Title Financijski aspekti organizacije sportskih događanja
Title (english) Financial aspects of sports events organization
Author Paola Borović
Mentor Rebeka Danijela Vlahov Golomejić (mentor) MBZ: 308673
Committee member Rebeka Danijela Vlahov Golomejić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Andrija Sabol (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Labaš (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Organization and Management) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Sport kroz cijelu svoju povijest predstavlja bitnu kariku u životu velikog broja ljudi. Njegove prednosti su brojne, a među najvažnijima mogu se istaknuti zdravstvene, edukacijske i socijalne. Međutim, njegovo financiranje oduvijek je bilo predmet rasprave. Unutar ovog rada provedena je analiza financiranja sporta i njegovih ekonomskih učinaka u Republici Hrvatskoj kako bi se dobio uvid na njihove prednosti i nedostatke. Napravljena je usporedba sa zemljama članicama Europske Unije kako bi se pozicioniralo Hrvatsku na temelju njenog ulaganja u sport te sukladno tome donio zaključak jesu li sredstva koja ulaže Hrvatska i njeni modeli financiranja dovoljni te treba li povećati svoje investicije s obzirom na ostale članice. Predmet ovog rada su financijski aspekti organizacije sportskih događanja. Unutar konceptualnog okvira organizacije događanja teorijski će se obraditi specifičnost organizacije sportskih događanja kao jedne od najpopularnijih i najprofitabilnijih vrsta projekata danas. Vrste događanja teorijski su obrađene prema vrsti i veličini, a na temelju upravljanja organizacijom događanjima izvedena je specifičnost organizacije sportskih događanja. Provedeno je istraživanje o organizaciji tri najvažnija događanja Hrvatskog judo saveza s ciljem da se prikažu načini financiranja odabranih manifestacija. Prilikom izrade cijelog rada i studije slučaja korištene su metode analize, sinteze, deskripcije i generalizacije. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su najniže ulaganje Hrvatske u sport u usporedbi sa zemljama članicama Europske unije, ali istodobno i njezinu važnu ulogu u financiranju javnih potreba za sport, unutar kojih su uključene i sportske manifestacije. Analizirana tri događanja Hrvatskog judo saveza na određeni način se samofinanciraju jer iz dobivene dobiti pokrivaju ostvarene troškove, a ostatak sredstava reinvestiraju u sportaše i judo. Na temelju navedenog može se zaključiti kako je studija slučaja prikazala uspješnost organizacije sportskih događanja. Ovakav način organizacije može biti reprezentativan za sve ostale koji žele sudjelovati u tom procesu u budućnosti.
Abstract (english) Through its history, sport has played a significant role in the lives of the majority of people. Its benefits are numerous, and among them the most important are those related to health, education and social life. However, its funding has always been a subject of discussion. This paper analysed sports financing and its economic effects in Croatia in order to gain insight into their advantages and disadvantages. A comparison with the European Union member states was made to position Croatia based on its investment in sports and, accordingly, to conclude whether the funds invested by Croatia and its financing models are sufficient as well as whether it should increase its investments compared to the other member states. In this paper we focused particularly on the financial aspects of sports events organization. Within the conceptual framework of event organization, the specificity of the organization of sports events as one of the most popular and most profitable types of projects nowadays will be theoretically addressed. Different kinds of events are theoretically elaborated according to type and size, and based on the management event organization, the specificity of the organization of sports events is derived. The research on the organization of the three most important events of the Croatian Judo Federation was conducted to show the ways of financing particular events. Methods of analysis, synthesis, description and generalization were used during the preparation of the entire paper and the case study. The results of the research did not only show that Croatia provides the lowest investment in sports compared to the other European Union member states, but that it also has an important role in financing public needs for sports, which also include sports events. The three events of the Croatian Judo Federation analysed in this paper are in a certain way self-financed because the Federation covers the costs from the obtained profit, while the rest of the funds are reinvested in athletes and judo. Based on the above, it can be concluded that the case study showed the success in the organization of sports events. This way of event organization can provide a model that can be followed by anyone else who wants to participate in such process in the future.
sportska događanja
Hrvatski judo savez
Keywords (english)
sports events
Croatian Judo Federation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:612026
Study programme Title: Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-09-22 13:15:16