Abstract | Predmet rada je detektirati i analizirati kanale distribucije proizvoda za njegu kose. U tu svrhu su obrađeni dostupni sekundarni izvori informacija te je provedeno empirijsko istraživanje na uzorku poznavatelja metodom dubinskog intervjua.
Kanali distribucije proizvoda za njegu kose u Hrvatskoj su u većini slučajeva neizravni s jednim ili više posrednika. Posrednici mogu biti distributeri, veleprodaje, maloprodaje, ljekarne, frizerski saloni, drogerije, internet prodaja itd. Izbor posrednika ovisi o segmentu u kojem se proizvodi za kosu prodaju, a on može biti luksuzne, dermatološke, profesionalne prirode ili za masovnu potrošnju.
Kod proizvoda za njegu kose se tržište značajno izmijenilo razvojem digitalne tehnologije. Kako bi pojedina marka uspjela, mora prije svega osluškivati postojeće i nadolazeće trendove, biti inovativna u razvoju proizvoda, pružiti prirodnost barem u dijelu svog asortimana, poznavati svoju ciljanu skupinu potrošača te njihove potrebe, navike i preferencije i na temelju toga pronaći dodanu vrijednost proizvoda koju im može ponuditi. Nakon toga mora pomno odabrati kanale distribucije, ali i tu treba biti vrlo fleksibilna i prilagođavati se čestim promjenama. Svakako mora biti prisutna online, imati svoju web stranicu, Facebook i Instagram profil, You Tube i IGTV kanal i mrežu influencera. Oni moraju biti pažljivo odabrani da svojim modnim, verbalnim i osobnim izričajem odgovaraju vrijednostima marke jer samo tako mogu biti vjerodostojni. Osim toga, vrlo je bitno da pratitelji influencera čine ciljanu skupinu marke kako bi se osiguralo doticanje pravih potencijalnih kupaca. U svim segmentima obraćanja publici, marka mora prenositi istu poruku jer je sve više kupaca koji informacije o proizvodima prikupljaju iz više različitih izvora. U porastu je prodaja putem interneta na koju se kupci odlučuju nakon što su se informirali na samom prodajnom mjestu ili također online. Zato je vrlo važno da svi sudionici kanala budu educirani o proizvodima, ali i da poznaju svoje kupce. No, to više nije dovoljno, oni moraju biti i i vrsni prodavači. Stoga se sve više ulaže u edukacije i načine motiviranja posrednika između proizvođača i potrošača jer su ovi potonji postali dosta zahtjevni i upućeni u ono što žele, kako mogu do toga doći i uz koje uvjete.
Ni najbolji proizvodi za kosu se ne mogu uspješno prodati ukoliko se ne omogući dostupnost tih proizvoda na mjestima gdje i kada ju potrošači žele kupiti. |
Abstract (english) | The subject of this thesis is to detect and analyze distribution channels of hair care products. For this purpose, available secondary sources of information were processed and empirical research on a sample of experts was conducted through a deep interview method.
Distribution channels of hair care products in Croatia are in most cases indirect with one or more intermediaries. Intermediary can be distributors, wholesalers, retailers, pharmacies, hairdressers, drugstores, internet sales, etc. The selection of mediators depends on the segment in which hair products are sold and it can be of luxurious nature, dermatologic, professional or mass market.
Regarding hair care products, the market has significantly changed with the development of digital technology. In order for each brand to succeed, it must primarily listen to existing and upcoming trends, be innovative in product development, provide naturalness in at least part of its range, know its target consumer group and their needs, habits and preferences and find added value of products to offer them. Thereafter, it is necessary to carefully select distribution channels, but also be very flexible and adapt them to the frequent changes. Brand must be present online, have its website, Facebook and Instagram profiles, You Tube and IGTV channels and influencers network. They have to be carefully selected and present the brand's values by their personal, fashion and verbal expressions to ensure their credibility. Additionally, it is very important that influencer's followers are part of brand's target group to ensure that they are touching the right potential buyers. In all segments of addressing the audience, the brand has to deliver the same message because customers receive product information from a variety of sources. Online sales is growing and buyers buy online after they have been informed about products at the point of sale or online. That is why it is very important for all channel participants to be educated about products, but also to know their customers. That is not enough anymore; they must be excellent sellers as well. Therefore, investment in education and ways of motivating intermediaries between producers and consumers are rising, because the latter have become highly demanding and acquainted to what they want, how they can get it and under what conditions.
Even the best hair products cannot be successfully sold unless you ensure that these products are available in places where and when consumers want to buy it. |