Abstract | Razdoblje globalizacije, osim što je pridonijelo internacionalizaciji poslovanja, tehnološkom
razvoju te pružanju informacija u realnom vremenu, ujedno je omogućilo veću mobilnost ljudi
na globalnoj razini, što je u konačnici rezultiralo stvaranju potreba za novim proizvodima,
uslugama i iskustvu.
Jedne od industrija na koje su značajno utjecale globalne promjene su turizam i industrija
luksuza. Uvidom u literaturu uviđena je potreba za postavljanjem novog koncepta, luksuzne
marke destinacije, čiji temelji počivaju na sjedinjavanju komponenti luksuzne ponude i
turizma, s ciljem zadovoljavanja potreba luksuznih potrošača koji su ujedno u ulozi turista.
Tako je predloženo i temeljem teorije definirano osam čimbenika koji utječu na luksuznost
marke destinacije. Također je predložen model koji osim navedenih čimbenika i njihovog
utjecaja na luksuznost marke destinacije, ukazuje i na vezu između luksuznosti marke
destinacije i lojalnost potrošača uz moderatorski utjecaj zadovoljstva i predodžbe o sebi.
Kako bi se ispitao utjecaj varijabli u modelu provedeno je primarno istraživanje na uzorku
ispitanika iz 16 zemalja. Rezultatima istraživanja ukazalo se na značaj pojedinih čimbenika u
izgradnji luksuzne marke destinacije, kao i njezinog utjecaja na lojalnost potrošača uz
moderatorski utjecaj zadovoljstva i predodžbe o sebi. Implikacije istraživanja značajne su za
sve dionike koji posluju u industrijama luksuza i turizma, budući da objašnjavaju kako i u kojoj
mjeri potrošači percipiraju i vrednuju pojedine čimbenike te kako se sukladno tome ponašaju
i što u konačnici očekuju da im bude pruženo u luksuznoj turističkoj destinaciji. |
Abstract (english) | Globalization has not only contributed to the internationalization of businesses, technological
development, but has also had a great impact on the provision of information in real time,
thus enabling greater mobility of people on a global scale. Ultimately, globalization has
resulted in the creation of needs for new products, services and experiences.
Industries that are significantly influenced by changes in the global arena are tourism and
luxury industry. By examining the literature, a need for a new concept, luxury destination
brand, was identified. Its foundations are based on uniting components of luxury supply and
tourism, with the aim of meeting the needs of luxury consumers, in this case also in the role
of tourists. Based on the theoretical background, eight factors were identified and defined
that build a luxury destination brand. Furthermore, a model was proposed showing, besides
previously mentioned factors and their impact on the luxury destination brand, the
connection between the luxury destination brand and customer loyalty with the moderating
role of satisfaction and self-image.
In order to examine the impact of the variables proposed by the model, primary research was
conducted on a sample of respondents from 16 countries. The study results show the
importance of factors in the construction of luxury destination brand, as well as its impact on
consumer loyalty with the moderating role of satisfaction and self-image. The implications of
the research are important for all stakeholders operating in the luxury industry and tourism,
as they explain how and to what extent consumers perceive and evaluate each factor and
behave accordingly, and finally what they ultimately expect to be provided in a luxury tourist
destination. |