Title Analiza kineskih investicija u Europi
Title (english) Analysis of Chinese investments in Europe
Author Andrija Blažević
Mentor Danijel Mlinarić (mentor)
Committee member Hrvoje Šimović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Novak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Finance) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-11-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Finance
Abstract Narodna Republika Kina je utjecajan gospodarski faktor međunarodnih procesa, prepoznat od međunarodne zajednice zbog svoje ekonomske važnosti za globalno gospodarstvo. Gospodarski rast NR Kine počeo je prije 21. stoljeća, te se korijeni istog nalaze u liberalizaciji kineskog gospodarstva, koje se počelo provoditi 1978. godine pod vodstvom Deng Xiapinga. NR Kina je osamdesetih godina 20. stoljeća liberalizirala svoju ekonomiju kako bi postala interesantna za strane investitore, i razvila proizvodni sektor. Pružajući zapadnim kompanijama jeftinu radnu snagu u svojim specijalnim ekonomskim zonama, započeo je proces industrijalizacije uz pomoć zapadnog kapitala i inovacija. Zbog promjene kineskih kompanija i zahvaljujući socijalizmu s kineskim karakteristikama, zaoštrila se konkurencija s zapadnim kompanijama. Danas je NR Kina zemlja koja je doživjela ekonomski napredak, a jedan od produkata spomenutog gospodarskog uspona su direktne strane investicije (engl. Foregin Direct Investment). Pomoću stranih direktnih investicija, NR Kina u pokrenutim međunarodnim inicijativama kao npr. Jedan pojas, jedan put (engl. One Belt, One Road OBOR) povećava svoj ekonomski i politički utjecaj izvan državnih granica. Gospodarska inicijativa Jedan pojas, jedan put omogućava ekonomski rast zemalja u razvoju s NR Kinom kao predvodnicom novih projekata. Povećana kineska investicijska aktivnost je primjetna u Europi. Zemlje u istočnoj i središnjoj Europi su zbog kineskih ulagačkih aktivnosti ostvarile povećani priljev stranih investicija. S druge strane, inicijativa Jedan pojas, jedan put je svojevrstan izazov postojećem vodstvu EU i ostalih europskih zemalja iz dva razloga. Prvi razlog je činjenica da se kinesko gospodarstvo želi prilagoditi i djelovati unutar kapitalističkog poretka što može dovesti do smanjenja konkurentnosti europskih kompanija. Europska zabrinutost se povećava zbog sve većeg broja preuzimanja i pripajanja prilikom kineskih investicija. Kineske investicije u Europi se provode uz potporu državnih institucija putem kineskih kompanija kao što su Huawei ili China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO). Drugi razlog potencijalnog izazova je kreditiranje projekata u Europi od strane Azijske infrastrukturne investicijske banke i Kineske banke za uvoz i izvoz (engl. Exim Bank). NR Kina je zbog lakše dostupnosti i smanjenom kontrolom alokacije svojih sredstava konkurent za EU u kreiranju novih infrastrukturnih projekata od strateške važnosti.
Abstract (english) The People's Republic of China (PRC) is an influential economic factor in international processes, recognized by the international community for its economic importance to the global economy. The economic growth of the PRC began before the 21st century, and its roots lie in the liberalization of the Chinese economy, which began in 1978 under the leadership of Deng Xiaping. The PRC liberalized its economy in the 1980s to make it attractive to foreign investors, and developed a manufacturing sector. Providing Western companies with cheap labor in their special economic zones, the process of industrialization began with the help of Western capital and innovation. Due to the change of Chinese companies and thanks to socialism with Chinese characteristics, competition with Western companies intensified. Today, PRC is a country that has experienced economic progress, and one of the products of this economic growth is foreig direct investment. With the help of foreign direct investments, the PRC is increasing its economic and political influence beyond national borders in launched international initiatives such as the One Belt, One Road (OBOR). OBOR Economic Initiative enables the economic growth of developing countries with the PRC as a leader in new projects Increased Chinese investment activity is noticeable in Europe. Countries in Eastern and Central Europe have seen increased inflows of foreign investment due to Chinese investment activities. On the other hand, the OBOR initiative is a challenge to the current leadership of the European Union and other European countries for two reasons. The first reason is the fact that the Chinese economy wants to adapt and operate within the capitalist order, which can reduce the competitiveness of European companies. European concerns are increasing because of the growing number of takeovers and mergers during the chinese investment. Chinese investments in Europe are supported by state institutions through Chinese companies such as Huawei or China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO). Another reason for the potential challenge is the lending of projects in Europe by the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the China Import and Export Bank. Due to easier availability and reduced control over the allocation of its funds, the PRC is a competitor for the EU in creating new infrastructure projects of strategic importance.
direktne strane investicije
kineske investicije
preuzimanja i pripajanja
Keywords (english)
Foreign direct investment
chinese investment
takeovers and mergers
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:184117
Study programme Title: Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-07-11 15:28:06