Title Uloga solidarnosti u izgradnji društvenog poduzetništva
Title (english) The role of solidarity in building social entrepreneurship
Author Filip Boić
Mentor Mladen Turuk (mentor)
Committee member Marko Kolaković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Turuk (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Kovač (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Managerial Economics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Abstract Pojavnost poduzetništva dijelom je ljudske djelatnosti i društva već stoljećima. Društveno poduzetništvo i neprofitne organizacije pokušavaju preuzeti tržište kako bi stvorili promjenu za dobrobit društva i okoliša. Kompleksnost poduzetništva uvelike se bolje može razumjeti kroz prizmu solidarnosti, jer se poduzetnici kroz individualne karakteristike najlakše mogu prepoznati u smislu psihološkog i sociološkog koncepta. Kako bi se zadovoljile hitne potrebe društva, potrebno je uskladiti političke prohtjeve i potrebe cijele državne zajednice kako bi se uskladio gospodarski rast, socijalna kohezija i krenula obzirnost prema poštovanju okoliša, a upravo je solidarnost ta koja može pokrenuti društveno poslovanje prema pozitivnom uzletu. Poduzetništvo je glavni cilj rješavanja gorućih društvenih izazova i zadovoljavanja društvenih potreba koji na inovativan način služi općem interesu. U ovom diplomskom radu pokušat će se približiti i pojasniti termini društvenog poduzetništva i solidarnosti te istaknuti kolika je važnost za dobrobit zajednice da se društvo pokuša socijalizirati i učiniti nešto za boljitak čitave zajednice. Na kraju rada analizirat će se rezultati empirijskog istraživanja kojemu je cilj da na nasumično odabranom uzorku ispitanika dokaže da unatoč dugogodišnjem postojanju društvenog poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj i dalje društvo ne poznaje navedenu terminologiju. Društveno poduzetništvo, koje provali u svijet socijalne i solidarne ekonomije, ima za cilj održivo zadovoljavanje osnovnih potreba čovječanstva kroz borbu protiv nezaposlenosti, ranjivosti, i socijalne razlike, što omogućava jamčenje društveno održivog razvoja koji poštuje ljudska prava. Ukratko, društveno poduzetništvo primarno cilja na društveni učinak, a ne na maksimiziranje profita u svom nastojanju da dosegne najugroženije skupine i pridonese uključivom i održivom rastu.
Abstract (english) The emergence of entrepreneurship has been a part of human activity and society for centuries. Social entrepreneurship and non-profit organizations are trying to take over the market to create change for the benefit of society and the environment. The complexity of entrepreneurship can be much better understood through the prism of solidarity, because entrepreneurs can be most easily recognized through individual characteristics in terms of psychological and sociological concepts. In order to meet the urgent needs of society, it is necessary to harmonize the political demands and needs of the entire state community in order to harmonize economic growth, social cohesion and start consideration for respect for the environment, and it is precisely solidarity that can start social business towards a positive takeoff. Entrepreneurship is the main goal of solving pressing social challenges and meeting social needs that serves the general interest in an innovative way. In this thesis, an attempt will be made to explore and elucidate the concepts of social entrepreneurship and solidarity. The goal is to highlight the significance of society's efforts towards communal well-being by emphasizing the importance of socialization and proactive endeavors aimed at the betterment of the entire community. At the end of the paper, the results of the empirical research will be analyzed, the aim of which is to prove, based on a randomly selected sample of respondents, that despite the long-standing existence of social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia, society still does not know the mentioned terminology. Social entrepreneurship, which breaks into the world of social and solidarity economy, aims to sustainably meet the basic needs of humanity through the fight against unemployment, vulnerability, and social difference, which makes it possible to guarantee socially sustainable development that respects human rights. In short, social entrepreneurship primarily aims for social impact rather than profit maximization in its effort to reach the most vulnerable groups and contribute to inclusive and sustainable growth.
društveno poduzetništvo
Keywords (english)
social entrepreneurship
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:717987
Study programme Title: / Study programme type: professional Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar ekonomije/magistra ekonomije (magistar ekonomije/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-09-27 15:06:26