Abstract | Tehnološke inovacije središte su mnogih rasprava te se u današnjem svijetu konstantno razvijaju i primjenjuju u poslovnom kontekstu, a kao jedna od najznačajnijih tehnoloških inovacija 21. stoljeća javlja se blockchain tehnologija. Iako je svoje početke obilježila kroz transakcijsku upotrebu u sklopu kriptovaluta, blockchain tehnologija, zahvaljujući interesu javnosti i istraživača te konstantnim ulaganjima, razvila je niz primjena izvan kriptovaluta, a ovaj rad istražuje potencijale primjene ove nove tehnologije u sklopu kriznog menadžmenta. Za implementaciju blockchain tehnologije u poslovanje te samim time u krizni menadžment, važno je prezentirati potencijal tehnologije u pogledu učinkovitosti, sigurnosti i transparentnosti, a kako bi se ostvario puni potencijal navedene tehnologije, potrebna je promjena statusa quo koja je često kompleksna i zahtijeva razna ulaganja. Zbog toga je potrebno pomno ispitati izvedivost, učinkovitost, rizike i mogućnosti usvajanja blockchain tehnologije za krizni menadžment. Na početku rada upoznajemo se s teorijskom pozadinom i ulogom kriznog menadžmenta i sustava ranog upozorenja te se analiziraju njihovi izazovi i ograničenja. Kroz prikaz nastanka i karakteristika blockchain tehnologije te kroz pregled aktualnih upotreba blockchaina i provođenjem dubinskog intervjua, identificiraju se područja u kojima bi se primjenom blockchaina mogli prevladati ranije definirani izazovi kriznog menadžmenta. Zaključuje se kako bi blockchain tehnologija može pridonijeti bržem, učinkovitijem i pouzdanijem odgovoru u kriznim situacijama, uz povećanu razinu transparentnosti. Blockchain se također preporuča koristiti u sustavima ranog upozorenja za automatiziaciju ključnih izvještaja putem pametnih ugovora. |
Abstract (english) | Technological innovations are at the center of many discussions in today's world, constantly evolving and finding applications in various business contexts. Among these innovations, blockchain technology stands out as one of the most significant advancements of the 21st century. While its origins were rooted in cryptocurrency transactions, blockchain technology has expanded its horizons beyond cryptocurrencies, thanks to the keen interest of the public, researchers, and continuous investments. This paper delves into the potential applications of this groundbreaking technology within the scope of crisis management. To implement blockchain technology effectively in both business and crisis management, it is crucial to showcase its potential in terms of efficiency, security, and transparency. Realizing the full potential of this technology often requires a departure from the existing status quo, a complex endeavor that frequently demands substantial investments. Therefore, a thorough examination of the security, effectiveness, risks, and possibilities associated with adopting blockchain technology for crisis management is imperative. The paper begins by providing insight into the theoretical foundations and the role of crisis management and early warning systems. It meticulously analyzes their challenges and limitations. By presenting the origins and characteristics of blockchain technology and offering an overview of its current applications, as well as conducting an in-depth interview, the paper identifies areas where blockchain's application could effectively address the previously defined challenges in crisis management. In conclusion, it is evident that blockchain technology has the potential to contribute to faster, more efficient, and more reliable responses in crisis situations, accompanied by an increased level of transparency. Furthermore, it is recommended to incorporate blockchain into early warning systems to automate key reports through the use of smart contracts. |