Title Stambeno financiranje mladih u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Housing financing of youth in Croatia
Author Lea Sedlar
Mentor Marijana Ivanov (mentor)
Committee member Dajana Barbić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Martina Nakić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Finance) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Finance
Abstract Tema diplomskog rada proučava različite mogućnosti stambenog financiranja mladih u Republici Hrvatskoj. U ovom radu će biti objašnjene razne mogućnosti kojima mladi ljudi mogu doći do vlasništva nad nekretninom. To su prvenstveno stambeni krediti kod banaka, zatim ugovaranje stambene štednje u stambenim štedionicama i bankama, te pomoću subvencioniranih kredita kojima država potiče mlade ljude na kupnju nekretnine. Pobliže će se objasniti kamatne stope, otplatne rate, instrumenti osiguranja i sve pojedinosti vezane za stambeni kredit, koje bi trebao znati svaki dužnik, odnosno uzimatelj kredita. Također će biti objašnjene sve pojedinosti i mogućnosti kupnje nekretnine pomoću državnih subvencija kojima se potiče mlade ljude da iskoriste državnu pomoć kako bi što lakše mogli riješiti neophodno stambeno pitanje te rasteretiti budžet. U radu će se također provesti empirijsko istraživanje, kojim će se saznati koliki postotak mladih ljudi razmišlja o kupnji nekretnine, koliko njih nasljeđuje nekretninu, koliko njih je upoznato sa procedurama uzimanja stambenog kredita, ili ugovaranja stambene štednje, te također jesu li upoznati s državnim subvencijama te APN kreditima, promatraju li uopće kretanje tržišta nekretnina. Istraživanje također prikazuje mišljenje ispitanika o provođenju stambene politike, državnim poticajnim sredstvima i motivaciji ugovaranja stambene štednje. Istraživanje se provodi putem anketnog upitnika na društvenim mrežama, a sudionici su osobe do 40 godina. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da veliki broj ispitanika nema riješeno stambeno pitanje, te više od polovice njih planira kupiti nekretninu. Istraživanje također pokazuje da ispitanici većinom nisu zadovoljni s provođenjem stambene politike u državi, te da bi trebali osmisliti adekvatniju stambenu politiku dostupnu široj populaciji ljudi. Također smatraju da bi državne subvencije trebale biti veće i trajati duže.
Abstract (english) The topic of the diploma thesis studies various possibilities of housing financing of young people in the Republic of Croatia. This paper will explain the various possibilities by which young people can gain ownership of real estate. These are primarily housing loans with banks, then contracting housing savings in housing savings banks and banks, and with the help of subsidized loans by which the state encourages young people to buy real estate. Interest rates, repayment installments, security instruments and all the details related to the housing loan, which every borrower should know, will be explained in more detail. It will also explain all the details and possibilities of buying real estate with state subsidies that encourage young people to use state aid so that they can more easily solve the necessary housing issue and relieve the budget. The paper will also conduct an empirical study to find out what percentage of young people are thinking about buying real estate, how many of them inherit real estate, how many are familiar with the procedures for taking a housing loan or contracting housing savings, and whether they are familiar with government subsidies and APN loans, if they observe the movement of the real estate market at all. The survey also shows the respondents' opinion on the implementation of housing policy, state incentives and motivation to contract housing savings. The research is conducted through a questionnaire on social networks, and the participants are people up to 40 years of age. The results of the research show that a large number of respondents have not resolved their housing issue, and more than half of them plan to buy real estate. The survey also shows that most respondents are dissatisfied with the implementation of housing policy in the country, and that they should design a more adequate housing policy available to a wider population of people. They also believe that state subsidies should be higher and last longer.
stambeni kredit
stambena štednja
subvencionirani stambeni kredit
državna poticajna sredstva
Keywords (english)
real estate
housing loan
housing savings
subsidized housing loan
government incentives
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:248772
Study programme Title: Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
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Created on 2021-09-25 09:13:36