Abstract | Uvođenje nove marke na tržište kompleksan je i višefazni proces koji zahtjeva precizno planiranje i pomno razvijenu strategiju. Procesi poput istraživanja tržišta, razvoja robne marke, strategije pozicioniranja, marketinga, distribucije i lansiranja te praćenja i evaluacije proizvoda ključni su koraci u ovom složenom poslovnom procesu. Kako bi marka postala prepoznatljiva i profitabilna potrebno je uskladiti i savršeno razraditi navedene procese te kroz planiranje i adaptaciju u skladu s povratnim informacijama tržišta stvoriti kreativnu strategiju koja će omogućiti da se marka diversificira od ostalih konkurenata.
Automobilska industrija od samog je nastanka jedna od najkonkurentnijih i najprofitabilnijih industrija u svijetu. Sukladno tome, normalno je da je sve više proizvođača htjelo zauzeti dio tržišta te izuzetno privlačne industrije. U današnje vrijeme rapidnih promjena koje zahvaćaju sve industrije, ni automobilska nije imuna na njih. Ideje poput elektrifikacije, čiste energije, smanjenja otiska ugljikovog dioksida i zaštite planeta čine jedne od glavnih agendi u svakoj sferi života, dok s druge strane nestašice poluvodiča, razni ratovi i ekonomske, ali i zdravstvene krize haraju svijetom, uvođenje nove marke na tržište potencijalno može biti recept za neuspjeh ne samo te marke, nego i cijelog koncerna koji stoji iza nje. Marka Cupra nastala je još davne 1996. kao sportska podmarka Seata, jedinog španjolskog proizvođača automobila. Od 2018. Cupra postaje zasebna marka te će se u sljedećih nekoliko godina, u samom začetku, morati suočiti s jednim od najizazovnijih perioda u povijesti automobilske industrije. U radu će se istražiti na koji način se rukovodstvo Cupre nosilo s izazovima uvođenja nove marke na tržište, kako i zašto je došlo do procesa „spinoffa“ i rebrendiranja same marke te koje su se metode i strategije koristile u procesu. |
Abstract (english) | Introducing a new brand to the market is a complex and multi-phase process that requires precise planning and a carefully developed strategy. Processes such as market research, brand development, positioning strategy, marketing, distribution and launch, and product monitoring and evaluation are key steps in this complex business process. In order for the brand to become recognizable and profitable, it is necessary to harmonize and perfectly develop the mentioned processes, and through planning and adaptation in accordance with market feedback, create a creative strategy that will allow the brand to diversify from other competitors.
The automotive industry has been one of the most competitive and profitable industries in the world since its inception. Accordingly, it is normal that more and more manufacturers wanted to grab a part of the market of this extremely attractive industry. In today's time of rapid changes affecting all industries, even the automotive industry is not immune to them. Ideas such as electrification, clean energy, reducing the carbon dioxide footprint and protecting the planet form one of the main agendas in every sphere of life, while on the other hand semiconductor shortages, various wars and economic but also health crises are sweeping the world, introducing a new brand to the market can potentially be a recipe for failure not only of that brand, but also of the entire concern behind it. The Cupra brand was created way back in 1996 as a sports sub-brand of Seat, the only Spanish car manufacturer. From 2018, Cupra becomes a separate brand and in the next few years, at the very beginning, it will have to face one of the most challenging periods in the history of the automotive industry. The paper will investigate how the management of Cupra dealt with the challenges of introducing a new brand to the market, how and why the process of "spinoff" and rebranding of the brand itself took place, and what methods and strategies were used in the process. |