Author Ana Grdović
Mentor Radmila Jovančević (mentor) MBZ: 101480
Committee member Tomislav Globan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Radmila Jovančević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Sekur (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Macroeconomics and Economic Development) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Macroeconomics
Abstract Cilj je ovog rada bolje razumijevanje europskih politika namijenjenih istraživanju i inovacijama i pregled hrvatskog sudjelovanja u okvirnim programima s naglaskom na sudjelovanju u programu Obzor 2020. Obzor 2020., osmi okvirni program Europske unije s proračunom od 74,8 milijardi eura za sedmogodišnje razdoblje, ključni je resurs Europske unije za ostvarivanje ciljeva strategije Europa 2020. za pametan, održiv i uključiv rast. Okvirni programi ostvaruju značajne i dugotrajne učinke otkako je
... More Europska unija 1984. godine počela ulagati u istraživanja i inovacije uspostavljanjem Prvog okvirnog programa za istraživanje i razvoj. Republika Hrvatska svoje sudjelovanje u okvirnim programima započinje 2005. godine za vrijeme trajanja Petog okvirnog programa u statusu treće zemlje. Tijekom Šestog i Sedmog okvirnog programa sudjeluje kao pridružena zemlja, a od 2014. godine kada je započeo Obzor 2020. sudjeluje kao država članica. Osim što joj se time otvaraju brojne mogućnosti za financiranje istraživačkog i inovacijskog potencijala, mijenja se i način plaćanja financijskog doprinosa programu, gdje umjesto članarine za sudjelovanje u programu sada doprinosi općem proračunu Europske unije na isti način kao i ostale države članice. U radu je provedeno nekoliko analiza, od analize hrvatskog sudjelovanja prema strukturi programa, vrstama sudionika i aktivnostima, do analize sudjelovanja u odnosu na ukupno ugovorena sredstva za provedbu projekata iz programa Obzor 2020. te usporedbe s novim državama članicama. Rezultati analize ukazuju na smanjenu stopu uspješnosti u odnosu na prethodni okvirni program, nejednaku regionalnu raspodjelu i mali broj projekata koje koordiniraju hrvatske institucije. S druge strane, najuspješnija područja potvrđuju prioritete postavljene u Strategiji pametne specijalizacije, a to su područja Energije, Zdravlja i Sigurnosti hrane u Društvenim izazovima, zatim područje IKT-a unutar Industrijskog vodstva te Marie Sklodowska Curie akcije unutar Izvrsne znanosti. Većina ukupno ugovorenih sredstava dodijeljena je sudionicima iz zemalja članica, a od toga samo 4,41 % sudionicima iz novih zemalja članica (tzv. EU-13) što je razmjerno njihovom udjelu u ulaganjima EU-a u istraživanje i inovacije. Kako bi se povećalo sudjelovanje u budućim okvirnim programima, potrebno je, između ostaloga, povećati ulaganje u istraživanje i inovacije na nacionalnoj razini čime se povećava šansa za uspjeh u okvirnim programima, te iskoristiti mogućnosti koje se pružaju kroz horizontalnu aktivnost Širenje izvrsnosti i sudjelovanja namijenjenu smanjivanju razlika između država članica u području istraživanja i razvoja. Less
Abstract (english) The aim of this paper is to better understand the European policies for research and innovation and to give an overview of Croatia's participation in framework programmes with a focus on participation in the Horizon 2020 programme. Horizon 2020, the eighth EU Framework Programme with a budget of € 74.8 billion for the seven-year period, is a key resource of the European Union for achieving the goals of Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
Framework programmes
... More have had significant and long-lasting effects since the European Union started investing in research and innovation in 1984 by establishing the First Framework Programme for Research and Development. The Republic of Croatia started participating in the framework programmes in 2005 during the Fifth Framework Programme in the status of a third country. During the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programme Croatia participates as an associated country, and since 2014 and the launch of Horizon 2020 Croatia participates as a Member State. In addition to opening up of numerous opportunities for financing research and innovation potentials, the way of paying financial contribution for the programme has also changed, so instead of the financial contribution for the programme Croatia now contributes to the general budget of the European Union in the same way as other Member States. Several analyses have been carried out in this paper, from the analysis of Croatia's participation in relation to the structure of the programme, the types of participants and activities, to the analysis of participation in relation to the total EU financial contribution received for the implementation of the Horizon 2020 projects and a comparison of participation with the new Member States. The results of the analysis indicate a reduced success rate compared to the previous framework programme, unequal regional distribution and a small number of projects coordinated by Croatian institutions. On the other hand, the most successful areas confirm the priorities set out in the Smart Specialization Strategy, namely the areas of Energy, Health and Food Security within Social Challenges, then the area of ICT within Industrial Leadership and Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions within Excellent Science. Most of the contracted funds have been allocated to participants from Member States, of which only 4.41% are participants from the new Member States (so-called EU-13), which is proportional to their share in EU investment in research and innovation. In order to increase participation in future framework programmes, it is necessary, among other things, to increase investment in research and innovation at national level, thus increasing the chance for success in framework programmes, and to take advantage of the opportunities offered through horizontal activity Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation aimed at reducing the gap between Member States in the field of research and development. Less
Obzor 2020.
okvirni program
Keywords (english)
Horizon 2020
framework programme
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:558125
Study programme Title: Economics of the European Union Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomike Europske unije (sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomike Europske unije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-10-11 05:00:35