Abstract | Svaka migracija ima dualan karakter – iz perspektive mjesta iseljavanja govori se o emigraciji, a iz perspektive mjesta useljavanja o imigraciji. U Europskoj uniji s obzirom na izvorište useljavanja migracije se dijele na useljavanje stanovnika iz drugih zemalja članica Europske unije te useljavanje u Europsku uniju iz trećih zemalja. Cilj je ovog rada analizom pokazatelja tržišta rada koji uključuju stopu participacije, stopu zaposlenosti i stopu nezaposlenosti usporediti položaj imigranata na tržištu rada Europske unije u odnosu na domicilno stanovništvo, a poseban osvrt dan je na Hrvatsku. Europsku uniju karakterizira heterogeno tržište rada, ali u prosjeku najviše stope participacije od 2010. do 2021. imale su osobe koje žive u zemlji članici Europske unije različitoj od zemlje članice Europske unije u kojoj su rođene, a najniže osobe rođene u trećim zemljama. Stopa nezaposlenosti od 2010. do 2021. kontinuirano je najniža za domicilno stanovništvo, a najviša za useljenike iz trećih zemalja. Po pitanju stope zaposlenosti, u prosjeku najviše stope zaposlenosti imaju visokoobrazovani muškarci rođeni u zemlji članici Europske unije u kojoj žive, a najniže žene rođene u trećim zemljama. U Hrvatskoj, koja je prvenstveno iseljenička zemlja, od 2017. godine bilježi se porast broja useljenika. Prema dostupnim podacima zaključeno je da najviše stope participacije i zaposlenosti imaju osobe rođene u drugim članicama Europske unije, a najniže žene rođene u trećim zemljama. |
Abstract (english) | Every migration has a dual character - from the perspective of the place of origin of migrants, it is referred to as emigration, and from the perspective of the place of arrival, it is referred to as immigration. In the European Union, there are two groups of immigrants – immigrants from other EU member states and immigrants coming into the European Union from third countries. This paper aims to compare the position of immigrants in the labor market of the European Union to the native population by analyzing labor market indicators, which include the activity rate, the employment rate, and the unemployment rate, with a specific focus on Croatia. Labor market of the European Union is heterogeneous, but between 2010 and 2021 persons born in an EU member state different from the one in which they live recorded the highest activity rates. Activity rates were the lowest for non-EU-born persons. The unemployment rate between 2010 and 2021 was consistently the lowest for the native population, and the highest for immigrants from non-EU countries. Regarding the employment rate, highly educated men born in the member states of the European Union in which they live achieve, on average, the highest employment rates. On the other hand, employment rates are the lowest for women born in non-EU countries. In Croatia, primarily a country of emigration, an increase in the number of immigrants has been recorded since 2017. According to the available data, immigrants born in other EU member states recorded the highest participation and employment rates. On the other hand, the lowest participation and employment rates were among women born in third countries. |