Title Percepcija mladih o uslugama digitalnih banaka
Title (english) Youth perception of digital bank services
Author Tin Kaurić
Mentor Tanja Komarac (mentor)
Committee member Tanja Komarac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sunčana Piri Rajh (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Horvat (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Marketing) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract FinTech industrija te digitalne banke kao specifična niša unutar same industrije su relativno novi pojam i još nedovoljno neistraženo područje. Relativno neistraženo područje digitalnih banaka vezano je uz financijske usluge koje one pružaju, a odnosi se na usluge poput slanja i primanja novaca na bankovni račun, štednju i investicije te plaćanja u zemlji i inozemstvu. Prema tome cilj rada je bio istražiti kako mladi, kao segment koji je najviše sklon usvajanju novih inovacija na tržištu, percipiraju digitalne banke i njihove usluge u odnosu na tradicionalne banke, ponudu njihovih usluga u Hrvatskoj, te glavne prednosti i nedostatke usluga digitalnih banaka.U radu je korištena kvalitativna metodologija. U prvoj fazi istraživanja korištena je metoda mentalnih mapa s kojom se nastojalo prikupiti asocijacije na pojam digitalne banke. U drugoj fazi istraživanja korištena je metoda dubinskog intervjua na uzorku mladih koji su korisnici usluga digitalnih banaka. Polustrukturirani posjetnik za intervju korišten je kao instrument istraživanja radi dobivanja dubljeg uvida u istraživanu problematiku. Primarnim istraživanjem su otkrivene pozitivne i neutralne asocijacije. Dodatno, otkrivena je pozitivna percepcija usluga digitalnih banaka kod mladih u Hrvatskoj. Istodobno je otkriveno kako mladi imaju izrazito malo negativnih asocijacija prema uslugama digitalnih banaka te i prethodnih negativnih iskustva u korištenju samih usluga digitalnih banaka. Iako imaju povjerenje u digitalne banke kao financijske institucije, dio mladih izrazio je zabrinutost o pitanju sigurnosti sredstava na računu (zbog moguće krađe). Zanimljiv nalaz istraživanja je vezan uz percepciju tradicionalnih banaka kao digitalnih banaka kod dijela mladih ispitanika. Ograničenja rada vezana su uz metode korištene u radu, odnosno mentalne mape i dubinske intervjue.
Abstract (english) FinTech industry and digital banks (Neobanks) as a specific niche within the industry itself are a relatively new term and still an underexplored area. A relatively unexplored area of digital banks is related to the financial services they provide, which refers to services such as sending and receiving money to a bank account, savings and investments, and payments made within the domestic country and abroad. Accordingly, the aim was to investigate how young people, as the segment most inclined to adopt new innovations on the market, perceive digital banks and their services in comparison to traditional banks, the offer of their services in Croatia, and the main advantages and disadvantages of digital bank services. Qualitative methodology was applied in the work. The research itself was conducted in two parts. In the first part of the research, the method of mental maps was used, with which an effort was made to collect associations with the term digital bank. In the second part of the research, an in-depth interview method was used on a sample of young people who are users of digital bank services. A semi-structured interview form was used as a research instrument to gain a deeper insight into the researched issue. Primary research revealed positive and neutral associations. Additionally, a positive perception of digital bank services among young people in Croatia was revealed. At the same time, it was discovered that young people have only a few negative associations with digital bank services and previous negative experiences of using digital bank services themselves. Although they trust digital banks as financial institutions, some young people expressed concern about the security of account funds (due to possible theft). An interesting research finding is related to the perception of traditional banks as digital banks by part of the young respondents. The limitations of the work are related to the methods used in the work, i.e., mental maps and in-depth interviews.
digitalne banke
mladi korisnici
kvalitativno istraživanje
Keywords (english)
digital banks
young users
qualitative research
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:902346
Study programme Title: Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-09-13 14:10:01