Title Obiteljsko poduzetništvo u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Family entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia
Author Mirna Mitak
Mentor Valentina Vučković (mentor)
Committee member Valentina Vučković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Turuk (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Štulec (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Economic Theory) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Abstract Predmet diplomskog rada je obiteljsko poduzetništvo koje se smatra jednim od najzastupljenijih oblika poduzetništva, te prema tome predstavlja važan element u gospodarstvu Republike Hrvatske. Fokus je na obiteljskom poduzetništvu, razvojnom području koje poduzetnička ponašanja obitelji, članova obitelji i obiteljskih poduzeća uzimajući u obzir moguća međudjelovanja među njima. Obiteljsko poduzeće najčešće osnivaju ljudi kao individualci i njihove obitelji nakon gubitka starog posla ili kako bi stvorili nešto novo i imali nešto svoje. U mnogim je gospodarstvima došlo do oštrog povećanja stope poduzetništva na svim razinama razvoja. Razlog se može pronaći u nedavnim izazovima u globalnom gospodarstvu koje su doveli do smanjenja velikih tradicionalnih organizacija, gurajući mnoge pojedince da traže nove mogućnosti zaposlenja ili novu karijeru perspektiva. Poduzetnička ponašanja su stoga danas od vitalnog značaja, s obzirom na gospodarsku krizu s kojim se kompanije moraju nositi i činjenica da mogu biti posebno korisna za tvrtke koje rade u konkurentnim okruženjima. Upravljanje obiteljskom tvrtkom može biti teško. Otprilike 70% obiteljskih poduzeća propada ili se prodaje prije nego što druga generacija uspije preuzeti poslovanje. Međutim, ako se provedu pravi koraci, obiteljsko poduzeće može narasti i procvjetati u iznimno uspješan entitet. Vođenje obiteljskog posla jedinstvena je prilika koju samo rijetki imaju sreću doživjeti u životu. Od sukoba interesa do ograničenja novih ideja, obiteljska poduzeća suočavaju se s mnogim izazovima. U radu će biti korištena kombinacija različitih metoda koje će osigurati točnost i sigurnost; metoda deskripcije za detaljno opisivanje, metoda klasifikacije koja je uvjet za metode analize i sinteze, a do samih zaključaka će se doći metodom indukcije. Cilj rada je ukazati važnost ovakve vrste poduzetništva u gospodarstvu Republike Hrvatske, te objasniti njegov doprinos sveukupnoj ekonomiji i tržištu. Za postizanje ciljeva rada bit će korišteni sekundarni izvori podataka temeljeni na znanstvenoj i stručnoj literaturi.
Abstract (english) The subject of this master’s thesis is family entrepreneurship, which is considered one of the most represented forms of entrepreneurship, and therefore represents an important element in Croatia’s economy. The focus is on family entrepreneurship, a development area which studies entrepreneurial behavior of families, family members and family businesses, taking into account possible interaction among them. Family businesses are most often founded by individuals and their families after a job loss or to create something new or something of their own. In many economies, there has been a sharp increase in the rate of entrepreneurship at all levels of development. The reason can be found in the recent challenges in the global economy that had led to the downsizing of large traditional organizations, pushing many individuals to look for new employment or career change opportunities. Entrepreneurial behaviors are therefore of vital importance, given the current economic crisis companies are faced with and given the fact that they can be especially useful for companies in competitive environments. Managing a family business can be hard. Roughly 70% of family businesses fail or are sold before the next generation can take over the business. However, if the right steps are taken, a family business can grow and flourish into an extremely successful entity. Running a family business is a unique opportunity that only a few are lucky enough to experience in life. From conflicts of interest to restrictions of new ideas, family businesses face many challenges. The thesis will use a combination of different methods that will ensure accuracy and security; a descriptive method for detailed descriptions, classification method which is a condition for the methods of analysis and synthesis, and the method of induction for the conclusion. The objective of the thesis is to highlight the importance of this type of entrepreneurship in Croatia’s economy and explain its contribution to the overall economy and market. To achieve the objectives of the thesis,secondary sources of information based on scientific and professional literature will be used.
Republika Hrvatska
Keywords (english)
Republic of Croatia
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:426139
Study programme Title: Economics of Entrepreneurship Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni specijalist/specijalistica poduzetništva (stručni specijalist/specijalistica poduzetništva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-09-29 10:00:52