Title Provedba Plana ulaganja za Europu u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Implementation of the Investment Plan for Europe in the Republic of Croatia
Author Emanuel Pelajić
Mentor Silvije Orsag (mentor) MBZ: 118863
Committee member Silvije Orsag (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Abstract Europska komisija (EK) pokrenula je 2015. inicijativu pod nazivom Plan ulaganja za Europu (Plan), s ciljem poboljšanja investicijskog i financijskog okruženja i stvaranja okvira za snažnije investicije i održiv gospodarski rast na prostoru Europske unije. Plan je poznat i po nazivu Junckerov plan. Zakonske pretpostavke donošenja Plana ispunjene su usvajanjem Uredbe (EU) br. 2015/1017. Ključni instrumenti provedbe Plana ulaganja za Europu su Europski fond za strateška ulaganja, Europski portal projekata ulaganja i Europski savjetodavni centar za ulaganja. Europski fond za strateška ulaganja fokusiran je na ulaganja u infrastrukturu, energetiku, istraživanje, razvoj i inovacije, širokopojasnu infrastrukturu, obrazovanje i osposobljavanje, zdravstvo te u informacijsko-komunikacijsku tehnologiju. Glavna funkcija mu je preuzimanje dijela rizika povezanog s aktivnostima koje provode Europska investicijska banka i Europski investicijski fond. Zbog te činjenice Europska investicijska banka može ulagati u projekte s višim profilom rizika od uobičajenog. Oko četvrtine Europskog fonda za strateška ulaganja posvećeno je projektima kojima se podupiru mala i srednja poduzeća, kao i poduzeća srednje tržišne kapitalizacije. Ova se poduzeća podupiru uglavnom putem Europskog investicijskog fonda. Vlada Republike Hrvatske imenovala je Hrvatsku banku za obnovu i razvoj kao Nacionalnu razvojnu banku, koja je zadužena za provedbu Plana ulaganja za Europu u republici Hrvatskoj. U lipnju 2020. godine ukupno financiranje u okviru Europskog fonda za strateška ulaganja u Republici Hrvatskoj iznosilo je 445 milijuna EUR i njime bi se moglo potaknuti još 1.7 milijardi EUR dodatnih ulaganja. Pritom je od strane Europske investicijske banke uz potporu Europskog fonda za strateška ulaganja odobreno financiranje ukupno 9 infrastrukturnih i inovacijskih projekata, vrijednih 117 milijuna EUR, uz mogućnost mobiliziranja 776 milijuna EUR ukupnih ulaganja. Europski investicijski fond uz potporu Europskog fonda za strateška ulaganja sklopio je ukupno 12 sporazuma s posredničkim bankama, namijenjenih financiranju malih i srednjih poduzeća i poduzeća srednje tržišne kapitalizacije ukupne vrijednosti 328 milijuna EUR. Pritom se očekuje mogućnost dodatnog mobiliziranja oko 921 milijuna EUR ulaganja. Za očekivati je i da će oko 3.145 MSP-a i poduzeća srednje tržišne kapitalizacije imati koristi od boljeg pristupa financiranju (Rezultati Plana 2020). Stoga se može zaključiti da je primjena Plana za ulaganja u Republici Hrvatskoj opravdala očekivanja te da je omogućen pristup novim izvorima financiranja i da su potaknute nove investicije privatnog i javnog sektora. Za očekivati je da ćer se ovaj trend nastaviti i s programom InvestEU, u financijskoj perspektivi 2021.-2027.
Abstract (english) The European Commission launched in 2015 an initiative called the Investment Plan for Europe, with the aim of improving the investment and financial environment and creating a framework for stronger investment and sustainable economic growth in the European Union. The plan is also known as the Juncker Plan. The legal preconditions for the adoption of the Plan were met by the adoption of Regulation (EU) no. 2015/1017. The key instruments for implementing the Investment Plan for Europe are the European Fund for Strategic Investments, the European Investment Project Portal and the European Investment Advisory Hub. The European Fund for Strategic Investments is focused on investments in infrastructure, energy, research, development and innovation, broadband infrastructure, education and training, health and information and communication technology. Its main function is to assume part of the risk associated with the activities carried out by the European Investment Bank and the European Investment Fund. Due to this fact, the European Investment Bank can invest in projects with a higher risk profile than usual. About a quarter of the European Fund for Strategic Investments is dedicated to projects that support small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as medium-market capitalization companies (mid-caps). These companies are supported mainly through the European Investment Fund. The Government of the Republic of Croatia has appointed the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development as the National Development Bank, which is in charge of implementing the Investment Plan for Europe in the Republic of Croatia. In June 2020, the total funding under the European Fund for Strategic Investments in the Republic of Croatia amounted to EUR 445 million and could encourage another EUR 1.7 billion in additional investments. With the support of the European Fund for Strategic Investments, the European Investment Bank approved the financing of a total of 9 infrastructure and innovation projects, worth EUR 117 million, with the possibility of mobilizing EUR 776 million of total investments. The European Investment Fund, with the support of the European Fund for Strategic Investments, has entered into a total of 12 agreements with intermediary banks, intended to finance small and medium-sized enterprises and mid-caps with a total market value of EUR 328 million. It is also to be expected that around 3,145 SMEs and mid-caps will benefit from better access to finance. Therefore, it can be concluded that the implementation of the Investment Plan in the Republic of Croatia justified the expectations and that access to new sources of financing was provided and that new investments of the private and public sector were encouraged. It is to be expected that this trend will continue with the InvestEU program, in the financial perspective 2021-2027.
Plan ulaganja za Europu
Europski fond za strateška ulaganja
Europska investicijska banka
Europski investicijski fond
Europski portal projekata ulaganja
Europski savjetodavni centar za ulaganja
Hrvatska banka za obnovu i razvoj
Keywords (english)
Investment Plan for Europe
European Fund for Strategic Investments
European Investment Bank
European Investment Fund
European Investment Project Portal
European Investment Advisory Hub
Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:594147
Study programme Title: Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2020-07-14 12:33:53