Author Mišo Lukenda
Mentor Ivana Marić (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Marić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Klindžić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Domagoj Hruška (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Organization and Management) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Neprofitne organizacije kao osnovne jedinice civilnoga sektora u 21. stoljeću postale su sve veći predmet istraživanja i analiziranja. Neprofitna organizacija svoju važnost i utjecaj u društvu stječe kreiranjem socijalnog kapitala. Taj socijalni kapital, iako teško mjerljiv, postaje od ključne važnosti za cjelokupno društvo, čineći tako razvoj civilnog društva oznakom za razvijeno društvo u općem smislu. Nakon određenja neprofitne organizacije ovaj rad bavi se pitanjem svrhe neprofitne organizacije. Svrha bi trebala biti temelj djelovanja svake organizacije, a određene posebnosti prate svrhu neprofitne organizacije. Smjer djelovanja za neprofitne organizacije koji ide u stvaranja neekonomskih, odnosno netržišnih vrijednosti stvara određenu razliku u pogledu neprofitne organizacije na svoju svrhu i pogleda koji imaju profitne organizacije. No, jednako tako voditelji neprofitnih organizacija suočeni su sa izazovom usklađivanja svojih društvenih ciljeva i onih ekonomske prirode koji su neophodni. Rastom utjecaja i moći civilnog društva vođe neprofitnih organizacija suočeni su sa potrebom profesionalnog upravljanja i pronalaska stručnih rješenja za ispunjavanje svrha njihovih organizacija. Zbog toga se ovaj rad u prvom dijelu osvrće i na pojam vođenja, stilove vođenja, kao i na specifične karakteristike i osobine potrebne za uspješno vođenje neprofitne organizacije. Budući da je cilj ovog diplomskog rada istraživanje uloge vođenja u ispunjavanju svrhe neprofitne organizacije, drugi dio rada donosi rezultate primarnog istraživanja prigodnog uzorka članova/volontera neprofitne organizacije Nanovo rođeni. Osim ispitivanja uloge vođenja u ispunjavanju svrhe neprofitne organizacije Nanovo rođeni, rad se osvrće i na percepciju ispitanih o konkretnoj uspješnost trenutnog vodstva iste neprofitne organizacije.
Abstract (english) Non-profit organizations as basic units of the civil sector in the 21st century have become an increasing subject of research and analysis. A non-profit organization gains its importance and influence in society by creating social capital. This social capital, although difficult to measure, becomes of key importance for the entire society, thus making the development of civil society a marker for a developed society in general. After defining a non-profit organization, this paper deals with the question of the purpose of a non-profit organization. The purpose should be the basis of the activities of every organization, and certain peculiarities follow the purpose of a non-profit organization. The direction of action for non-profit organizations that go towards the creation of non-economic, non-market values, creates a certain difference in the view of non-profit organizations on their purpose and the view that for-profit organizations have. The leaders of non-profit organizations are equally faced with the challenge of harmonizing their social goals with those of economic nature that are necessary. With the growing influence and power of civil society, leaders of non-profit organizations are faced with the need for professional management and finding professional solutions to fulfill the purpose of their organizations. For this reason, in the first part of this paper, we look at the concept of leadership, leadership styles, as well as the specific characteristics and qualities necessary for the successful management of a non-profit organization. Since the aim of this thesis is to investigate the role of leadership in fulfilling the purpose of a non-profit organization, the second part of the paper presents the results of a primary research of a convenient sample of members/volunteers of the non-profit organization Nanovo rodeni. In addition to examining the role of leadership in fulfilling the purpose of the non-profit organization Nanovo rodeni, the paper also looks at the perception of the respondents about the concrete performance of the current leadership of the same non-profit organization.
neprofitna organizacija
civilno društvo
socijalni kapital
Keywords (english)
non-profit organization
civil society
social capital
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:567194
Study programme Title: Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-10-03 07:54:25