Title Žene poduzetnice u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Womem entrepreneurs in the Republic of Croatia
Author Marija Vučetić
Mentor Nina Pološki Vokić (mentor)
Committee member Mladen Turuk (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mihaela Mikić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Abstract Žene su se uvijek smatrale nježnijim i osjetljivijim spolom te se smatralo da žena nije osoba koja može upravljati i voditi veći broj ljudi prema uspjehu. Kako se vremena mijenjaju i kako su žene danas ne samo kućanice i majke, nego i obrazovanije od muškaraca te vrhunske stručnjakinje u svojim poslovima, postavlja se pitanje: „Koliko žena može biti uspješna poduzetnica?“
Ova tema zanimljiva je iz nekoliko razloga. Prije svega, tiče se svih žena, ali i svih muškaraca koji se sve više susreću sa ženama direktoricama, ženama na visokim državnim položajima, ali i ženama poduzetnicama. Možemo reći da su žene danas više nego ikada prije u povijesti posvećene sebi i svojem razvoju, ali istovremeno, i željne uskladiti privatni i poslovni život. Nadalje, žene se danas sve više izjednačavaju s muškarcima, a sve su manje ovisne o njima. Kako bi se spomenuto pokrijepilo dokazima, u radu je prikazano par primjera uspješnih hrvatskih poduzetnica.
U teorijskom dijelu rada navedene su specifičnosti žena poduzetnica. Žene su, za razliku od muškaraca, više orijentirane na suradnju i timski rad te su bolji slušači. Upravo zbog toga, žene se, kod pokretanja vlastitoga poslovnoga pothvata, više odlučuju na uslužne djelatnosti. Teorijski dio rada pokrijepljen je pregledom dosadašnjih saznanja o ženama poduzetnicama u Hrvatskoj, ali i u Europi i svijetu. No, kako je i dalje relativno maleni udio žena poduzetnica u odnosu na muškarce, Republika Hrvatska donijela je Strategiju za razvoj ženskoga poduzetništva. Cilj Strategije je potaknuti Hrvatice na pokretanje vlastitoga poslovnoga pothvata.
Empirijski dio rada bavi se analizom sekundarnih podataka Hrvatske obrtničke komore, Financijske agencije, Državnoga zavoda za statistiku i Sudskog registra o udjelu žena u poduzetništvu. Orijentiran je prvenstveno na poduzetničke aktivnosti žena prema djelatnostima i udjelu u vlasništvu poduzeća. Na kraju empirijskog dijela rada dan je kritički osvrt na položaj žena u hrvatskome poduzetništvu.
Abstract (english) Women have always been considered a more gentle and more sensitive gender and it has been considered that a woman is not a person who can manage and lead more people to ward success. As times change, and women today are not only housewives and mothers, but also more educated than men and experts in their jobs, the question is: "How many women can be successful entrepreneurs?"
This topic is interesting for several reasons. First of all, it tackles all women, and men who cooperate with female directors, women in high governmental positions, and women entrepreneurs. We can say that today, more than ever, women are devoted to themselves and their growth, but at the same time, they harmonize their private and business lives. Furthermore, women are becoming more and more equal to men and they are becoming less dependent on them. In order to support the above-mentioned evidence, a few examples of successful Croatian female entrepreneurs are presented.
The theoretical part introduces specifics of women entrepreneurs. Women are more oriented toward collaboration and teamwork and they are better listeners. For this reason, women are choosing service activities when they are starting their own business ventures. The theoretical part of the paper is supplemented by an overview of current knowledge about female entrepreneurs in Croatia, as well as in Europe and in the world. However, as the share of female entrepreneurs is smaller than the share of male entrepreneurs, the Republic of Croatia has introduced a Strategy for the development of women's entrepreneurship. The aim of the Strategy is to encourage Croatian women to start their own business.
The empirical part of the research deals with the analysis of data from the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts, the Financial Agency, the Croatian Bureau of Statistics and the Court Register on the share of women in entrepreneurship. It focuses primarily on women's entrepreneurial activities by activities and ownership share. At the end of the empirical part, a critical review of the women’s position in Croatian entrepreneurship is given.
žena poduzetnica
suradnja i timski rad
uslužna djelatnost
Strategija za razvoj ženskog poduzetništva
Keywords (english)
female entrepreneur
collaboration and teamwork
service activity
Strategy for the development of female entrepreneurship
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:215938
Study programme Title: Economics of Entrepreneurship Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni specijalist/specijalistica poduzetništva (stručni specijalist/specijalistica poduzetništva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-09-25 11:52:50