Abstract | Naftna industrija jedna je ključnih industrija na globalnoj, regionalnoj te lokalnoj razini. Jedna je od najprofitabilnijih i najvećih industrija te ju je iz tog razloga posebno važno pratiti na svim razinama. Prateći trenutnu situaciju u svijetu, misleći na rat Ukrajine i Rusije, svaka država zasebno trebala bi osigurati opstanak, napredak i daljnji razvitak naftne industrije kako ne bi došlo do nestašice resursa. U Republici Hrvatskoj kao početak razvoja ove industrije može se uzeti 1952. godina, kada je osnovano poduzeće „Naftaplin“ i proizvedeno 102 000 tona nafte. Od tada je vidljiv veliki napredak industrije u pogledu proizvodnje, prerade i prodaje. Što se tiče proizvodnje, proizvodnja sirove nafte u Hrvatskoj posljednjih je godina u padu. Taj je pad uvelike posljedica iscrpljivanja postojećih naftnih polja i nedostatka ulaganja u nove projekte istraživanja i proizvodnje. Unatoč padu proizvodnje, Hrvatska još uvijek ima značajan rafinerijski kapacitet, s dvije velike rafinerije u Rijeci i Sisku.
Budućnost industrije sirove nafte u Hrvatskoj uvelike će ovisiti o sposobnosti zemlje da privuče ulaganja u nove projekte istraživanja i proizvodnje. Postoji nekoliko potencijalnih istraživačkih područja u Jadranskom moru koja bi mogla sadržavati značajne rezerve, ali će ti projekti zahtijevati značajna ulaganja i tehnološku stručnost. U ovome radu ispitat ćemo trenutno stanje industrije sirove nafte u Hrvatskoj, uključujući njezinu proizvodnju, potrošnju i izvoz. Usporediti ćemo stanje naftne industrije u Hrvatskom u odnosu na naftnu industriju u svijetu.
Zaključno, industrija sirove nafte u Hrvatskoj je mala, ali je važan sektor gospodarstva zemlje. Iako je proizvodnja u padu posljednjih godina, zemlja još uvijek ima značajne rafinerijske kapacitete i neto je izvoznik rafiniranih naftnih proizvoda. Međutim, budućnost industrije uvelike će ovisiti o sposobnosti zemlje da privuče ulaganja u nove projekte istraživanja i proizvodnje. |
Abstract (english) | The oil industry is one of the key industries on a global, regional and local level. It is one of the most profitable and largest industries, and for this reason it is especially important to monitor it at all levels. Following the current situation in the world, referring to the war between Ukraine and Russia, each country should separately ensure the survival, progress and further development of the oil industry so that there is no shortage of resources. In the Republic of Croatia, the year 1952 can be taken as the beginning of the development of this industry, when the company "Naftaplin" was founded and 102,000 tons of oil were produced. Since then, the industry has seen great progress in terms of production, processing and sales. As for production, crude oil production in Croatia has been declining in recent years. This decline is largely due to the depletion of existing oil fields and the lack of investment in new exploration and production projects. Despite the drop in production, Croatia still has significant refining capacity, with two large refineries in Rijeka and Sisak.
The future of the crude oil industry in Croatia will largely depend on the country's ability to attract investment in new exploration and production projects. There are several potential exploration areas in the Adriatic Sea that could contain significant reserves, but these projects will require significant investment and technological expertise. In this paper, we will examine the current state of the crude oil industry in Croatia, including its production, consumption and export. We will compare the state of the oil industry in Croatia in relation to the oil industry in the world.
In conclusion, the crude oil industry in Croatia is a relatively small but important sector of the country's economy. Although production has been declining in recent years, the country still has significant refining capacity and is a net exporter of refined petroleum products. However, the future of the industry will largely depend on the country's ability to attract investment in new exploration and production projects. |