Title Uloga hrvatskih regulatora u jačanju održivog razvoja Europske unije
Title (english) Role of Croatian regulatory bodies in developing sustainable growth of the European Union
Author Josip Rajić
Mentor Nika Šimurina (mentor)
Committee member Jurica Šimurina (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dajana Barbić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Finance) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Finance
Abstract Održivi razvoj predstavlja ravnotežu između gospodarskih, socijalnih i ekonomskih faktora. Uspostavljanje ravnoteže između navedenih faktora doveo bi do cilja održivog razvoja koji nalaže održivo korištenje prirodnih resursa kako bi se zadovoljile potrebe današnjih generacija bez štete za generacije koje dolaze, kako bi i one mogle zadovoljiti svoje potrebe. Glavna vodilja u ostvarivanju navedenih ciljeva je UN-ov Program do 2030. u kojem je utvrđeno 17 ciljeva održivog razvoja.
Kako bi se pametnije i racionalnije iskorištavali prirodni resursi, vlade zemalja članica Europske unije ustrojile su regulatorne agencije s ciljem razbijanja monopolističkog načina poslovanja na energetskom tržištu svake zemlje članice, liberalizacije trgovine, stvaranja kvalitetnije usluge za potrošače te na koncu i veće ulaganje u tehnologiju koje će dovesti do načina iskorištavanja izvora energije na način da se zadovolje potrebe današnjih potrošača bez štete za potrošače u budućnosti.
Cilj diplomskog rada bio je prikazati djelovanje Hrvatske energetske regulatorne agencije, njezin djelokrug rada te dosadašnje rezultate koji su potkrijepljeni financijskim izvještajima za određene godine te planovi i programi rada agencije za buduće razdoblje. U diplomskom radu objašnjeni su sami početci regulatornih djelatnosti u energetskom sektoru u Republici Hrvatskoj, kako je sve krenulo, koje su bile zapreke te kakav je utjecaj regulacije na tržište plina i električne energije na tržištu Republike Hrvatske. Nadalje, u radu je prikazana organizacija rada Agencije za suradnju energetskih regulatornih tijela, dakle agencije na razini Europske unije, koje su njezine zadaće i dosadašnja postignuća. Nakon obrađenih podataka uspoređeno je stanje koje je bilo prije početaka regulacije energetskih tržišta te ciljevi koji su se planirali postići u Republici Hrvatskoj sa stanjem kakvo je danas, odnosno prikazan je napredak koji je postignut reguliranjem energetskog tržišta. Nadalje, iste promjene će prikazane su na razini Europske unije te je prikazan utjecaj hrvatskih regulatora na održivi razvoj unutar Hrvatske ali i na održivi razvoj Europske unije. Izvori podataka prikupljani su sekundarnim istraživanjem, a korištena je dostupna znanstvena literatura kao i web stranice i članci na temu energetske regulacije i održivog razvoja.
Abstract (english) Sustainable development represents a balance between economic, social and economic factors. Establishing a balance between these factors would lead to the goal of sustainable growth which dictates the sustainable use of natural resources to satisfy needs of today’s generation without harming the generations to come, so that they too can satisfy their needs too. The main guideline in achieving these goals is the UN program until 2030, in which it is identified 17 sustainable development goals.
In order to use natural resources smarter and more rationally, the governments of the member states of the European Union has set up regulatory agencies with the aim of breaking the monopolistic way of business in the energy market of each member state, trade liberalization, creation better customer service and ultimately a greater investment in technology that will lead to ways to exploit energy sources in a way that meets the needs of today’s consumers without harm to consumers in the future.
The aim of this master thesis was to present the activities of the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency, its scope of work and the results so far which were supported by the financial statements for certain years and plans and work programs of the agency for the future period. This master thesis explains the very beginning of regulatory activities in the energy sector in the Republic Croatia, how it all started, what were the obstacles and what is the impact of regulation on the gas and electricity market of the Republic of Croatia. Furthermore, the paper shows organization of the work of the Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators, the Agency on the European Union level, what are its tasks and achievements to date. After data processing, a comparison was made between the situation that existed before the beginning of the regulation of energy markets, as well goals that were planned to be achieved in the Republic of Croatia, with the situation as it is today. Furthermore, the same the changes were presented at the level of the European Union and the influence of Croatian energy regulator on sustainable growth of the European Union. Sources data were collected by secondary research from available scientific literature as well as websites and articles associated with energy regulation and sustainable development.
Europska unije
ETS sustav
Keywords (english)
regulatory bodies
European Union
sustainable growth
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:124564
Study programme Title: Economics of energy and environment Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomije (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-09-29 10:04:21