Abstract | Masovni turizam utjecao je na pojavu različitih motiva putovanja turista pa oni danas više ne traže isključivo sunce i more već nova iskustva i doživljaje na svojim putovanjima. To je razlog rasta popularnosti različitih vrsta i specifičnih oblika turizma, a sve aktualniji postaje upravo ruralni turizam. Radi se o specifičnoj vrsti turizma koji svoj razvitak bazira u ruralnim područjima na kojima spaja prirodu i tradiciju. Osim toga, takva vrsta turizma nudi razne oblike turističke ponude kao što su agroturizam, cikloturizam, eko turizam, eno-gastronomski turizam, kulturni turizam, zdravstveni turizam, i sl. Takva će turistička ponuda pružiti turistima jedinstvene doživljaje.
Republika Hrvatska obiluje ruralnim prostorima s iznimnim turističkim resursima. Budući da se ruralni turizam danas popeo visoko na ljestvici važnosti i time postao nova, vrlo popularna vrsta turizma, pojavio se velik interes za njegovim razvitkom i lokalne vlasti počele su kreirati razvojne politike u skladu s razvojem ovog segmenta. Gorski kotar, koji se još naziva i „Zeleno
srce Hrvatske“, postaje nezaobilazna turistička regija na što ukazuje broj posjetitelja tog područja koji iz godine u godinu raste. Veliki interes za ovom regijom očituje se u bogatstvu biljnog i životinjskog svijeta te brojim spomenicima kulture i tradicijskim vrijednostima. Ovaj rad stavlja u središte pozornosti obilježja Općine Fužine koja ima izuzetan potencijal za razvitak ruralnog turizma.
Osim što razvoj turizma donosi brojne očekivane učinke na području na kojem se razvija, on snažno utječe i na živote stanovnika tog područja. Nakon što se zajednica uključi u razvoj turizma, životna iskustva stanovnika u zajednici pod utjecajem su pozitivnih i negativnih utjecaja turizma. U svrhu razmatranja mogućih razvojnih pravaca u cilju boljeg tržišnog pozicioniranja ovog područja i ideja za daljnji održivi razvitak, ali i očuvanje te unapređenje kvalitete života stanovništva, provedeno je primarno istraživanje utjecaja razvoja koji turizam ima na kvalitetu života lokalnog stanovništva na području Općine Fužine. |
Abstract (english) | Mass tourism has influenced the emergence of different travel motives for tourists, so today they are no longer looking exclusively for sun and sea, but for new experiences on their travels. For this reason, the popularity of different types and specific forms of tourism is growing, and the most popular among them is rural tourism. It is about tourism that originates in rural areas, and represents a combination of nature and tradition, and offers various forms of tourism such as cycle tourism, eco tourism, agro tourism, wine and gastronomic tourism, cultural tourism, health tourism, etc. All of this represents unique experiences for tourists.
The Republic of Croatia is rich in rural areas with exceptional tourist resources. Since rural tourism has climbed high on the scale of importance and thus become a new, very popular form of tourism, there has been a great interest in its development and local authorities have begun to create development policies in accordance with the development of this segment. The "Green heart of Croatia", as Gorski Kotar is called by many, is becoming an increasingly interesting tourist region, and the number of visitors to the area is growing year by year. Given that a large part of the area is covered by forests, the mentioned area represents a real wealth of flora and fauna, but also numerous cultural monuments and traditional values. This paper focuses on the characteristics of the Municipality of Fužine, which has exceptional potential for the development of rural tourism.
In addition to the fact that the development of tourism brings numerous expected effects to the area where it develops, it also strongly affects the lives of the inhabitants of that area. Once the community is involved in the development of tourism, the life experiences of the residents in the community are influenced by the positive and negative impacts of tourism. In order to consider possible development directions with the aim of better market positioning of this area and ideas for further sustainable development, as well as preservation and improvement of the quality of life of the population, a primary study of the impact of tourism development on the quality of life of the local population in the area of Fužine Municipality was conducted. |