Title Specifičnosti zapošljavanja i plaćanja stranih radnika u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Specifics of employment and payment of foreign workers in Croatia
Author Borna Marović
Mentor Ivana Načinović Braje (mentor)
Committee member Nina Pološki Vokić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Alka Obadić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Organization and Management) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Hrvatska, kao i ostatak Europske unije, pati od nedostatka radne snage. Domaće tržište rada više ne može zadovoljiti potrebe poslodavaca, pa se nedostatak radnika nastoji prevladati uvozom stranih radnika. Do pred nekoliko godina to su uglavnom bili zaposlenici s područja bivše Jugoslavije, no oni više ne mogu zadovoljiti potrebe Hrvatske za stranom radnom snagom jer je potražnja unutar Europske unije sve veća, a uvjeti često bolji nego u Hrvatskoj. Zato je potražnja za stranim radnicima proširena na zemlje (prvenstveno u Aziji) s puno stanovništva koje traže bolje poslove. Ovo zapošljavanje nazivamo izvorom iz “trećih zemalja”. Za razliku od zaposlenika iz bivše Jugoslavije, kojima nije potrebna značajnija kulturna i jezična integracija, strani radnici iz Azije i mali broj Afrike sa sobom donose različite kulture, običaje, jezike i očekivanja. Od ključne je važnosti istražiti nove mogućnosti, zahtjeve i prilike koje oni predstavljaju kako bi se njihov interes i potrebe za zapošljavanjem u Hrvatskoj optimalno usuglasili. Cilj empirijskog istraživanja bio je, metodom intervjua, istražiti kako se odvija proces zapošljavanja stranih radnika s naglaskom na one iz trećih zemalja te koliko traje proces ishođenja svih potrebnih dozvola za njegovo ostvarenje. Također se želi istražiti koliko su ti radnici motivirani za rad, kako se poslodavci prilagođavaju novim stranim radnicima i jesu li zadovoljni njihovim radom. Rezultati pokazuju da je proces zapošljavanja radnika iz trećih zemalja dugotrajan i kompliciran. Veliki problem je jezična barijera i ishođenje svih potrebnih dokumenata za boravišnu i radnu dozvolu. Postupak registracije i dobivanja dozvola je dugotrajan i vrlo birokratiziran. Sami strani radnici su u dolasku motivirani prvenstveno očekivanom plaćom, a kao dodatnu pogodnost traže smještaj te ponekad i topli obrok. Poslodavci su istaknuli kako su zadovoljni stranim radnicima te ih zapošljavaju zato što na domaćem tržištu rada nema radnika za poslove koji im trebaju. Anketirano poduzeće iz visokotehnološke automobilske industrije se izdvaja jer nudi puno više beneficija u zapošljavanju stranih radnika jer ova industrija nije razvijena u Hrvatskoj i nema odgovarajućih domaćih radnika s potrebnim znanjem i iskustvom.
Abstract (english) Croatia, like the rest of the European Union, suffers from a labor shortage. Domestic labor markets can no longer meet the needs of employers, so the lack of workers is being overcome by importing foreign workers. Until a few years ago, these were mostly employees from the former Yugoslavia, but they can no longer meet Croatia's needs for foreign labor because the demand within the European Union is increasing, and the conditions are often better than in Croatia. That is why the demand for foreign workers has expanded to countries with a large population looking for better jobs, primarily to Asian countries. We call this recruitment from “third countries”. Unlike employees from the former Yugoslavia, who do not need significant cultural and linguistic integration, foreign workers from Asia and a small number of Africa bring with them different cultures, customs, languages and expectations. It is of crucial importance to explore the new possibilities, demands and opportunities that they represent in order to optimally match their interest and needs for employment in Croatia. The aim of the empirical research was to investigate, using the interview method, how the process of hiring foreign workers takes place, with an emphasis on those from third countries, and how long the process of obtaining all the necessary permits for its realization takes. are employers adapting to new foreign workers and are they satisfied with their work. The results show that the process of hiring workers from third countries is long and complicated. A big problem is the language barrier and obtaining all the necessary documents for residence and work permits. The process of registration and obtaining permits is lengthy and highly bureaucratic. The foreign workers themselves are motivated primarily by the expected salary when they arrive, and as an additional benefit they ask for accommodation and sometimes a hot meal. Employers pointed out that they are satisfied with foreign workers and employ them because there are no workers for the jobs they need on the domestic labor market. The surveyed company from the high-tech automotive industry stands out because it offers many more benefits in hiring foreign workers because this industry is not developed in Croatia and there are no suitable local workers with the necessary knowledge and experience.
tržište rada
strani radnici
radne dozvole
Keywords (english)
labor market
foreign workers
work permits
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:768302
Study programme Title: Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-11 22:42:35