Abstract | Grad Zagreb je 22. ožujka 2020. godine pogodio jak potres, jačine 5,5 stupnjeva po Richteru.
Potres je izazvao značajnu materijalnu štetu na stambenim objektima, posebice u strogom
centru, ali i okolnim naseljima. Obnova zgrada pogođenih potresom je i prilika za kvalitetnu
energetsku obnovu zgrada. Hrvatska je i prije potresa uvidjela potrebu gradnje energetski
učinkovitih zgrada i kuća u skladu sa energetskom politikom Europske unije. Energetski
učinkovita gradnja ima za posljedicu smanjenje potrošnje energije i smanjenu emisiju
stakleničkih plinova, što pozitivno utječe na okoliš. Blizu 50% stambenog fonda u Hrvatskoj
izgrađeno je prije 1970. godine što predstavlja potencijal za energetsku obnovu kako u
Hrvatskoj tako i u Gradu Zagrebu. Vlada Republike Hrvatske već je 2014. godine donijela
detaljan plan i program obnove s ciljem utvrđivanja analize potrošnje energije i energetske
učinkovitosti u postojećem stambenom fondu, utvrđivanju potencijala i mogućnosti smanjenja
potrošnje energije u postojećim stambenim zgradama te razrada provedbe mjera za poticanje
poboljšanja energetske učinkovitosti i sama ocjena njihovog učinka. Potres u Gradu Zagrebu
ubrzao je potrebu za primjenom ovih mjera i gradnjom na energetski učinkovit način.
Analizom stambenog fonda utvrđeno je da Hrvatskoj potrebna obnova i ulaganje u zgrade
koje su energetski učinkovite. Hrvatski sabor je nakon potresa donio „Zakon o obnovi zgrada
oštećenih potresom na području Grada Zagreba, Krapinsko- zagorske županije i Zagrebačke
županije“. Zakon bi, između ostalog, trebao poticati energetski učinkovitu obnovu Grada
Zagreba. Vrlo je važno je da obnova bude u skladu i s Direktivom Europske unije o
energetskoj učinkovitosti kako bi se dovelo do pozitivnog utjecaja na okoliš i smanjenja
potrošnje energije, što uključuje i financijsko smanjenje izdataka građanima u takvim
nekretninama. Uz značajno smanjenje potrošnje energije povećava se ugodnost boravka u
obnovljenim nekretninama te porast tržišne vrijednosti energetski obnovljene nekretnine.
Osim navedenih prednosti za okoliš i smanjenje potrošnje energije, obnova bi trebala
pozitivno utjecati i na samo gospodarstvo Hrvatske, poput porasta zaposlenosti i BDP-a,
razvoja turizma, a poglavito razvoja građevinskog sektora. |
Abstract (english) | On March 22, 2020, the City of Zagreb was hit by a strong earthquake, measuring 5.5 on the
Richter scale. The earthquake caused significant material damage to residential buildings,
especially in the center, but also in the surrounding settlements. Renovation of buildings
affected by the earthquake is also an opportunity for quality energy renovation of buildings.
Even before the earthquake, Croatia saw the need to build energy-efficient buildings and
houses in line with the European Union's energy policy. Energy efficient construction results
in reduced energy consumption and reduced greenhouse gas emissions, which has a positive
impact on the environment. Nearly 50% of the housing stock in Croatia was built before 1970,
which represents the potential for energy renovation both in Croatia and in the City of Zagreb.
Already in 2014, the Government of the Republic of Croatia adopted a detailed renovation
plan and program with the aim of determining the analysis of energy consumption and energy
efficiency in the existing housing stock, determining the potential and possibilities of reducing
energy consumption in existing residential buildings and elaborating the implementation of
measures to evaluation of their effect. The earthquake in the City of Zagreb has accelerated
the need to implement these measures and build in an energy efficient way.
An analysis of the housing stock found that Croatia needs renovation and investment in
energy-efficient buildings. After the earthquake, the Croatian Parliament passed the "Law on
the Reconstruction of Buildings Damaged by Earthquakes in the City of Zagreb, Krapina -
Zagorje County and Zagreb County". The law should, among other things, encourage energy-
efficient reconstruction of the City of Zagreb. It is very important that the renovation is in line
with the European Union Directive on Energy Efficiency in order to lead to a positive impact
on the environment and reduce energy consumption, which includes financial reduction of
expenditures to citizens in such real estate. With a significant reduction in energy
consumption, the comfort of living in renovated real estate increases and the market value of
energy-renovated real estate increases. In addition to the above benefits for the environment
and the reduction of energy consumption, the reconstruction should have a positive impact on
the Croatian economy itself, such as increased employment and GDP, tourism development,
and especially the development of the construction sector. |