Title Zeleni marketing i ekomanipulacija
Title (english) Green marketing and greenwashing
Author Filipa Đerek
Mentor Jurica Šimurina (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Gelo (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Zeleni marketing je definiran kao marketing proizvoda i usluga koji su sigurni za okoliš. Njihova sigurnost za okoliš se temelji na njihovom dizajnu koji smanjuje negativne utjecaje na okoliš i istodobno poboljšava kvalitetu. Drugim riječima, zeleni marketing obuhvaća procese planiranja te implementaciju marketing miksa koji se temelji na ciljevima poput ostvarenja bolje potrošnje, poboljšanja karakteristika proizvoda, kvalitetnije proizvodnje proizvoda, promocije, distribucije i pakiranja proizvoda ili usluga na okolišno prihvatljiv način. Ukoliko poduzeće u svoje poslovanje implementira i realizira zeleni marketing, prilikom čega se drži svih postavljenih načela zelenog marketinga, dolazi do uspjeha u njegovom poslovanju. Međutim, zeleni marketing vrlo lako prerasta u ekomanipulaciju u praksi kada poduzeće ne ispunjava standarde održive poslovne prakse. “Ekološki prihvatljivo”, “organsko”, “prirodno” i “zeleno” samo su neke od najčešće korištenih oznaka koje mogu zbuniti i dovesti u zabludu potrošače. Ekomanipulacija predstavlja situaciju u kojoj se poduzeće predstavlja kao ekološki osviješteno, no u zbilji ne poduzima nikakve napore kako bi pridonio održivom razvoju i provodio društveno odgovorno poslovanje. Kako bi se spriječila ekomanipulacija te širenje zavaravajućih ekoloških tvrdnji i informacija, postoje određene organizacije koje se bave sprečavanjem poduzeća prilikom davanja neistinitih tvrdnji o svojim proizvodima i uslugama. Potrošači kupuju zelene proizvode zbog različitih razloga. Prvenstveno, mora postojati svijest o potrebi za zaštitom okoliša. Razina brige za okoliš prilikom kupnje ovisi o dostupnosti proizvoda u prodaji, visini cijene, zelenim karakteristikama proizvoda te o percipiranoj efektivnosti potrošača. U ovome radu je provedeno empirijsko istraživanje putem anketnog upitnika koji je proveden putem Google obrazaca te podijeljen putem društvenih mreža od 27.04.-05.05.2023. godine. Ispitanici su anketu ispunjavali anonimno i dobrovoljno.
Abstract (english) Green marketing is defined as the marketing of products and services that are safe for the environment. Their safety for the environment is based on their design which reduces the negative impact on the environment and improves quality at the same time. In other words, green marketing includes planning processes and the implementation of a marketing mix based on goals such as better consumption, improvement of product characteristics, better production of products, promotion, distribution and packaging of products or services in an environmentally friendly way. If the company implements and realizes green marketing in its business, while adhering to all the set principles of green marketing, its business will be successful. However, green marketing very easily turns into ecomanipulation in practice when the company does not meet the standards of sustainable business practices. "Eco-friendly", "organic", "natural" and "green" are just some of the widely used labels that can confuse and mislead consumers. Ecomanipulation represents a situation in which a company presents itself as environmentally conscious, but in reality does not undertake any efforts to contribute to sustainable development and conduct socially responsible business. In order to prevent eco-manipulation and the spread of misleading environmental claims and information, there are certain organizations that deal with preventing companies from making untrue claims about their products and services. Consumers buy green products for a variety of reasons. First of all, there must be an awareness of the need to protect the environment. The level of concern for the environment when purchasing depends on the availability of the product in the sale, the price level, the green characteristics of the product and the perceived effectiveness of the consumer. In this paper, empirical research was conducted through a survey questionnaire that was conducted through Google forms and distributed through social networks from April 27 to May 5, 2023. years. Respondents completed the survey anonymously and voluntarily.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:113009
Study programme Title: Economics of energy and environment Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomike energije i okoliša (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomike energije i okoliša)
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Created on 2023-09-26 20:36:15