Abstract | Predmet diplomskog rada vezan je uz zaštitu okoliša odnosno korištenje obnovljivih izvora
energije s posebnim naglaskom na energiju Sunca. Korištenje neobnovljivih izvora energije
kroz povijest negativno je utjecalo na planet i dovelo je do zagađenja - ne samo urbanih
sredina, već i onih ruralnih. Daljnje korištenje rezultiralo bi katastrofalnim posljedicama te je
postalo nužno promišljati o korištenju onih oblika energije koji dolaze iz obnovljivih izvora.
U tom pogledu, sve se više koristi energija biomase, geotermalna energija kao i energija
Sunca i vjetra. Energija Sunca iskorištava se kroz solarne elektrane i manje jedinice poput
solarnih panela koji mogu koristiti gotovo sve fizičke osobe koje imaju adekvatni prostor za
njihovo postavljanje. U ovom radu bit će definiran pojam solarnih panela, bit će navedene
njihove vrste kao i principi rada. Također, ono što je od posebne važnosti za zaštitu okoliša je
i pravilno recikliranje solarnih panela jer nije dovoljno samo koristiti obnovljive izvore, već je
važno znati i postupati s njima tijekom upotrebe, ali i nakon korištenja.
Iako je korištenje solarne energije u porastu, potrebno je obratiti pažnju i na troškove koji se
javljaju prilikom kupnje i stavljanja u funkciju te daljnje upotrebe. Samim time, s druge strane
potrebno je uočiti i sve prednosti koje korištenje solarnih panela donosi kućanstvima i koje su
dugoročne dobrobiti. U svakom slučaju, budući da je riječ o obnovljivom izvoru energije, to
je primarna prednost u odnosu na mnoge druge izvore energije te se sve više koristi i u svijetu
i u Republici Hrvatskoj. Također, važnost korištenja solarne energije prepoznalo je i resorno
ministarstvo kao i Fond za zaštitu okoliša i energetsku učinkovitost. |
Abstract (english) | The subject of the thesis is related to environmental protection, i.e. the use of renewable energy sources with a special emphasis on solar energy. The use of non-renewable energy sources throughout history has had a negative impact on the planet and has led to pollution - not only in urban areas, but also in rural areas. Further use would result in catastrophic consequences, and it became necessary to think about the use of those forms of energy that come from renewable sources. In this regard, biomass energy, geothermal energy as well as solar and wind energy are being used more and more. The energy of the Sun is used through solar power plants and smaller units such as solar panels that can be used by almost all natural persons who have adequate space to install them. In this paper, the concept of solar panels will be defined, their types and principles of operation will be listed. Also, what is of particular importance for environmental protection is the proper recycling of solar panels, because it is not enough to just use renewable sources, but it is important to know and deal with them during use, as well as after use. Although the use of solar energy is on the rise, it is also necessary to pay attention to the costs that arise when purchasing and putting it into operation and further use. Therefore, on the other hand, it is necessary to see all the advantages that the use of solar panels brings to households and what are the long-term benefits. In any case, since it is a renewable energy source, it is a primary advantage compared to many other energy sources and is increasingly used both in the world and in the Republic of Croatia. Also, the importance of using solar energy was recognized by the line ministry as well as the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund. |