Abstract (english) Corruption in public procurement is the misuse of entrusted powers for personal gain during the process of procurement of goods and services by various state owned enteprises. A politically connected company is one in which the owners, directors, business friends or family are politically active. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of economic empirical research on the topic of public procurement, corruption and political connections, which were published in journals indexed in the Web of Science database. The mentioned researches were used in the bibliometric analysis, the result of which are five different networks: citations over time, co-citations, bibliometric coupling, co-authorship among countries and the occurrence of key words. Two tables were made: identified previous systematic literature reviews and the ten most cited researches. Authors use different approaches and methods to determine and measure the existence and extent of corruption, public procurement and political connections. Corruption can be measured by a survey that examines the perception of corruption, or project execution can be observed through financial data, progress reports, images and other relevant information about public works. Public procurement measuring is practically done by measuring the size, i.e. the amount of the public procurement contract, or it can be determined whether the company received a public procurement contract or not. Measuring of political connections requires determining the political affiliation of the company's leaders, and a company is considered to have political connections when one of the company's major shareholders or leaders is a member of parliament, the prime minister or the president of the state, or has a close family relationship with one of the influential politicians. Research results in Croatia showed that politically connected companies have 35% higher revenues from public procurement compared to those companies that are not politically connected. In public procurement tenders in the construction sector in the Republic of Croatia, almost 65% of the value of all public procurement contracts goes to politically connected companies. Numerous measures have been used to prevent corruption and improve the public procurement process. Combining the effects of the supervision of various citizen associations with electronic procurement and framework agreements could be effective measure for improving the public procurement process.
javna nabava
političke veze
bibliometrijska analiza
Keywords (english)
public procurement
political connections
bibliometric analysis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:124:808122
Study programme Title: Business Studies Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik (baccalaureus) ekonomije (sveučilišni prvostupnik (baccalaureus) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-07-03 15:37:34