Title Strateški savezi kao odgovor na digitalnu disrupciju
Title (english) Strategic alliances in response to digital disruption
Author Branka Brkić
Mentor Darko Tipurić (mentor)
Mentor Lana Cindrić (sumentor)
Committee member Tihomir Vranešević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Darko Tipurić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Domagoj Hruška (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-04-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Digitalna transformacija u 21. stoljeću značajno utječe na poslovno okruženje mijenjajući načine na koje poduzeća nastupaju na tržištu, konkuriraju i surađuju. Trend digitalizacije pokreće duboku transformaciju poslovnih modela omogućavanjem stapanja virtualnog i stvarnog svijeta primjenom digitalnih tehnologija, automatizacije, robotike i umjetne inteligencije. Strateški savezi, zahvaljujući prednostima kao što su pristup bazama znanja, aglomeracijski i sinergijski učinci, mogu olakšati proces digitalne transformacije poslovanja. Osnovni cilj ovog specijalističkog poslijediplomskog rada je istražiti kako se formiranje strateških saveza može koristiti kao učinkovit odgovor na promjenjive tržišne uvjete te ih predstaviti kao održive poslovne modele u doba digitalne disrupcije poslovanja. Analizirani su tradicionalni motivi, vrste i efekti ulaska u strateške saveze te uspoređeni s novim pogledima na tu temu. Objašnjen je fenomen digitalne transformacije poslovanja, naglašena važnost inovacije u ostvarenju komparativne tržišne prednosti te navedene smjernice za upravljanje strateškim savezima u digitalnom dobu. Komparativnom metodom uspoređeni su tradicionalni teorijski okviri upravljanja strateškim savezima s novim saznanjima i razmišljanjima na tu temu. Analizom specifičnih slučajeva poduzeća koja su stupila u strateške saveze, predložen je način upravljanja strateškim savezom u doba digitalne transformacije te su dane preporuke za daljnja istraživanja. Predložena su pitanja prema kojima će se moći usmjeriti buduća istraživanja. Zaključeno je da pristup teoriji strateškog saveza mora biti višedimenzionalan te da analiza uključuje složenu okolinu s obzirom na nove tehnologije, poslovne entitete, zahtjeve regulatora, potrošača i cjelokupne šire interesne skupine. Budući istraživanja moraju kreirati novi set mjernih alata te vrednovati saveze na temelju prilagodljivosti, agilnosti i fleksibilnosti.
Abstract (english) Digital transformation in the 21st century is significantly affecting the business environment changing the ways companies market, compete and collaborate. The digitalization trend is driving a profound transformation of business models by enabling the merging of the virtual and real worlds through the application of digital technologies, automation, robotics and artificial intelligence. Strategic alliances, thanks to advantages such as access to knowledge bases, agglomeration and synergy effects, can facilitate the process of digital business transformations. The main goal of this postgraduate thesis was to explore how the formation of strategic alliances can be used as an effective response to changed market conditions and to present them as sustainable business models in the age of digital business disruptions. The traditional motives, types and effects of joining strategic alliances are analyzed and compared with new views on the topic. The thesis explain phenomenon of digital business transformation, emphasizes importance of innovations in achieving competitive market advantage and presents guidelines for managing strategic alliances in digital era. The comparative method is used to contrast traditional theoretical framework of strategic alliances with new knowledge and reflections on the subject. By analyzing specific cases of companies that have entered into strategic alliances, it has been proposed the way of managing strategic alliance in the age of digital transformations and have been given recommendations for further research. Further questions have been suggested for future research on this topic. It is cocluded that the approach to strategic alliance theory must be multidimensional and that the analysis involves complex circumstances with respect to new technologies, business entities, regulatory requirements, consumers and the overall wider stakeholder entities. Future research should create a new set of measurement tools and evaluate alliances based on adaptability, agility, and flexibility.
strateški savez
digitalna transformacija
Keywords (english)
strategic alliances
digital transformation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:094287
Study programme Title: Business Administration- MBA Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica poslovnog upravljanja-MBA (sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica poslovnog upravljanja-MBA)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-05-03 17:29:28