Title Preferencije potrošača i sustav upravljanja kvalitetom u automobilskoj industriji
Title (english) Customer preferences and quality management system in the automobile industry
Author Patrik Mađar
Mentor Ines Dužević (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Baković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mate Damić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Trade and International Business) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-12-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Automobilska industrija jedna je od najvećih i najvažnijih industrija u svijetu i može se reći da je u potpunosti promijenila način života te koncept poimanja vremena i prostora. Poduzeća u automobilskoj industriji često se ubrajaju među najprofitabilnije i u mnogim slučajevima predvode gospodarstva mnogih država zapošljavajući milijune ljudi diljem svijeta – od proizvodnje i prodaje vozila do održavanja i servisa. U današnje vrijeme, automobilska industrija se suočava s rastućim zahtjevima potrošača koji traže visokokvalitetne, pouzdane i inovativne automobile, stoga je razumijevanje preferencija potrošača na tržištu automobila
ključno za razvoj i prodaju automobila. U današnjem dinamičnom globalnom poslovnom okruženju, automobilska industrija je fokusirana na postizanje visokih standarda kvalitete i zadovoljstva potrošača što je postalo je ključno za opstanak i uspjeh poduzeća u automobilskom sektoru. Preferencije potrošača su važne u automobilskoj industriji, a upravljanje kvalitetom je bitan element u osiguravanju zadovoljstva kupaca i postizanju konkurentske prednosti. Upravljanje kvalitetom u automobilskoj industriji predstavlja sustavni pristup planiranju, implementaciji i nadzoru aktivnosti koje su usmjerene na osiguranje da proizvodi i usluge zadovoljavaju određene standarde kvalitete. Ovaj pristup ima za cilj poboljšanje učinkovitosti, smanjenje rizika od grešaka ili nedostataka te postizanje visokih standarda zadovoljstva korisnika. Kvaliteta u autoindustriji obuhvaća različite aspekte, uključujući sigurnost, pouzdanost, performanse, dizajn, ekološku održivost i druge karakteristike proizvoda. Upravljanje kvalitetom uključuje postavljanje standarda kvalitete, implementaciju procesa koji osiguravaju njihovo ispunjenje te sustav redovitog nadzora i poboljšanja. Cilj rada je teorijski prikazati obilježja automobilske industrije, i protumačiti koncept upravljanja kvalitetom i njegovu ulogu u automobilskoj industriji, faktore koji utječu na odluke o kupnji te na kraju, interpretirati utjecaj tih preferencija na poduzeća u prodaji automobila i na taj način dati menadžerima važne uvide za poslovanje. U radu su korištene
induktivna i deduktivna metoda, analiza i sinteza, deskripcija te usporedba na temelju prikupljenih podataka.
Abstract (english) The automotive industry is one of the largest and most important industries in the world and it can be said that it has completely changed the way of life and the concept of understanding time and space. Companies in the automotive industry are often among the most profitable and in many cases lead the economies of many countries, employing millions of people around the world - from vehicle production and sales to maintenance and service. Nowadays, the automotive industry faces growing demands from consumers who are looking for high quality, reliable and innovative cars, so understanding consumer preferences in the car market is essential for developing and selling cars. In today's dynamic global business environment, the automotive industry is focused on achieving high quality standards and customer satisfaction has become essential for the survival and success of companies in the automotive sector. Consumer preferences are important in the automotive industry, and quality management is an essential element in ensuring customer satisfaction and achieving competitive advantage. Quality management in the automotive industry is a systematic approach to planning, implementing and monitoring activities aimed at ensuring that products and services meet certain quality standards. This approach aims to improve efficiency, reduce the risk of errors or defects, and achieve high standards of user satisfaction. Quality in the automotive industry encompasses various aspects, including safety, reliability, performance, design, environmental sustainability and other product characteristics. Quality management includes setting quality standards, implementing processes that ensure their fulfillment, and a system of regular monitoring and improvement. The aim of this paper is to theoretically present the characteristics of the automotive industry, to interpret the concept of quality management and its role in the automotive industry, the factors that influence purchasing decisions, and finally, to interpret the impact of these preferences on the company in the sale of cars and thus provide managers with important insights for business. Inductive and deductive methods, analysis and synthesis, description and comparison of accumulated data were used in this paper.
automobilska industrija
sustavi upravljanja kvalitetom
preferencije potrošača
ISO standard
Keywords (english)
automotive industry
quality management systems
consumer preferences
ISO standard
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:637467
Study programme Title: Business economics Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar ekonomije/sveučilišna magistra ekonomije (sveučilišni magistar ekonomije/sveučilišna magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-12-21 04:31:06