Abstract | U ovom se diplomskog rada analizira utjecaj pandemije virusa COVID-19 na promjenu kretanje glavnih sektorskih i financijskih pokazatelja unutar telekomunikacijske industrije u Republici Hrvatskoj. Svrha pisanja rada očituje se u važnosti telekomunikacijske industrije za održivi rast i razvoja gospodarstava, što se ogleda u udjelu prihoda industrije u ukupnom BDP-u od 3 % u zemaljama poput SAD-a, UK-a i Kine. Stoga, nužnost regulacija industrije postaje imperativ. U sklopu rada analiziraju se krovne organizacije u SAD-u, Europskoj Uniji, te Republici Hrvatskoj kojima je cilj liberalizacija tržišta i omogućavanje fer tržišnog natjecanja. S pojavom pandemije COVID-19, potreba za digitalnim načinima komuniciranja je na povijesnom maksimumu.
U analizi telekomunikacijske industrije u Republici Hrvatskoj pružen je uvid u djelovanja Hrvatske regulatorne agencije za mrežne djelatnosti, te kretanje glavnih sektorskih pokazatelja koji izuzev internetskih usluga bilježe lošije stope promjene s pojavom virusa. Potrebno je napomenuti kako se utjecaj pandemije na pružanje usluga interneta osjetio tek u 2021. godini radi tromosti industrije u aspektu izgradnje nove infrastrukture potrebne za održavanje 5G mrežnih sustava. Također se u radu analiziraju glavni konkurenti po prihodima na području Republike Hrvatske, Hrvatski Telekom d.d., A1 Hrvatska d.o.o. i Telemach Hrvatska d.o.o.
Horizontalnom i vertikalnom analizom bilance poduzeća Hrvatski Telekom d.d. može se zaključiti da je došlo do smanjenja ukupne imovine poduzeća nakon pojave virusa, unatoč povećanju udjela ukupne dugotrajne imovine za 3 postotna poena. Kroz analizu računa dobiti i gubitka detektiran je pad neto dobiti u 2020. godini za približno 22%, što je uvjetovano smanjenjem kratkoročnih obveza od 3 postotna poena. Analizom pokazatelja likvidnosti, zaduženosti, aktivnosti i profitabilnosti uvidjela se otpornost poduzeća unatoč nepogodnim promjenama glavnih sektorskih pokazatelja. Svi analizirani pokazatelji bilježe bolje stope promjena nakon pojave virusa, izuzev pokazatelja aktivnosti koji nisu značajno oscilirali. |
Abstract (english) | This thesis analyses the impact of the COVID-19 virus pandemic on the change in the movement of the main sectoral and financial indicators within the telecommunications industry in the Republic of Croatia. The purpose of writing the paper is reflected in the importance of the telecommunications industry for the sustainable growth and development of economies, which is reflected in 3 percent of the industry's revenue in the total GDP of countries such as the USA, the UK and China. Therefore, the necessity of industry regulations becomes imperative. As part of the work, umbrella organizations in the USA, the European Union, and the Republic of Croatia are analysed, whose goal is to liberalize the market and enable fair market competition. With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for digital means of communication is at an all-time high.
In the analysis of the telecommunications industry in the Republic of Croatia, an insight into the activities of the Croatian Regulatory Agency for Network Activities was provided, as well as the movement of the main sector indicators, which, except for Internet services, recorded worse rates of change with the appearance of the virus. It should be noted that the impact of the pandemic on the provision of Internet services was only felt in 2021 due to the sluggishness of the industry in the aspect of building new infrastructure needed to maintain 5G network systems. The paper also analyses the main competitors by revenue in Republic of Croatia which are Hrvatski Telekom d.d., A1 Hrvatska d.o.o. and Telemach Hrvatska d.o.o.
Horizontal and vertical analysis of the balance sheet of Hrvatski Telekom d.d. concludes that there was a decrease in the total assets of the company after the outbreak of the virus, despite the increase in the share of total fixed assets by 3 percentage points. Through the analysis of the profit and loss account, a drop in net profit in 2020 by approximately 22% was detected, which was conditioned by a reduction in short-term liabilities of 3 percentage points. The analysis of indicators of liquidity, indebtedness, activity, and profitability showed the resilience of the company despite unfavourable changes in the main sector indicators. All analysed indicators recorded better rates of change after the emergence of the virus, except for activity indicators that did not fluctuate significantly. |