Abstract | Krajem 2019. godine u Kini se pojavila epidemija COVID-19, koja se već početkom 2020. godine
počinje širiti diljem svijeta i prerasta iz epidemije u pandemiju koja značajno utječe na sve aspekte
života. Prije izbijanja pandemije COVID-19 Europska unija je ulagala napore u borbu protiv
klimatskih promjena i postizanja neutralnosti koristeći Europski sustav trgovanja emisijama (EU
ETS) i Europski zeleni plan. EU ETS je sustav koji pokriva oko 36% ukupnih emisija stakleničkih
plinova u Europskoj uniji kao što su proizvodnja električne i toplinske energije, proizvodnja
cementa, željeza i čelika, rafinerije nafte i druge industrijske aktivnosti te zračni promet unutar
europskog gospodarskog prometa. Kako je širenjem pandemije COVID-19 došlo do zatvaranja
tvornica putem javnih politika i stvaranja viška zaliha, emisije stakleničkih plinova iz stacionarnih
izvora bilježe smanjenje od 11,4% što je najveći pad emisija od kada je ETS počeo radom, a taj
pad usporediv je samo sa smanjenjem zabilježenim 2009. godine na vrhuncu financijske krize.
Pandemija je utjecala ne samo na smanjenje emisija stakleničkih plinova, već i na njihovu ponudu,
potražnju i cijene dozvola, te na najvećeg emitera pokrivenog EU ETS-om: zrakoplovni prijevoz.
Stoga je cilj ovog diplomskog rada analizirati utjecaj pandemije COVID-19 na emisije stakleničkih
plinova, na ponudu i potražnju za dozvolama EU ETS-a i na njihove cijene te donijeti zaključak o
značajnosti utjecaja pandemije na ostvarivanje predviđenih ciljeva EU ETS-a. |
Abstract (english) | At the end of 2019, the COVID-19 epidemic appeared in China, which already at the beginning of
2020 startedto spread around the world and grow from an epidemic into a pandemic that
significantly affected all aspects of life. Before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the
European Union made efforts to fight climate changes and achieve climate neutrality sing the
European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and the European Green Plan. The EU ETS
is a system that covers about 36% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union, such
as the production of electricity and thermal energy, the production of cement, iron and steel, oil
refineries and other industrial activities, and air traffic within the European economic area. As the
spread of the COVID-19 pandemic led to the closure of factories through public policies and the
creation of excess stock , greenhouse gas emissions from stationary sources recorded a decrease
of 11.4%, which is the largest decrease in emissions since the ETS began operating, and this
decrease is comparable only with a decrease recorded in 2009 at the height of the financial crisis.
The pandemic affected not only greenhouse gas emissions, but also the supply, demand and prices
of permits, and the largest emitter covered by the EU ETS: aviation. Therefore, the goal of this
thesis is to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on greenhouse gas emissions, on the
supply and demand for EU ETS permits, and on their prices, and to draw a conclusion about the
significance of the impact of the pandemic on the achievement of the intended goals of the EU
ETS. |