Abstract | Kroz povijest, kao i danas, pomorski promet, morske luke i lučki sustavi činili su važan dio međunarodne i nacionalne trgovine. Transport putnika i tereta u morskim lukama i danas, u suvremenim uvjetima poslovanja i u doba globalizacije, također ima značajan utjecaj na nacionalno gospodarstvo. Pomorske luke čine važan dio lučkog sustava, kao i cjelokupnog pomorskog prometa neke zemlje. Na uspješno prometovanje u pomorskim lukama uvelike utječe lučka infrastruktura, te se i na području Republike Hrvatske neprestano ulaže na modernizaciju luka i stvaranje većih poslovnih mogućnosti. Time se potiče daljnji razvoj pomorskog prometa koji je ujedno usklađen i prilagođen zahtjevima suvremenog poslovanja i međunarodnim trendovima i potrebama. Globalizacija uvelike utječe na međunarodni promet morskim lukama, obzirom da je jedna od najznačajnijih posljedica globalizacije upravo pojačan međunarodni promet roba i usluga. Stoga se u posljednjim desetljećima intenzivno ulaže u daljnji razvoj morskih luka na području Republike Hrvatske. Zemljopisni položaj luka na području Republike Hrvatske uvelike doprinosi njihovom gospodarskom značaju, obzirom da su luke smještene u područjima koja zemljama srednje i zapadne Europe omogućuju izlaz na more. Obzirom da pomorski promet u Hrvatskoj ima vrlo važnu ulogu na razini nacionalne trgovinu, morske luke čine važan segment gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske. Cilj i svrha ovog rada je analizirati značaj pomorskih luka Split, Rijeka, Zadar, Dubrovnik, Ploče i Šibenik i njihov utjecaj na gospodarstvo Republike Hrvatske. |
Abstract (english) | Throughout history, as well as today, maritime transport, sea ports, and port systems have constituted an important part of international and national trade. The transport of passengers and cargo in sea ports, even today under modern business conditions and in the era of globalization, also has a significant impact on the national economy. Sea ports are an important part of the port system, as well as the overall maritime transport of a country. Successful operations in sea ports are greatly influenced by port infrastructure, and in the area of the Republic of Croatia, continuous investments are made in the modernization of ports and the creation of greater business opportunities. This stimulates further development of maritime transport, which is simultaneously aligned and adapted to the demands of modern business, international trends, and needs. Globalization greatly affects international maritime transport, as one of the most significant consequences of globalization is the intensified international traffic of goods and services. Therefore, in recent decades, there have been intensive investments in the further development of sea ports in the Republic of Croatia. The geographical location of ports in the Republic of Croatia significantly contributes to their economic importance, given that the ports are situated in areas that provide landlocked countries in Central and Western Europe with access to the sea. Considering that maritime transport in Croatia plays a very important role in national trade, sea ports constitute an important segment of the economy of the Republic of Croatia. The aim and purpose of this paper are to analyze the significance of the sea ports of Split, Rijeka, Zadar, Dubrovnik, Ploče, and Šibenik and their impact on the economy of the Republic of Croatia. |