Title Prilagodba malih i srednjih poduzeća na Opću uredbu o zaštiti podataka
Title (english) Adjustment on GDPR by small and medium sized companies
Author Robert Lupret
Mentor Hana Horak (mentor)
Committee member Hana Horak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Kolaković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Strugar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Business Law) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Abstract U svibnju 2018.g. stupila je na snagu Opća uredba o zaštiti osobnih podataka, kojoj su se morala prilagoditi sva poduzeća, neovisno o veličini i djelatnosti. Proces prilagodbe je za njih označio uvođenje potpuno novog načina poslovanja i određene troškove koji su nastali u tim novim uvjetima. Opća uredba je zamišljena kao niz pravila koja vrijede za sva poduzeća koja posluju unutar Europske Unije, ali i širom svijeta. Posebnu važnost ima za poduzeća koja posluju putem interneta.
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je objasniti koji se podaci smatraju osobnim podacima, te kako se takvi podaci obrađuju i čuvaju u skladu sa Općom uredbom o zaštiti podataka, kako funkcionira poslovanje poduzeća u skladu s načelima Opće uredbe, s kojim se problemima i poteškoćama susreću poduzeća, te koje su kazne i sankcije za nepoštivanje Uredbe. Krajnji cilj ovog diplomskog rada je donošenje zaključaka o prednostima i nedostacima uvođenja i provođenja ove Uredbe.
Podaci su uglavnom prikupljeni pretraživanjem internetskih stranica, udžbenika, te znanstvenih i stručnih radova, kao i analize izvora prava, dok je manji dio podataka prikupljen ispitivanjem zaposlenih u malim i srednjim poduzećima.
Uvođenje i provedba Opće uredbe u poslovanju donijelo je brojne nedostatke za poduzeća, ali i još brojnije prednosti. Glavni nedostaci su velike promjene, veliki troškovi, potrebna privola za svako prikupljanje i obradu podataka, kazne za kršenje pravila. Glavne prednosti su jednostavnije i poštenije poslovanje, povećanje povjerenja pojedinaca u poduzeća i digitalnu ekonomiju, razvoj gospodarstva, veća prava pojedinaca, bolja komunikacija između poduzeća i korisnika. Zaključuje se da su, usprkos velikim troškovima ulaganja, te dugotrajnom i vrlo složenom procesu prilagodbe, prednosti uvođenja Opće uredbe nemjerljive za sva poduzeća, ali i za ekonomiju općenito.
Abstract (english) In May 2018 General Data Protection Regulation took effect, to which, all companies had to adjust, regardless of their size and scope of work. The process of adjustment marked, for those companies, an introduction to a new way of conducting business and certain expenses which incurred in these new conditions. General Dana Protection Regulation was designed as a set of rules which are valid for all companies that work in the Eurozone, as well as in the other parts of the world. It is of special importance to companies that conduct their business via Internet.
The purpose of this master's thesis is to explain which information is considered personal information and how is this personal information processed and stored according to General Dana Protection Regulation, how do companies operate to be in line with General Dana Protection Regulation, which are some of the problems and difficulties they encounter, and what are the penalties and sanctions for non-compliance with the regulation. End goal of this master's thesis is making a conclusion about advantages and disadvantages of introduction and implementation of this regulation. Data was mostly collected by researching web pages, textbooks and scientific and professional articles, by analysis of sources of law, while a minor part of data was collected by interviewing employees in small and medium sized companies.
Introduction and implementation of General Data Protection Regulation in business has brought along numerous disadvantages for companies, but even bigger advantages. Main disadvantages are huge changes in environment, high costs, the fact that consent is required for every gathering and processing of data and penalties for non-compliance with the regulation. Main advantages are simpler and fairer business, increase of transparency by companies and faith of individuals towards digital economy, economic development, greater rights of individuals and a better communication between companies and individuals. We can conclude that, despite high initial costs of investment and long-term and complex process of adjustment, benefits of introducing General Data Protection Regulation are immeasuarable for companies and the whole economy.
Opća uredba o zaštiti osobnih podataka
Zaštita podataka
Osobni podaci
Agencija za zaštitu osobnih podataka
Zakon o provedbi Opće uredbe o zaštiti osobnih podataka
Keywords (english)
General Data Protection Regulation
data protection
personal data
personal data protection agency
law of implementation of General Data Protection Regulation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:292036
Study programme Title: Economics of Entrepreneurship Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni specijalist/specijalistica poduzetništva (stručni specijalist/specijalistica poduzetništva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-10-01 19:01:48