Abstract | Čovjek energiju koristi od svojih početaka. Energija je kroz tisuće godina olakšala život ljudi na nebrojene načine, što se posebno vidi danas kada imamo mnogo uređaja poput automobila i pametnih telefona koji nam olakšavaju život. Da bi funkcionirali, ti uređaji trebaju energiju. Energetska industrija je kroz povijest uspješno zadovoljavala tu rastuću potrebu za energijom. Problem je u tome što su se za dobivanje energije primarno koristila fosilna goriva, koja imaju negativan učinak na društvo, a osobito na okoliš. Zato je energetska industrija danas izvor mnogih razvojnih izazova, ponajviše zbog tih negativnih ekoloških posljedica. Tu se pojavljuje koncept održivog razvoja, kojim se pokušava na globalnoj razini upravljati razvojnim izazovima. Temeljna ideja održivog razvoja je da se svijet ostavi u boljem stanju za buduće generacije nego što je to danas. Ključna stavka u tome je borba protiv klimatskih promjena i onečišćenja na način da se prebaci s fosilnih goriva na obnovljive izvore energije. Taj prijelaz sa štetnih fosilnih goriva na obnovljive izvore se naziva energetska tranzicija i ona je danas u punom jeku. Iako su fosilna goriva i dalje najzastupljeniji izvor energije, stvari se mijenjaju nabolje. Njihov udio se polako smanjuje u korist obnovljivih izvora. Tako je u zadnjih 10 godina potrošnja fosilnih goriva stagnirala i mijenjala se njihova struktura, a obnovljivi izvori, osobito solarna i energija vjetra, su ostvarivali ogromne stope rasta. Prihodi i dobit naftnih i energetskih giganta, uz godišnje fluktuacije, također ostvaruju pad ili stagniraju. S druge strane, kompanije koje se bave obnovljivim izvorima ostvaruju rast iz godine u godine, dok istovremeno imaju pozitivan utjecaj na okoliš. Zato se i naftno-energetski divovi okreću obnovljivim izvorima i ostvaruju značajna ulaganja u obnovljive izvore i zelene tehnologije i najavljuju nova. Održivi razvoj polako okreće energetsku industriju prema održivosti, čime nekadašnji izvor problema postaje njegovo rješenje. |
Abstract (english) | Mankind has been using energy from its beginnings. Over thousands of years, energy has made people's lives easier in countless ways, which is especially evident today when we have many devices such as cars and smartphones that make our lives easier. In order to function, these devices need energy. Throughout history, the energy industry has successfully met this growing need for energy. The problem is that fossil fuels were primarily used to obtain energy, which have a negative effect on society, and especially on the environment. That is why the energy industry is the source of many development challenges today, mostly because of these negative environmental consequences. This is where the concept of sustainable development appears, which attempts to manage development challenges on a global level. The fundamental idea of sustainable development is to leave the world in a better condition for future generations than it is today. The key element in this is the fight against climate change and pollution by switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. This transition from harmful fossil fuels to renewable sources is called the energy transition, and it is in full swing today. Although fossil fuels are still the most common source of energy, things are changing for the better. Their share is slowly decreasing in favor of renewable sources. Thus, in the last 10 years, the consumption of fossil fuels has stagnated, while renewable sources, especially solar and wind energy, have achieved enormous growth rates. The revenues and profits of the oil and energy giants, with some annual fluctuations, are also declining or stagnating. On the other hand, renewable companies achieve growth year after year, while at the same time having a positive impact on the environment. That is why the oil and energy giants are turning to renewable sources and making significant investments in renewable sources and green technologies and announcing new ones. Sustainable development is slowly turning the energy industry towards sustainability, where the former source of the problem is becoming its solution. |