Title Svjetsko tržište robotike
Title (english) World robotics market
Author Petar Komljenović
Mentor Ivan Strugar (mentor)
Committee member Božidar Jaković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Katarina Ćurko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Informatics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Business Informatics
Abstract Korištenje robota prilikom obavljanja svakodnevnih zadataka je sve češći slučaj. Svjetska gospodarstva modernu proizvodnju temelje na robotici.
Robotika je tržište koje je trenutno u ekspanziji, te će se taj trend nastaviti i u budućnosti.
Roboti se koriste u privatne (usisivači, kosilice, roboti za čišćenje prozora, roboti za zabavu ...) i u profesionalne svrhe(proizvodnja, obrana...).
Svjetsko tržište robotike područje je u kojem se trenutno razvijaju i nastaju brojni Start-upovi. Nastajanje i razvoj velikog broja Start-upova je odličan pokazatelj tržišnog potencijala kojeg su poduzetnici i investitori identificirali u kontinuirano rastućem području robotike.
Globalna gospodarstva svoj razvoj temelje na modernoj tehnologiji, a razvoja robotike je temelj tehnološkog razvoja mnogim zemljama.
Sektori kao što su uslužne aktivnosti, skladištenje i logistika, promet i transport, medicina, obrana... postaju visoko automatizirani, te se njihov razvoj sve više temelji na primjeni modernih tehnologija i robotike.
U radu se istražuje razvoj robotike kroz područja razvoja hardverske i softverske infrastrukture i tehnologije, te razvoja umjetne inteligencije.
Analiziraju se svjetska tržišta robotike podijeljena na područja Europe, Sjeverne Amerike i Azije. Tržišta se analiziraju po sektorima uslužnih i robota specijalne namjene, medicinskih robota, te robota namijenjenih vojnoj industriji.
Svi analizirani sektori robotike u analiziranim područjima trenutno ostvaruju tržišni rast, a očekuje se da će se rast nastaviti i u bliskoj budućnosti.
U zadnjem poglavlju rada analiziraju se hrvatski start-up Gideon Brothers, tržište robotike u hrvatskoj i provedena anketa u kojoj su ispitanici iznijeli svoje mišljenje o robotici.
Abstract (english) Using a robot when performing everyday tasks is an increasingly common case. World economies base modern manufacturing on robotics.
Robotics as a market is increasingly expanding, and this trend will continue in the future.
The robots are used for private (vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, window cleaning robots, entertainment robots ...) and for professional purposes (manufacturing, defense ...).
The global robotics market is an area where many Start-ups are currently being developed and are emerging. The emergence and development of a large number of Start-ups is an excellent indicator of the market potential identified by entrepreneurs and investors in the ever-expanding field of robotics.
Global economies base their development on modern technology, and the development of robotics is the cornerstone of technological development in many countries.
Sectors such as hospitality, warehousing and logistics, transport and transportation, medicine, defense ... are becoming highly automated and their development is increasingly based on the application of modern technologies and robotics.
This paper explores the development of robotics through the development of hardware and software infrastructure and technology, and the development of artificial intelligence.
The global robotics markets divided into Europe, North America and Asia are analyzed. Markets are analyzed by sectors of service and special purpose robots, medical robots, and robots intended for the military industry.
All the robotics sectors analyzed in the analyzed areas are currently experiencing market growth, and growth is expected to continue in the near future.
The last section of the paper analyzes the Croatian start-up Gideon Brothers, a robotics market in Croatia and a survey in which respondents expressed their opinion about robotics.
Umjetna inteligencija
Keywords (english)
Artificial Intelligence
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:822216
Study programme Title: Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-10-01 19:52:25