Abstract | Proteklih godina, s obzirom na vrlo tešku ekonomsku situaciju u zemlji i svijetu. kreditiranje potrošnje u društvu čini vrlo bitan segment poslovanja banaka. Fizička osoba (građanin-pojedinac) korištenjem sredstava dobivenih od banke na duži rok, ne samo da zadovoljava osnovne životne potrebe i egzistencijalne potrebe, poput stanovanja, već i nabavku predmeta koji mu omogućuju i viši standard života te samim time, postaje predmet od većeg interesa s aspekta rizičnosti te sigumosti ulaganja na duži vremenski period. Naime, rizici klasičnoga kreditnog posla u današnjim uvjetima, kada je sa sigurnošću teško reći da će kredit bili uredno otplačivan, predstavljaju izazov za procjenu sigumog kreditnog plasmana vjerovnika. Društva za osiguranje već dugi niz godina prepoznaju i podržavaju interes na zaštiti vjerovnika od rizika neplaćanja kod kreditiranja u prometu usluga i dobara te u međunarodnoj trgovini i investiranju, a ponajviše kod kreditiranja fizičkih osoba gdje je paleta polica osiguranja poveća. Vjerovnici su na taj način dobili "zaštitu" od osiguravajućih društava koja su razradila određena pokrića i police osiguranja kojima omogućuju preuzimanje kreditnih rizika vjerovnika i moduliraju ih prema vlastitim procjenama kao i zahtjevima tržišta. Pristup osigurateljne prakse razrađen je na osnovama pozitivne zakonske regulative i omogućuje da se rizik kreditnog posla za odgovarajuću premiju i pod određenim uvjetima, prebaci na osiguratelja. Cilj ovog rada je, na analizi slučaja, praktično prikazati razloge i važnost osiguranja kredita. Vjerovniku, osiguranje potraživanja predstavlja mogućnost da se tim načinom zaštiti za slučaj da mu dužnik ne vrati dug u ugovorenom roku. Uvijek kad postoji potraživanje, postoji i opasnost da dužnik ne bude u mogućnosti podmiriti svoju obvezu prema vjerovniku. Poslovne banke, osiguranjem kredita lakše i radije odobravaju kredite građanima, te se samim time povećava mogućnost kupnje različitih dobara i stimulativno djeluje na proizvodnju i promet domaćih tvrtki. Svako potraživanje koje se pojavljuje kao pravno reguliran i zaštićen zahtjev jednog učesnika obvezno pravnog odnosa da mu drugi učesnik izvrši određenu činidbu, smatra se da može biti predmet ugovora o osiguranju. |
Abstract (english) | In recent years, given the very difficult economic situation in the country and the world, crediting consumption in society makes a very important segment of bank operations. Natural person (citizen-individual) using funds provided by the bank in the long term, not only to satisfy the basic needs and existential needs, such as housing, but also the procurement of items which allow a higher standard of living and therefore becomes the object of greater interest in terms of risk and security of investment for a longer period. The risks of classic credit business in today’s conditions, with reasonable certainty are hard to say that the loan will be duly repaid, represent a challenge to assess creditor’s safe credit placements. The insurance companies for many years now are recognizing and support the interest of the protection of creditors against the risk of nonpayment of lending in real goods and services and in international trade and investment, most notably in loans to natural persons where the range of insurance policies increased. The creditor’s arc thus given "protection" of insurance companies, which are developed specific coverage and insurance policies which provide download credit risks creditors and modulate them according to its own estimates, as well as the market demands. Insurance practice approach is elaborated on the basis of positive legislation and allows the risk of a credit transaction for the applicable premium under certain conditions switch to insurers. The aim of this work is in case study practically present reasons and to show the importance of credit insurance. To the lender, insurance claims represent the possibility that this is the method of protection in case the borrower fails to repay his debt within the agreed period. Whenever there is a claim, there is a risk that the borrower is unable to pay its obligations to the lender. Commercial banks with credit insurance easier and rather grant loans to the citizens, and thus increase the possibility of purchasing various goods and stimulating effect on the production and circulation of domestic companies. Any claim that occurs as a legally regulated and protected request of one of the participant’s compulsory legal relationship for the other participant to perform a certain performance it is considered to be the subject of an insurance contract. |