Abstract | U ovom diplomskom radu tema proučavanja je povezanost pojave korona virusa i utjecaja istog na poslovanje poduzeća. Točnije, napravljeno je istraživanje nad zaposlenicima dva srednje velika poduzeća (PPD Croatia d.o.o. i Electrolux d.o.o.) kako bi se utvrdilo koje je posljedice spomenuti virus ostavio na zaposlenike, a u radu su na drugom primjeru poduzeća, marketinškoj agenciji MPG d.o.o. također prikazani i primjeri inovacija kojima se pokušalo održati kako poslovanje, tako i zaposlenost. Već u ožujku 2020. ulice su postale puste, sva javna događanja su otkazana, rad se u većini tvrtki prebacio iz uredskih prostora u one vlastitog doma, turizam je stao, a istraživanje Hrvatske gospodarske komore je pokazalo da dvije trećine, tj. 66% hrvatskih tvrtki osjeća negativne posljedice situacije s korona virusom u svom poslovanju, dok je više od polovice izjavilo i da im je pao promet. Fokus većine poduzeća bio je na zaštiti zaposlenika, shvaćanju rizika poslovanja te prevladavanju zastoja odnosno negativnih učinaka koji su uzrokovani pojavom virusa COVID-19. Sektori poput turizma, ugostiteljstva, event industrije i zračnog prometa su teško pogođeni već u samim počecima dolaska virusa u Hrvatsku. Ključ prevladavanja korona krize je ponuda inovacija na tržištu kako bi se osiguralo zadržavanje kvalitete, a sukladno time i konkurentske prednosti, te adekvatno upravljanje novčanim tokom. Poduzeća trebaju uzimati u obzir sve potencijalne rizike i scenarije vezane uz poslovanje i u skladu s tim donositi odluke. Upravo zato će glavnu ulogu u doba krize odigrati krizni menadžment unutar poduzeća kojeg imenuje uprava. Hrvatska vlada uvela je mjere od 30 milijardi kuna za spas gospodarstva. Poduzeća su oslobođena raznih davanja, osigurana je isplata minimalaca i sl. Brojne zemlje su dočekale krizu nespremne, te prognoze raznih ekonomista nisu obećavajuće, oni misle da se svijet nalazi pred puno dubljom krizom od one koja se dogodila 2008. godine. Neka poduzeća u krizi nemaju kome prodati svoje proizvode, dok se druga bore s prevelikom potražnjom. Ovdje se prvenstveno misli na trgovine sa zaštitnom opremom. U kojoj mjeri će gospodarstvo pojedine države biti pogođeno ovisi o puno faktora. Razdoblje trajanja pandemije, broj zaraženih i umrlih, stanje gospodarstva prije krize, kao i javne financije su samo neki od faktora. Aktivnosti kojima se srednje veliko poduzeće MPG d.o.o. s obzirom na otkazivanje svih manifestacija bavilo uključuje razna osmišljavanja događanja bez promotora koji ih inače odrađuju, dolazak do novih potencijalnih partnera, čišćenja baza promotora, izrade koncepata prodaje dodatnih usluga postojećim klijentima poput primjerice organizacije teambuildinga, održavanja društvenih mreža, edukacija zaposlenika, pružanja podrške u vidu kadra, organizacija dostava, itd. U istoj agenciji je rad od kuće počeo 16.03., a zaposlenici su se u uredske prostore počeli vraćati 18.05. Nisu se vratili odmah svi nego se organizirao rad na smjene. Dva tjedna je pola zaposlenika uz pridržavanje strogih mjera bilo u uredu, a iduća dva tjedna su isti zaposlenici radili od kuće, dok je drugi dio došao u uredske prostore. Provelo se istraživanje koje je ispitivalo motivaciju i zadovoljstvo zaposlenika tijekom i nakon korona krize, a ono je pokazalo da je rad od kuće za zaposlenike bio novo normalno te da su spremno to prihvatili s obzirom da su se osjećali sretno radeći od kuće i takav način rada smatraju jednako produktivnim kao i rad iz ureda. Rad terenskih radnika nije prekinut, oni su svakako bili neizmjerno više izloženi potencijalnom oboljenju i smatrali su da nisu u poštenoj situaciji naspram uredskih radnika, te su naglasili kako se negativna vibracija na terenu itekako osjetila. Negativne promjene u poslovanju poput smanjenog obujma posla su ispitanicima bile jasno vidljive, a sukladno tome su krenuli i otkazi unutar poduzeća. S time zaposlenici nisu bili zadovoljni, smatrali su da se to određenim postupcima moglo spriječiti. Ipak, zaposlenici koji su ostali nisu bili degradirani niti su im smanjene plaće. Dosta zaposlenika je zbog posljedica odraza korona virusa na poslovanje moralo koristiti godišnji odmor što nisu smatrali poštenim ali su mogli razumjeti s obzirom na situaciju. Vezano uz psihološku stranu i osjećaje, ispitanicima rad s kolegama uživo nije pretjerano nedostajao, a iako je bilo dosta onih koji su uznemireni i demotivirani i koji se na radna mjesta nisu vratili jednako sretni i motivirani kao što su bili prije pojave virusa, ipak je bilo malo više onih koji su ostali pozitivni i nisu dali da virus utječe na njihovu sreću. Zaključak cijelog rada je da je korona kriza definitivno unazadila brojna poduzeća, ali tko je iskoristio situaciju na efikasan način, čak je mogao i profitirati. Svaka kriza pomaže shvatiti što se do nje radilo dobro, a što nije. U svakom slučaju, ako je netko profitirao i procvao u cijeloj situaciji, onda je to – priroda. |
Abstract (english) | In this thesis, the topic of study is the relationship between the occurrence of coronavirus and its impact on business. Specifically, a survey was conducted on the employees of two medium-sized companies (PPD Croatia d.o.o. and Electrolux d.o.o.) to determine the consequences of the virus on employees. Author of the thesis also mentioned another medium-sized company, marketing agency MPG d.o.o. and there are given examples of innovations with which company tried to maintain both business and employment rate. Already in March 2020, the streets became empty, all public events were canceled, work in most companies moved from office spaces to home offices, tourism stopped and a survey done by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce showed that two thirds or 66% of Croatian companies already felt negative effects of the corona virus situation in its business, while more than half have also stated that their turnover has dropped. The focus of most companies was on protecting employees, understanding business risks and overcoming downtime or negative effects caused by the appearance of the COVID-19 virus. Sectors such as tourism, catering, event industry and air transport have been hit hard since the very beginning of the virus's arrival in Croatia. The key of overcoming the corona crisis was to offer innovations on the market to ensure the retention of quality and consequently competitive advantages and of course, adequate cash flow management. Businesses needed to consider all potential business risks and scenarios and make decisions accordingly. That is why the main role in the time of crisis should be played by crisis management within the company. The Croatian government has introduced 30 billion kunas in measures to save the economy. Companies were exempt from various taxes, the payment of minimum wages is ensured, etc. Many countries have been unprepared for the crisis and the forecasts of various economists are not promising, they think that the world is facing a much deeper crisis than one in 2008. Some companies in crisis have no one to sell their products to while others struggle with excessive demand. This primarily refers to shops with protective equipment. The extent in which a country's economy will be affected depends on many factors. The duration of the pandemic, the number of infected and dead, the state of the economy before the crisis, as well as public finances are just some of the factors. Activities which were invented by medium-sized company MPG d.o.o. regarding to the cancellation of all events include giving concepts of various ideas of creating events without promoters, reaching new potential partners, cleaning promoter bases, developing concepts for selling additional services to existing clients such as teambuilding, social networking, employee education, providing support in terms of staff, organization of deliveries, etc. In the same agency, work from home began on March 16 and employees began returning to office space on May 18. Not everyone returned immediately, shift work was organized. For two weeks, half of the employees were in the office due to strict measures and for next two weeks the same employees worked from home while the other part came to the office premises. A survey that was conducted examined employee’s motivation and satisfaction during and after the corona crisis and it showed that working from home was a new normal for employees and they readily accepted it. Results also showed that they felt happy working from home and the whole thing worked properly such as if they were in the office. The work on the field was not interrupted, field employees were immeasurably more exposed to the potential disease and felt that they were not in a fair situation compared to office workers. They emphasized that the negative vibration on the field was a little felt. Negative changes in business, such as reduced workload, etc., were clearly visible to the respondents. The employees were not satisfied that they colleagues got fired, they thought that certain actions could have prevented it. However, the remaining employees were not demoted or had their salaries reduced. Many employees had to take annual leave due to the effects of the coronavirus effect on their business which they did not consider fair but could understand according to the situation. Regarding the psychological side and feelings, the respondents did not miss working with colleagues alive and although there were many who were upset and demotivated and who did not return to work as happy and motivated as they were before the virus, there were a little more of those who remained positive and did not let the virus affect their happiness. The conclusion of the whole thesis and this study is that the corona crisis has definitely set back a large number of companies but whoever took advantage of the situation in an efficient way could even profit. Every crisis helps to understand what has been done well and what has not. In each case, if someone has profited and flourished in the whole situation, then it is - nature. |