Title Ugovor o zajmu i ugovor o kreditu
Title (english) Loan agreement and credit agreement
Author Sara Juroš
Mentor Zvonimir Šafranko (mentor)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Business Law) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Commercial and Company Law
Abstract Cilj ovog rada je analizirati i objasniti ugovor o zajmu i ugovor o kreditu, te istaknuti njihove temeljne karakteristike, sadržaj i elemente. Posebna pažnja posvećena je razlikama između ova dva pravna instituta s obzirom na njihove pravne i ekonomske aspekte. Rad nastoji pružiti jasno razumijevanje oba tipa ugovora, prikazati ključna obilježja svakog od njih, te objasniti ulogu i važnost ugovora o kreditu u suvremenom financijskom sustavu. Za izradu rada korištena je sekundarna istraživačka metodologija koja uključuje prikupljanje podataka iz stručne literature (pravni izvori, zakoni, znanstveni članci, baze podataka). Metode istraživanja uključuju analizu, sintezu, apstrakciju, deskriptivnu metodu, komparativnu metodu, indukciju i dedukciju. Istraživanje je rezultiralo preciznim definiranjem ugovora o zajmu i kreditu. Utvrđeno je da su glavne razlike između ova dva ugovora u tome što zajmodavac kod ugovora o zajmu može biti bilo koja pravna ili fizička osoba, dok je kod ugovora o kreditu uvijek banka. Predmet ugovora o zajmu mogu biti novac ili zamjenjive stvari, dok je kod ugovora o kreditu isključivo riječ o novcu s obvezom plaćanja kamata. Krediti imaju značajnu ulogu u modernom gospodarstvu, omogućavajući financiranje investicija i potrošnje te povećavajući konkurenciju na tržištu. Zaključeno je da i ugovor o zajmu i ugovor o kreditu imaju značajnu ulogu u financijskom sektoru, ali se razlikuju prema vrsti ugovornih strana, predmetu ugovora i obavezama. Ugovor o kreditu, kao financijski instrument, ima veću važnost s obzirom na njegov utjecaj na gospodarski rast, dok je ugovor o zajmu jednostavniji oblik pravnog odnosa. Razlike između ova dva ugovora ključne su za razumijevanje njihovih specifičnosti i pravilnu primjenu u pravnom i ekonomskom kontekstu.
Abstract (english) The aim of this paper is to analyze and explain the loan agreement and credit agreement, and highlight their fundamental characteristics, elements and content. Special attention is paid to the differences between these two legal institutes with regard to their legal and economic aspects. The paper tries to provide a clear understanding of both types of contracts, to show the key features of each of them, and to explain the role and importance of credit contracts in the modern financial system. Secondary research methodology was used for the preparation of the paper, which includes the collection of data from professional literature (legal sources, laws, scientific articles, databases). Research methods include analysis, synthesis, abstraction, descriptive method, comparative method, induction and deduction. The research resulted in a precise definition of loan and credit agreements. It was determined that the main differences between these two contracts are that the lender in the loan contract can be any legal or natural person, while in the loan contract it is always the bank. The object of the loan agreement can be money or exchangeable things, while the loan agreement is exclusively about money with the obligation to pay interest. Loans play a significant role in the modern economy, enabling the financing of investments and consumption and increasing competition on the market. It was concluded that both the loan agreement and the credit agreement have a significant role in the financial sector, but they differ according to the type of contracting parties, the subject of the agreement and obligations. A credit agreement, as a financial instrument, has greater importance with regard to its impact on economic growth, while a loan agreement is a simpler form of legal relationship. The differences between these two contracts are crucial for understanding their specificities and their proper application in the legal and economic context.
Ugovor o zajmu
Ugovor o kreditu
Zakon o obveznim odnosima
nenamjenski krediti
namjenski krediti
Keywords (english)
Loan Agreement
Credit Agreement
Civil Obligations Act
Non-purpose loans
Purpose loans
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:759522
Study programme Title: / Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik (baccalaureus) ekonomije/prvostupnica (baccalaurea) ekonomije (prvostupnik (baccalaureus) ekonomije/prvostupnica (baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2024-09-23 14:22:30