Title Značaj operativnih rizika za solventnost osiguravajućih društava
Title (english) Significance of operational risks for the solvency of insurance companies
Author Ivana Budimir
Mentor Maja Mihelja Žaja (mentor)
Committee member Mihovil Anđelinović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Davidović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Finance) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Finance
Abstract Osiguravajuća društva imaju vrlo važnu ulogu u suvremenom financijskom sustavu jer pružaju financijsku zaštitu od raznih rizika pojedincima i gospodarskim subjektima. Iako pružaju zaštitu od rizika drugima, oni su također u svome poslovanju svakodnevno izloženi brojnim poslovnim rizicima. Operativni rizici, koji su predmet ovog rada, dobili su na važnosti nakon što su prouzročili nekoliko insolventnosti u financijskoj industriji, a posljedično i uvođenjem Solventnost II regulative koja stavlja poseban naglasak na kvalitetnije upravljanje i kontrolu rizika. Ovi rizici mogu proizaći iz ljudskog djelovanja, neadekvatnih procesa i sustava, te vanjskih čimbenika. Cilj istraživanja prikaz je značajnosti i kompleksnosti operativnih rizika. Koliko su značajni pokazuje njihova sposobnost da dovedu do velikih poteškoća u poslovanju, ogromnih financijskih gubitaka, gubitka reputacije pa čak i insolventnosti osiguravajućeg društva. Upravljanje operativnim rizicima izuzetno je zahtjevno s obzirom da ih je teže identificirati, mjeriti, procjenjivati i kontrolirati nego li većinu drugih rizika. Također, uključuju tehnološke rizike, a primjena tehnologije svake godine sve više raste u osigurateljnom sektoru. U radu je prikazano koliko kapitala za operativne i druge materijalne rizike izdvajaju tri vodeća osiguranja u Hrvatskoj, kako bi očuvala svoju financijsku stabilnost i ostala solventna. Rad započinje definiranjem osnova vezanih uz osiguranje i rizike. Operativni rizici, kao dio poslovnih rizika, detaljno su opisani zajedno sa sustavom upravljanja rizicima i sustavom unutarnjih kontrola društava za osiguranje. U radu je definirana i regulativa društava za osiguranje s naglaskom na Solventnost II regulativu. Opisan je značaj operativnih rizika i izazovi njihova upravljanja, uz detaljnu analizu izvješća o solventnosti i financijskom stanju Croatia osiguranja, Euroherca i Allianz osiguranja. U zaključku rada ističe se važnost operativnih rizika u današnjem suvremenom financijskom sustavu. Podaci su prikupljeni iz sekundarnih izvora, a korištene su metode analize, deskripcije, sinteze i komparativna metoda. Doprinos rada očituje se u sistematizaciji ključnih karakteristika operativnih rizika, te u podizanju svijesti o njihovom značaju i sve većim izazovima upravljanja.
Abstract (english) Insurance companies play a very important role in the modern financial system by providing financial protection against various risks to individuals and economic entities. Although they offer risk protection to others, they are also exposed to various business risks every day. Operational risks, which are the subject of this paper, have gained importance following their role in causing multiple insolvencies in the financial industry and subsequently with the introduction of the Solvency II regulation, which places particular emphasis on improving risk management and control. These risks can result from human actions, inadequate processes and systems, and external factors. The research aims to show the significance and complexity of operational risks. The significance of these policies is shown by their ability to lead to significant difficulties in business, substantial financial losses, loss of reputation, and even insolvency of the insurance company. Managing them is extremely challenging, considering they are more difficult to identify, measure, evaluate, and control than most other risks. They include technological risks, and the application of technology is growing yearly in the insurance sector. This paper presents how much capital is allocated for operational and other material risks by Croatia's three leading insurance companies to maintain their financial stability and remain solvent. The paper begins by defining the fundamentals related to insurance and risks. Operational risks, as part of the business risks, are described in detail together with operational risk management systems and internal control systems of insurance companies. The paper also defines the regulation of insurance companies with an emphasis on the Solvency II regulation. The importance of operational risks and their management challenges is described with a detailed analysis of the solvency and financial condition reports for Croatia Osiguranje, Euroherc and Allianz osiguranje. The paper's conclusion emphasizes the significance of operational risks in today's financial system. Data were collected from secondary sources, and the methods used were analysis, description, synthesis, and comparative methods. The work's contribution is displayed in the systematization of the key characteristics of operational risks and in raising awareness about their significance and the increasing challenges of management.
osiguravajuća društva
upravljanje rizicima
operativni rizik
kapitalni zahtjev
Keywords (english)
insurance companies
risk management
operational risk
capital requirement
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:131478
Study programme Title: Business economics Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar ekonomije/sveučilišna magistra ekonomije (sveučilišni magistar ekonomije/sveučilišna magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-09-28 09:39:13